
英語長文問題で読み解く流体力学-30: 流体力学の重要テーマを英語で読み解く 英語長文問題で読み解く学問シリーズ
英語長文で読み解く流体力学-30 の中身を公開!
1.流体力学 – 流体の運動や力に関する科学的研究。
2.流体 – 流動性を持ち、固体とは異なり形状が一定でない物質(液体や気体)。
3.層流 – 流体が規則的に平行に流れる状態。
4.乱流 – 流体が不規則に混ざり合って流れる状態。
5.粘性 – 流体の内部抵抗を示す特性、流動に対する摩擦力のようなもの。
6.ニュートン流体 – せん断応力が速度勾配に比例する流体。
7.圧力 – 流体が単位面積に対して作用する力。
8.ベルヌーイの定理 – 流体の速度が増加すると圧力が減少するという原理。
9.ナビエ–ストークス方程式 – 流体の運動を記述する基本的な方程式。
10.連続の式 – 質量保存則を流体に適用した方程式。
11.オイラー方程式 – 粘性が無視できる流体の運動を記述する方程式。
12.流線 – 流体の流れを視覚化した仮想の線。
13.流束 – 単位時間あたりに流れる流体の量。
14.レイノルズ数 – 流体の層流と乱流を区別する無次元数。
15.フルード数 – 重力の影響が重要な流れを評価するための無次元数。
16.キャビテーション – 流体内で圧力が低下し、気泡が発生する現象。
17.境界層 – 流体が固体表面を流れるとき、表面近くの流れが粘性によって減速する領域。
18.流体抵抗 – 流体中で物体が移動する際に受ける抵抗力。
19.揚力 – 流体中で物体が上向きに受ける力、特に航空機の翼で重要。
20.圧縮性 – 流体の体積が圧力によって変化する特性。
21.等温過程 – 温度が一定の条件下での流体の変化。
22.運動量保存則 – 外力が加わらない限り、流体の運動量は一定であるという法則。
23.パスカルの原理 – 閉じた容器内の流体に加えられた圧力は全体に均等に伝わるという原理。
24.アルキメデスの原理 – 流体中にある物体が受ける浮力は、物体が排除した流体の重さに等しい。
25.動圧 – 流体の運動によって生じる圧力。
26.表面張力 – 流体の表面ができるだけ小さな面積を取ろうとする性質。
27.毛細管現象 – 細い管内で流体が自発的に上昇または下降する現象。
28.渦流 – 流体の回転運動によって生じる流れ。
29.カルマン渦 – 流れが物体を通過するときに形成される規則的な渦列。
30.ショックウェーブ – 超音速で移動する流体中で発生する急激な圧力変化。
1.流体力学 – 流体の運動や力に関する科学的研究。
Fluid Mechanics: The Science of Flow
Have you ever wondered how airplanes fly, how water flows through pipes, or why some objects float while others sink? These phenomena and many more are explained by the fascinating field of fluid mechanics. In this article, we’ll explore what fluid mechanics is, why it’s important, and how it applies to the world around us.
What is Fluid Mechanics?
Fluid mechanics is the branch of physics that deals with the behavior of fluids (liquids and gases) at rest and in motion. It’s a vast and complex field that combines principles from physics, mathematics, and engineering to understand and predict how fluids behave under various conditions.
But what exactly is a fluid? In scientific terms, a fluid is a substance that can flow and change shape when force is applied to it. This includes both liquids (like water) and gases (like air). Unlike solids, fluids don’t have a fixed shape and will conform to the shape of their container.
Key Concepts in Fluid Mechanics
To understand fluid mechanics, we need to grasp some fundamental concepts:
- Density: This is the mass of fluid per unit volume. For example, water has a density of about 1000 kg/m³ at room temperature.
- Pressure: This is the force exerted by a fluid per unit area. Pressure can vary within a fluid, especially due to gravity or when the fluid is in motion.
- Viscosity: This is a measure of a fluid’s resistance to flow. Honey, for instance, has a higher viscosity than water.
- Flow Rate: This is the volume of fluid that passes a point in a given time. It’s crucial in designing systems like water pipes or oil pipelines.
Types of Fluid Flow
Fluid mechanics deals with two main types of fluid flow:
- Laminar Flow: This is smooth, predictable flow where layers of fluid slide past each other without mixing. Imagine honey slowly pouring from a jar – that’s laminar flow.
- Turbulent Flow: This is chaotic, unpredictable flow with rapid velocity fluctuations and mixing. Think of a fast-moving river with swirls and eddies – that’s turbulent flow.
Understanding these flow types is crucial in many applications, from designing efficient pipelines to predicting weather patterns.
Real-World Applications of Fluid Mechanics
Fluid mechanics has a wide range of practical applications:
- Aerospace Engineering: It helps in designing aircraft and spacecraft, understanding how air flows over wings to create lift.
- Civil Engineering: It’s used in designing water supply systems, dams, and sewage treatment plants.
- Meteorology: Understanding fluid mechanics is crucial for predicting weather patterns and climate change.
- Biomedical Engineering: It helps in understanding blood flow in the body and designing artificial hearts.
- Environmental Science: It’s used to study ocean currents, pollution dispersal, and groundwater flow.
An Everyday Example: The Bernoulli Effect
Let’s look at a simple example of fluid mechanics in action: the Bernoulli effect. Named after Daniel Bernoulli, this principle states that an increase in the speed of a fluid occurs simultaneously with a decrease in pressure or a decrease in the fluid’s potential energy.
You can see the Bernoulli effect in action when you use a spray bottle. When you squeeze the trigger, you force air to move quickly through a narrow opening. This fast-moving air has lower pressure than the surrounding air. The difference in pressure pulls the liquid up the tube and out of the nozzle as a fine spray.
The same principle helps explain how airplane wings generate lift. The shape of the wing causes air to move faster over the top than the bottom, creating a pressure difference that lifts the plane.
Challenges in Fluid Mechanics
While fluid mechanics can explain many phenomena, it also presents some challenges:
- Complexity: Fluid behavior can be highly complex, especially in turbulent flow situations.
- Measurement: It can be difficult to measure fluid properties without disturbing the flow.
- Scale Effects: Behavior observed in small-scale models doesn’t always accurately predict behavior at full scale.
Fluid mechanics is a fascinating field that helps us understand and predict the behavior of liquids and gases. From the flow of blood in our veins to the movement of air around a jet, fluid mechanics plays a crucial role in many aspects of our lives and technologies.
As we continue to face challenges like climate change, efficient energy use, and advanced medical treatments, the principles of fluid mechanics will be increasingly important. Whether you’re a student considering a career in engineering or simply curious about the world around you, understanding the basics of fluid mechanics can provide valuable insights into how our physical world works.
- Fluid mechanics (流体力学): 液体や気体の挙動を研究する物理学の一分野。
- Density (密度): 単位体積あたりの質量。物質の濃さを表す。
- Pressure (圧力): 単位面積あたりに加わる力。
- Viscosity (粘性): 流体の流れにくさを表す性質。
- Flow rate (流量): 一定時間内に特定の点を通過する流体の体積。
- Laminar flow (層流): 流体が層を成して滑らかに流れる状態。
- Turbulent flow (乱流): 流体が不規則に混ざり合って流れる状態。
- Aerospace engineering (航空宇宙工学): 航空機や宇宙船の設計に関する工学。
- Meteorology (気象学): 大気現象を研究する科学。
- Bernoulli effect (ベルヌーイ効果): 流体の速度が上がると圧力が下がる現象。
- What is the main subject of fluid mechanics?
A) The study of solids
B) The behavior of liquids and gases
C) The design of aircraft
D) Weather prediction - Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a key concept in fluid mechanics?
A) Density
B) Pressure
C) Temperature
D) Viscosity - What is the difference between laminar flow and turbulent flow?
A) Laminar flow is faster than turbulent flow
B) Turbulent flow is more predictable than laminar flow
C) Laminar flow is smooth and predictable, while turbulent flow is chaotic
D) Turbulent flow only occurs in liquids, not in gases - According to the passage, what is viscosity?
A) The mass of a fluid
B) The volume of a fluid
C) A fluid’s resistance to flow
D) The speed of a fluid - Which field is NOT mentioned as an application of fluid mechanics?
A) Aerospace Engineering
B) Civil Engineering
C) Computer Science
D) Biomedical Engineering - What does the Bernoulli effect state?
A) Fluids always flow from high pressure to low pressure
B) An increase in fluid speed occurs with an increase in pressure
C) An increase in fluid speed occurs with a decrease in pressure
D) The viscosity of a fluid increases as its speed increases - How does the passage explain the functioning of a spray bottle?
A) It uses high pressure to push liquid out
B) It relies on the Bernoulli effect
C) It uses turbulent flow to mix the liquid
D) It increases the viscosity of the liquid - What is mentioned as a challenge in fluid mechanics?
A) Lack of real-world applications
B) Simplicity of fluid behavior
C) Difficulty in measuring fluid properties without disturbing the flow
D) Limited use in engineering fields - According to the passage, why is understanding fluid mechanics important for climate change studies?
A) It helps in designing more efficient aircraft
B) It’s crucial for predicting weather patterns
C) It’s used in building dams
D) It helps in understanding blood flow - What does the passage suggest about the future importance of fluid mechanics?
A) It will become less important as technology advances
B) It will be crucial in addressing challenges like climate change and efficient energy use
C) It will only be important in aerospace engineering
D) Its importance will remain the same as it is now
- 流体力学の主な研究対象は何ですか?
A) 固体の研究
B) 液体と気体の挙動
C) 航空機の設計
D) 天気予報
答え: B
説明: 本文の冒頭で、「Fluid mechanics is the branch of physics that deals with the behavior of fluids (liquids and gases) at rest and in motion.(流体力学は、静止状態および運動状態にある流体(液体と気体)の挙動を扱う物理学の一分野です)」と明確に述べられています。これは選択肢Bに直接対応します。
- 次のうち、流体力学の主要な概念として言及されていないものはどれですか?
A) 密度
B) 圧力
C) 温度
D) 粘性
答え: C
説明: 本文の「Key Concepts in Fluid Mechanics」セクションでは、密度、圧力、粘性、流量が主要な概念として挙げられていますが、温度については言及されていません。
- 層流と乱流の違いは何ですか?
A) 層流は乱流より速い
B) 乱流は層流より予測可能
C) 層流は滑らかで予測可能、乱流は不規則
D) 乱流は液体でのみ発生し、気体では発生しない
答え: C
説明: 本文では、「Laminar Flow: This is smooth, predictable flow where layers of fluid slide past each other without mixing.(層流:これは滑らかで予測可能な流れで、流体の層が混ざり合うことなく互いに滑り過ぎます)」と「Turbulent Flow: This is chaotic, unpredictable flow with rapid velocity fluctuations and mixing.(乱流:これは急激な速度変動と混合を伴う不規則で予測不可能な流れです)」と説明されています。これは選択肢Cに最もよく一致します。
- 本文によると、粘性とは何ですか?
A) 流体の質量
B) 流体の体積
C) 流体の流れに対する抵抗
D) 流体の速度
答え: C
説明: 本文では、「Viscosity: This is a measure of a fluid’s resistance to flow.(粘性:これは流体の流れに対する抵抗の尺度です)」と明確に定義されています。これは選択肢Cに直接対応します。
- 次のうち、流体力学の応用分野として言及されていないのはどれですか?
A) 航空宇宙工学
B) 土木工学
C) コンピューターサイエンス
D) 生物医学工学
答え: C
説明: 本文の「Real-World Applications of Fluid Mechanics」セクションでは、航空宇宙工学、土木工学、気象学、生物医学工学、環境科学が応用分野として挙げられていますが、コンピューターサイエンスについては言及されていません。

英語長文問題で読み解く流体力学-30: 流体力学の重要テーマを英語で読み解く 英語長文問題で読み解く学問シリーズ
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