
英語長文問題で読み解く健康心理学-30: 健康心理学の重要テーマを英語で読み解く 英語長文問題で読み解く学問シリーズ
英語長文で読み解く健康心理学-30 の中身を公開!
1.ストレス – 身体や心に負担がかかる状態や反応。
2.コーピング – ストレスや困難に対処するための方法。
3.健康信念モデル – 健康行動に影響を与える信念の枠組み。
4.セルフエフィカシー – 自分が特定の行動を実行できるという信念。
5.行動変容 – 健康行動を改善するための行動の変化。
6.病気の認識 – 個人が病気についてどのように考えるか。
7.レジリエンス – 困難から回復する力。
8.認知行動療法 – 思考や行動を変えることで健康を改善する療法。
9.ヘルスコミュニケーション – 健康に関する情報の伝達や理解。
10.リラクゼーション法 – ストレス緩和のための技術。
11.心理的ウェルビーイング – 精神的な健康状態。
12.健康の社会的決定要因 – 社会的環境が健康に与える影響。
13.自己管理 – 健康問題に対する自己管理能力。
14.健康行動理論 – 健康行動に関する理論的枠組み。
15.運動の心理的効果 – 運動が心に与える影響。
16.医療不安 – 医療に対する不安や恐怖。
17.免疫システムと心理 – 心理状態が免疫機能に与える影響。
18.メンタルヘルス促進 – 精神的健康を維持・促進するための方法。
19.薬物依存 – 特定の薬物や物質への依存状態。
20.ポジティブ心理学 – ポジティブな側面を重視した心理学の分野。
21.病気のスティグマ – 病気に対する偏見や差別。
22.医療従事者のバーンアウト – 医療従事者の燃え尽き症候群。
23.慢性疾患と心理 – 慢性疾患が心に与える影響。
24.依存症の心理学 – 依存行動の心理的要因。
25.行動変容技法 – 行動を変えるための心理学的技法。
26.自己肯定感 – 自分を肯定的に評価する感覚が健康に与える影響。
27.危機介入 – 急性の精神的危機に対処する方法。
28.栄養と心理 – 食生活が心理や行動に与える影響。
29.災害心理学 – 災害が心理に与える影響と対策。
30.ヘルスリテラシー – 健康情報を理解・活用する能力。
1.ストレス – 身体や心に負担がかかる状態や反応。
Understanding and Managing Stress in Modern Life
Stress has become an increasingly prevalent aspect of modern life, affecting millions of people worldwide. While many view stress purely as a negative force, research in health psychology suggests that our understanding and management of stress can significantly impact its effects on our physical and mental well-being. This complex psychological and physiological response has evolved as a survival mechanism, but in today’s fast-paced world, it often manifests in ways that can either help or hinder our daily functioning.
When we encounter a stressful situation, our body initiates what scientists call the “fight-or-flight” response. This automatic reaction begins in the amygdala, a part of the brain that processes emotions, which then signals the hypothalamus to release stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones prepare the body for immediate action by increasing heart rate, elevating blood pressure, and sharpening focus. While this response was crucial for our ancestors facing physical threats, today it often occurs in response to psychological challenges, such as work deadlines, financial concerns, or relationship difficulties.
Interestingly, research has shown that not all stress is harmful. Psychologists distinguish between two types of stress: eustress and distress. Eustress, or positive stress, can enhance motivation, improve performance, and lead to personal growth. For example, the stress of preparing for a job interview might drive someone to research thoroughly and practice their responses, ultimately leading to better performance. Similarly, the stress of training for a marathon can push athletes to achieve their physical best. However, distress, or negative stress, occurs when the demands placed on an individual exceed their perceived ability to cope.
The impact of chronic stress on health has been well-documented through numerous studies. Long-term exposure to stress hormones can lead to various health problems, including cardiovascular disease, weakened immune system, and digestive issues. For instance, a study conducted at a major university found that students experiencing high levels of academic stress showed significantly reduced immune function during examination periods, making them more susceptible to illnesses. Additionally, chronic stress has been linked to mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression.
However, recent research has revealed that our perception of stress plays a crucial role in how it affects us. A groundbreaking study conducted over eight years found that people who viewed stress as harmful had a 43% increased risk of premature death. Conversely, those who viewed stress as a natural response that helped them meet challenges showed no such increased risk. This suggests that changing our mindset about stress could be as important as reducing stress itself.
Effective stress management involves various strategies that can be tailored to individual needs. Physical exercise has proven to be one of the most effective methods, as it helps reduce stress hormones while releasing endorphins, the body’s natural mood elevators. Regular meditation and mindfulness practices have also shown remarkable benefits in reducing stress levels. A study of corporate employees who practiced mindfulness for just 10 minutes daily reported a 32% reduction in stress levels after eight weeks.
Social support also plays a vital role in stress management. When we experience stress, our bodies release oxytocin, often called the “bonding hormone.” This hormone encourages us to seek support from others and actually helps heart cells recover from stress-induced damage. For example, individuals who maintain strong social connections typically show better resilience to stress and recover more quickly from stressful events.
The workplace has become a significant source of stress for many people, leading some organizations to implement stress management programs. Companies that have adopted such programs report reduced absenteeism, increased productivity, and improved employee satisfaction. One notable example is a tech company that introduced flexible working hours and meditation rooms, resulting in a 25% decrease in reported stress levels among employees and a 15% increase in productivity.
Understanding and managing stress effectively has become essential in our modern world. By recognizing that stress is a natural response that can be harnessed positively, developing appropriate coping strategies, and maintaining strong social connections, we can better navigate life’s challenges while protecting our physical and mental health.
- Amygdala (扁桃体)
説明:脳の中にある感情処理を担当する部分。特に恐怖や不安などの感情反応に関与する。 - Hypothalamus (視床下部)
説明:脳の一部で、ホルモンの分泌やストレス反応の制御を行う重要な器官。 - Cortisol (コルチゾール)
説明:主要なストレスホルモンの一つ。副腎皮質から分泌される。 - Adrenaline (アドレナリン)
説明:ストレス時に分泌されるホルモンで、心拍数増加などの急性ストレス反応を引き起こす。 - Eustress (ユーストレス)
説明:ポジティブなストレスのこと。モチベーションを高め、成長を促す良性のストレス。 - Distress (ディストレス)
説明:ネガティブなストレスのこと。心身に悪影響を及ぼす有害なストレス。 - Cardiovascular (心血管の)
説明:心臓と血管に関連する医学用語。 - Immune system (免疫系)
説明:体を病気から守る防御システム。 - Mindfulness (マインドフルネス)
説明:今この瞬間の体験に意図的に注意を向け、評価せずに観察する心理的技法。 - Oxytocin (オキシトシン)
説明:信頼や愛着に関連するホルモン。「絆ホルモン」とも呼ばれる。 - Resilience (レジリエンス)
説明:ストレスや困難から回復する力、精神的回復力。 - Absenteeism (欠勤)
- What is the main purpose of the stress response in humans?
A) To increase productivity at work
B) To prepare the body for immediate action
C) To help people sleep better
D) To improve social relationships - According to the passage, how does the amygdala contribute to the stress response?
A) It releases cortisol directly into the bloodstream
B) It processes emotions and signals the hypothalamus
C) It increases heart rate and blood pressure
D) It produces endorphins to combat stress - What distinguishes eustress from distress?
A) Eustress is more intense than distress
B) Eustress lasts longer than distress
C) Eustress can lead to positive outcomes while distress is harmful
D) Eustress affects physical health while distress affects mental health - Based on the research mentioned in the passage, what factor significantly influences the health impact of stress?
A) The amount of exercise a person does
B) The person’s age and gender
C) Their perception of stress
D) Their social status - How does social support help in managing stress according to the passage?
A) It reduces the production of stress hormones
B) It eliminates the need for other stress management techniques
C) It triggers oxytocin release that helps heart cells recover
D) It prevents the initial stress response - What was the result of the eight-year study mentioned in the passage?
A) All stress leads to premature death
B) People who viewed stress negatively had higher mortality risk
C) Stress reduction techniques extended life expectancy
D) Exercise was the most effective stress management tool - According to the passage, what effect did mindfulness practice have on corporate employees?
A) It increased their working hours
B) It reduced stress levels by 32%
C) It improved their job satisfaction by 25%
D) It eliminated all workplace stress - How does exercise help in managing stress?
A) It increases stress hormone production
B) It reduces stress hormones and releases endorphins
C) It improves social connections only
D) It prevents all future stress - What example of workplace stress management is provided in the passage?
A) Mandatory exercise programs
B) Reduced working hours
C) Flexible working hours and meditation rooms
D) Financial counseling services - What is described as an effect of chronic stress on health?
A) Improved cardiovascular function
B) Strengthened immune system
C) Enhanced mental clarity
D) Weakened immune system
- 人間のストレス反応の主な目的は何ですか?
A) 仕事の生産性を上げること
B) 身体を即座の行動に備えさせること
C) 睡眠の質を改善すること
D) 社会的関係を改善すること
【解説】本文中で、ストレス反応は「fight-or-flight response(闘争逃走反応)」として説明されており、身体を即座の行動に備えさせる反応であると述べられています。特に「These hormones prepare the body for immediate action」という記述が直接的な根拠となります。
- 本文によると、扁桃体はストレス反応にどのように貢献していますか?
A) コルチゾールを直接血流に放出する
B) 感情を処理し、視床下部に信号を送る
C) 心拍数と血圧を上昇させる
D) ストレスと戦うためのエンドルフィンを生産する
【解説】本文では「This automatic reaction begins in the amygdala, a part of the brain that processes emotions, which then signals the hypothalamus」と明確に述べられています。扁桃体は感情を処理し、その後視床下部に信号を送る役割を果たしています。
- ユーストレスとディストレスの違いは何ですか?
A) ユーストレスはディストレスよりも強い
B) ユーストレスはディストレスよりも長く続く
C) ユーストレスはポジティブな結果をもたらすが、ディストレスは有害である
D) ユーストレスは身体的健康に、ディストレスは精神的健康に影響を与える
【解説】本文では、ユーストレス(eustress)は「can enhance motivation, improve performance, and lead to personal growth」と説明されており、一方でディストレス(distress)は「occurs when the demands placed on an individual exceed their perceived ability to cope」と説明されています。このことから、ユーストレスはポジティブな結果をもたらし、ディストレスは有害であることが明確に示されています。
- 本文で言及されている研究によると、ストレスが健康に与える影響を大きく左右する要因は何ですか?
A) 運動量
B) 年齢と性別
C) ストレスに対する認識
D) 社会的地位
【解説】本文では、「people who viewed stress as harmful had a 43% increased risk of premature death. Conversely, those who viewed stress as a natural response that helped them meet challenges showed no such increased risk」と述べられています。これは、ストレスに対する個人の認識(perception)が健康への影響を大きく左右することを示しています。
- 本文によると、社会的サポートはストレス管理にどのように役立ちますか?
A) ストレスホルモンの産生を減少させる
B) 他のストレス管理技術の必要性をなくす
C) オキシトシンの放出を引き起こし、心臓細胞の回復を助ける
D) 初期のストレス反応を防ぐ
【解説】本文では「When we experience stress, our bodies release oxytocin…This hormone encourages us to seek support from others and actually helps heart cells recover from stress-induced damage」と説明されています。社会的サポートはオキシトシンの放出を促し、それが心臓細胞のストレスからの回復を助けるという関係が明確に示されています。

英語長文問題で読み解く健康心理学-30: 健康心理学の重要テーマを英語で読み解く 英語長文問題で読み解く学問シリーズ
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