TOEFL ibt 対策!無料のリーディング対策問題120(解説付き)

TOEFL ibt リーディング問題集

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Title: The Ozone Layer: A Fragile Shield Protecting Earth

The ozone layer, a crucial component of Earth’s atmosphere, plays a vital role in protecting life on our planet. Situated in the stratosphere, this layer of ozone molecules shields us from harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation emitted by the sun. The delicate balance of ozone concentrations has, however, been disrupted by human activities, leading to concerns about ozone depletion and its consequences for life on Earth.

Formation and Function:

Ozone (O3) is a molecule composed of three oxygen atoms. The ozone layer forms naturally in the Earth’s stratosphere, primarily through the interaction of solar ultraviolet radiation with molecular oxygen (O2). This process results in the creation of ozone molecules, which, in turn, absorb and block the majority of the sun’s harmful UV radiation from reaching the Earth’s surface.

Protecting Life on Earth:

The significance of the ozone layer lies in its ability to filter out the majority of the sun’s harmful UV-B and UV-C radiation. UV-B and UV-C radiation can cause damage to living organisms by affecting DNA, leading to increased rates of skin cancer, cataracts, and other health issues. The ozone layer acts as a protective shield, allowing life to thrive on Earth by preventing excessive exposure to these harmful rays.

Discovery of Ozone Depletion:

The awareness of ozone depletion and its potential consequences emerged in the latter half of the 20th century. Scientists began observing a decline in ozone concentrations over Antarctica during the spring season. This phenomenon became known as the ozone hole. The discovery raised concerns about the impact of human-made substances on the ozone layer, particularly chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) used in various industrial applications.

Montreal Protocol and International Cooperation:

In response to the growing threat of ozone depletion, the international community took action. The Montreal Protocol, adopted in 1987, marked a historic agreement among nations to phase out the production and consumption of ozone-depleting substances. The protocol has been successful in significantly reducing the emissions of CFCs and other harmful compounds, contributing to the recovery of the ozone layer.

Scientific Monitoring and Assessment:

Scientific efforts to monitor the ozone layer’s status have been ongoing. Satellite-based observations and ground-based measurements contribute to a comprehensive understanding of ozone concentrations and the effectiveness of international efforts to curb ozone-depleting substances. The scientific community continues to assess the ozone layer’s recovery and any potential emerging threats.

The Ozone Hole and Seasonal Variations:

The ozone hole, first identified over Antarctica, exhibits seasonal variations. It reaches its maximum size during the Southern Hemisphere’s spring, a period when the combination of sunlight, low temperatures, and the presence of ozone-depleting substances leads to significant ozone loss. While the ozone hole’s size has fluctuated, international efforts have contributed to a gradual reduction.

Impacts on Human Health:

Ozone depletion has direct implications for human health. Increased exposure to UV radiation due to ozone depletion is associated with higher rates of skin cancer, cataracts, and other adverse health effects. The importance of protecting the ozone layer extends beyond environmental concerns to safeguarding human well-being.

Global Efforts and Challenges:

While the Montreal Protocol has achieved considerable success, challenges remain. Some ozone-depleting substances have long atmospheric lifetimes, contributing to delays in the ozone layer’s recovery. Additionally, new substances with ozone-depleting potential continue to emerge, requiring ongoing vigilance and international cooperation.

The Role of Public Awareness:

Public awareness and understanding of the ozone layer’s importance are crucial for sustaining global efforts. Education campaigns and outreach initiatives have aimed to inform the public about the causes and consequences of ozone depletion, encouraging responsible choices and actions to protect the ozone layer.

Future Outlook and Continued Vigilance:

The recovery of the ozone layer is an ongoing process that requires sustained efforts and vigilance. Continued international cooperation, scientific monitoring, and adherence to protocols will be essential to ensuring the ozone layer’s restoration. Additionally, addressing emerging challenges, such as the potential impact of climate change on ozone recovery, will be integral to safeguarding this vital shield for generations to come.


1. What is the ozone layer’s primary function in the Earth’s atmosphere?

A) Absorbing carbon dioxide
B) Shielding from UV radiation
C) Generating ozone-depleting substances
D) Creating a protective barrier against asteroids

2. How is ozone formed in the Earth’s stratosphere?

A) Through volcanic activity
B) Interaction with solar UV radiation
C) Combustion of fossil fuels
D) Condensation of water vapor

3. When did scientists first observe a decline in ozone concentrations over Antarctica?

A) Early 19th century
B) Mid-20th century
C) Late 20th century
D) Early 21st century

4. What is the primary cause of the ozone hole over Antarctica?

A) Natural climate variations
B) Emissions from volcanic eruptions
C) Seasonal changes in ozone production
D) Human-made substances like CFCs

5. Which international agreement aimed to phase out ozone-depleting substances?

A) Paris Agreement
B) Kyoto Protocol
C) Montreal Protocol
D) Geneva Convention

6. What methods are used to monitor the status of the ozone layer?

A) Ground-based measurements and satellite observations
B) Underwater drones and seismic activity analysis
C) Radioactive isotope tracking
D) Weather balloon data collection

7. During which season does the ozone hole over Antarctica reach its maximum size?

A) Summer
B) Autumn
C) Winter
D) Spring

8. How does ozone depletion impact human health?

A) Reducing the risk of skin cancer
B) Enhancing the immune system
C) Increasing the risk of cataracts and skin cancer
D) Improving overall well-being

9. What is a challenge in the recovery of the ozone layer despite the success of the Montreal Protocol?

A) Rapid recovery due to short atmospheric lifetimes of substances
B) Ongoing emissions of ozone-depleting substances
C) Lack of international cooperation
D) Limited scientific understanding of ozone depletion

10. Why is public awareness of the ozone layer’s importance considered crucial?

A) To promote ozone-depleting activities
B) To discourage responsible choices
C) To sustain global efforts for protection
D) To increase emissions of harmful substances



  1. B) Shielding from UV radiation
  2. B) Interaction with solar UV radiation
  3. C) Late 20th century
  4. D) Human-made substances like CFCs
  5. C) Montreal Protocol
  6. A) Ground-based measurements and satellite observations
  7. D) Spring
  8. C) Increasing the risk of cataracts and skin cancer
  9. B) Ongoing emissions of ozone-depleting substances
  10. C) To sustain global efforts for protection


Title: オゾン層:地球を守るもろい盾
























