TOEFL ibt 対策!無料のリーディング対策問題76(解説付き)

TOEFL ibt リーディング問題集

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Title: The Solar System: A Celestial Family of Planets and Beyond

The solar system, a vast expanse of space and celestial bodies, has long captivated human curiosity. At its center is the Sun, a blazing star that provides heat and light to the planets and other objects that orbit around it. The solar system consists of a variety of intriguing components, including planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and more. Understanding its complexity and beauty has been a fundamental pursuit of astronomy and space science.

The Sun: Our Radiant Star

The Sun, a massive ball of superheated gas primarily composed of hydrogen and helium, is the central and dominant figure in the solar system. It exerts an immense gravitational force that keeps all the planets and other objects in its orbit. The Sun’s energy is generated through a process known as nuclear fusion, where hydrogen atoms fuse to form helium, releasing a tremendous amount of energy in the process. This energy radiates into space, bathing the solar system in light and heat.

The Planets: Our Cosmic Neighbors

The solar system boasts a family of eight major planets, each with its own unique characteristics. These planets can be categorized into two groups: terrestrial (rocky) planets and gas giants. The four terrestrial planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, are composed mainly of rock and metal. They have solid surfaces and relatively thin atmospheres. The gas giants, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, are primarily composed of hydrogen and helium and lack solid surfaces. These planets are known for their stunning ring systems and numerous moons.

Moons, Asteroids, and Comets: The Solar System’s Satellites

In addition to planets, the solar system is home to numerous moons, which are natural satellites that orbit planets. Moons come in various sizes and exhibit diverse features, from the rugged surface of Earth’s Moon to the icy geysers of Enceladus, a moon of Saturn.

Asteroids are rocky objects that orbit the Sun and are primarily found in the asteroid belt, a region between Mars and Jupiter. Some asteroids are significant in size and have been the subject of exploration by spacecraft.

Comets, on the other hand, are icy bodies that originate from the distant reaches of the solar system. When a comet approaches the Sun, it develops a glowing coma and often a visible tail due to the sublimation of its ices. Comets have fascinated astronomers throughout history, and their appearances in the night sky have been both awe-inspiring and occasionally foreboding.

Space Exploration: Unveiling the Mysteries

Humans have made remarkable strides in exploring the solar system. Spacecraft and robotic rovers have visited many of the planets and their moons, capturing breathtaking images and valuable data. The exploration of Mars, for instance, has revealed evidence of past water flows and the potential for life. The study of Saturn’s moon Titan has unveiled lakes and rivers of liquid methane and ethane, resembling Earth’s hydrological cycle in an alien environment.

Furthermore, space telescopes like the Hubble Space Telescope have provided stunning views of distant galaxies, nebulae, and other celestial phenomena, expanding our understanding of the universe beyond our solar system.

The Solar System’s Mysteries and Ongoing Exploration

Despite our significant advances in understanding the solar system, many mysteries remain. The search for extraterrestrial life, the study of planetary atmospheres, and the exploration of distant Kuiper Belt objects are just a few ongoing endeavors. As technology continues to evolve, humanity’s knowledge of our celestial neighborhood will undoubtedly expand, continuing to inspire wonder and fascination for generations to come.


  1. What is the primary source of energy in the solar system?
    A) Nuclear fission
    B) Nuclear fusion
    C) Chemical reactions
    D) Gravitational energy
  2. Which of the following planets is not a gas giant?
    A) Jupiter
    B) Saturn
    C) Uranus
    D) Earth
  3. What is the region between Mars and Jupiter primarily known for?
    A) Gas giants
    B) Terrestrial planets
    C) Asteroids
    D) Comets
  4. What is a comet’s glowing coma and visible tail primarily caused by?
    A) The presence of extraterrestrial life
    B) The sublimation of its ices
    C) Its collision with other celestial bodies
    D) Magnetic fields
  5. What celestial objects are considered natural satellites that orbit planets?
    A) Comets
    B) Stars
    C) Moons
    D) Asteroids
  6. What does the Kuiper Belt refer to in the solar system?
    A) A region of gas giants
    B) A ring around Saturn
    C) A region of icy objects beyond Neptune
    D) A group of terrestrial planets
  7. What have space telescopes like the Hubble Space Telescope contributed to in astronomy?
    A) The exploration of Mars
    B) The study of planetary atmospheres
    C) The understanding of distant galaxies
    D) The search for extraterrestrial life
  8. What is the central and dominant figure in the solar system?
    A) A gas giant
    B) A comet
    C) The Sun
    D) The Earth
  9. What is the process by which the Sun generates energy?
    A) Nuclear fusion
    B) Nuclear fission
    C) Chemical reactions
    D) Gravitational collapse


  1. 太陽系の主要なエネルギー源は何ですか?
    A) 核分裂
    B) 核融合
    C) 化学反応
    D) 重力エネルギー
    正解: B) 核融合
    説明: 太陽は主に水素とヘリウムから成る高温のガス球で、そのエネルギーは水素原子がヘリウムに融合する核融合というプロセスによって生成されます。
  2. 以下のうち、ガスジャイアントではない惑星はどれですか?
    A) 木星
    B) 土星
    C) 天王星
    D) 地球
    正解: D) 地球
    説明: 地球は岩と金属で主に構成される地球型惑星で、ガスジャイアントではありません。ガスジャイアントは主に水素とヘリウムから成ります。
  3. 火星と木星の間の領域は何に主に知られていますか?
    A) ガスジャイアント
    B) 地球型惑星
    C) 小惑星
    D) 彗星
    正解: C) 小惑星
    説明: 火星と木星の間には、多くの岩石の小天体が存在し、これが小惑星帯として知られています。
  4. 彗星の発光するコマと見えるしっぽは、主に何によって引き起こされますか?
    A) 地球外生命体の存在
    B) その氷の昇華による
    C) 他の天体との衝突による
    D) 磁場による
    正解: B) その氷の昇華による
    説明: 彗星が太陽に近づくと、彼らの氷が昇華し、これがコマとしっぽを形成します。
  5. 天体の中で、惑星の周りを周回する自然な衛星は何ですか?
    A) 彗星
    B) 星
    C) 月
    D) 小惑星
    正解: C) 月
    説明: 月は地球の自然な衛星で、他の惑星にもそれぞれの月がありますが、これらは「月」または「衛星」と呼ばれます。
  6. クイパーベルトとは、太陽系内の何を指しますか?
    A) ガスジャイアントの領域
    B) 土星の輪
    C) 冥王星の軌道
    D) 海王星から遠くにある氷の天体の領域
    正解: D) 海王星から遠くにある氷の天体の領域
    説明: クイパーベルトは、太陽系の海王星から遠くに位置し、氷の天体が多く存在する領域です。
  7. ハッブル宇宙望遠鏡のような宇宙望遠鏡は、天文学のどの分野に貢献しましたか?
    A) 火星の探査
    B) 惑星の大気の研究 C) 遠くの銀河の理解
    D) 地球外生命体の探索
    正解: C) 遠くの銀河の理解
    説明: ハッブル宇宙望遠鏡は、遠くの銀河、星雲、および他の天体の詳細な観測を可能にし、宇宙の理解を深めました。
  8. 太陽系の中心的で支配的な存在は何ですか?
    A) ガスジャイアント
    B) 彗星
    C) 太陽
    D) 地球
    正解: C) 太陽
    説明: 太陽は太陽系の中心にあり、巨大な質量と重力を持つ星です。
  9. 太陽はどのようなプロセスによってエネルギーを生成していますか?
    A) 核融合
    B) 核分裂
    C) 化学反応
    D) 重力収縮
    正解: A) 核融合
    説明: 太陽は水素原子がヘリウムに融合する核融合プロセスによってエネルギーを生成しています。


Title: 太陽系:惑星とそれ以上の天体からなる神秘の一族

















