TOEFL ibt 対策!無料のリーディング対策問題65(解説付き)

TOEFL ibt リーディング問題集

TOEFL ibt リーディングテストのスコアを改善するには…



Title: Population Growth and its Impacts

Population growth is a key concern in the field of demography and has significant implications for various aspects of society and the environment. Understanding the dynamics of population growth and its impacts is essential for sustainable development and effective policymaking.

One important concept in population dynamics is the population growth rate, which is the rate at which the size of a population changes over time. It is determined by the difference between birth rates and death rates, as well as the effects of migration. High birth rates, low death rates, and significant immigration can lead to rapid population growth, while low birth rates, high death rates, and emigration can result in population decline.

Population growth can have both positive and negative impacts. On the positive side, a growing population can contribute to economic growth, innovation, and cultural diversity. However, rapid population growth can also strain resources, increase pollution, and put pressure on infrastructure and social services. It is important to find a balance between population growth and sustainable development to ensure a high quality of life for current and future generations.

One approach to understanding population dynamics is through demographic transition theory. This theory describes the process by which societies transition from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates as they undergo economic and social development. Initially, birth and death rates are high, resulting in slow population growth. As societies progress, improved healthcare, education, and economic opportunities lead to a decline in death rates. Eventually, birth rates also decrease, resulting in a stable or declining population.

In addition to demographic factors, population dynamics are influenced by various social, cultural, and environmental factors. Factors such as education, access to healthcare, gender equality, and urbanization can all impact population growth rates. Understanding these factors and their interactions is crucial for effective population management and the development of sustainable policies.

Population growth also has implications for resource management and environmental sustainability. As the population increases, the demand for resources, such as food, water, and energy, also rises. Sustainable resource management practices, including conservation, efficient use of resources, and the development of renewable energy sources, are essential to ensure long-term environmental sustainability in the face of population growth.

In conclusion, population growth is a complex phenomenon with significant impacts on society and the environment. Understanding population dynamics, including factors influencing growth rates and the consequences of rapid growth, is crucial for sustainable development. By implementing effective policies and promoting sustainable practices, we can ensure a balanced approach to population growth that supports both human well-being and environmental sustainability.


  1. What is population growth rate?
    A. The rate at which the size of a population changes over time.
    B. The difference between birth rates and death rates.
    C. The effect of migration on population size.
    D. The ratio of males to females in a population.
  2. What are the factors that can lead to rapid population growth?
    A. High birth rates, low death rates, and significant immigration.
    B. Low birth rates, high death rates, and emigration.
    C. High death rates and low birth rates.
    D. Low death rates and high birth rates.
  3. What are the positive impacts of population growth?
    A. Pressure on infrastructure and social services.
    B. Strain on resources and pollution.
    C. Economic growth, innovation, and cultural diversity.
    D. Decline in quality of life.
  4. What is demographic transition theory?
    A. The theory that describes the process of transitioning from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates.
    B. The theory that explains the impact of migration on population growth.
    C. The theory that emphasizes the importance of education and healthcare in population management.
    D. The theory that focuses on the influence of cultural factors on population dynamics.
  5. What factors can influence population growth rates?
    A. Education, access to healthcare, gender equality, and urbanization.
    B. Birth rates and death rates.
    C. Immigration and emigration.
    D. Economic growth and resource availability.
  6. What are the implications of population growth for resource management?
    A. Increased demand for resources such as food, water, and energy.
    B. Decreased demand for resources due to declining birth rates.
    C. Stable resource availability regardless of population size.
    D. Reduced pressure on resource management.
  7. How can sustainable resource management practices address the challenges of population growth?
    A. By ignoring the environmental impact of population growth.
    B. By limiting access to resources for certain populations.
    C. By increasing resource production through industrialization.
    D. By promoting conservation and efficient use of resources.
  8. What is the relationship between population growth and sustainable development?
    A. Balancing population growth and sustainable development is essential for a high quality of life.
    B. Population growth hinders sustainable development efforts.
    C. Sustainable development is only possible with declining population growth.
    D. Sustainable development is not influenced by population growth.
  9. What is one potential negative impact of rapid population growth?
    A. Strain on resources.
    B. Economic decline.
    C. Increased birth rates.
    D. Low cultural diversity.
  10. What is the significance of understanding population dynamics?
    A. It helps in the development of effective policies for sustainable development.
    B. It leads to declining birth and death rates.
    C. It promotes cultural diversity.
    D. It reduces the impact of migration on population growth.



  1. What is population growth rate?
    A. The rate at which the size of a population changes over time.
    B. The difference between birth rates and death rates.
    C. The effect of migration on population size.
    D. The ratio of males to females in a population.

答え: A. 人口の大きさが時間の経過とともに変化する速度

解説: 人口成長率とは、人口の大きさが時間の経過とともにどの程度変化するかを示す指標です。人口成長率は、出生率と死亡率の差、および移民の影響によって決まります。

  1. What are the factors that can lead to rapid population growth?
    A. High birth rates, low death rates, and significant immigration.
    B. Low birth rates, high death rates, and emigration.
    C. High death rates and low birth rates.
    D. Low death rates and high birth rates.

答え: A. 出生率が高く、死亡率が低く、移民が多いこと

解説: 人口の急速な増加をもたらす要因として、出生率が高く、死亡率が低く、移民が多いことが挙げられます。

  1. What are the positive impacts of population growth?
    A. Pressure on infrastructure and social services.
    B. Strain on resources and pollution.
    C. Economic growth, innovation, and cultural diversity.
    D. Decline in quality of life.

答え: C. 経済成長、イノベーション、文化的多様性

解説: 人口の増加は、経済成長、イノベーション、文化的多様性の面でプラスの影響をもたらすことがあります。

  1. What is demographic transition theory?
    A. The theory that describes the process of transitioning from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates.
    B. The theory that explains the impact of migration on population growth.
    C. The theory that emphasizes the importance of education and healthcare in population management.
    D. The theory that focuses on the influence of cultural factors on population dynamics.

答え: A. 出生率と死亡率が高い状態から低い状態への移行の過程を説明する理論

解説: 人口動態論的転換理論は、社会が経済的・社会的発展を遂げる過程で、高い出生率と死亡率から低い出生率と死亡率に移行するプロセスを説明する理論です。

  1. What factors can influence population growth rates?
    A. Education, access to healthcare, gender equality, and urbanization.
    B. Birth rates and death rates.
    C. Immigration and emigration.
    D. Economic growth and resource availability.

答え: B. 出生率と死亡率

解説: 人口成長率には、教育、医療へのアクセス、性別の平等、都市化などの要素が影響を与えることがありますが、最も直接的な要因は出生率と死亡率です。

  1. What are the implications of population growth for resource management?
    A. Increased demand for resources such as food, water, and energy.
    B. Decreased demand for resources due to declining birth rates.
    C. Stable resource availability regardless of population size.
    D. Reduced pressure on resource management.

答え: A. 食物、水、エネルギーなどの資源への需要の増加

解説: 人口の増加に伴い、食物、水、エネルギーなどの資源への需要も増加します。

  1. How can sustainable resource management practices address the challenges of population growth?
    A. By ignoring the environmental impact of population growth.
    B. By limiting access to resources for certain populations.
    C. By increasing resource production through industrialization.
    D. By promoting conservation and efficient use of resources.

答え: D. 資源の保全と効率的な利用の促進

解説: 持続可能な資源管理の実践は、資源の保全と効率的な利用の促進を通じて、人口増加の課題に対処することができます。

  1. What is the relationship between population growth and sustainable development?

A. Balancing population growth and sustainable development is essential for a high quality of life.
B. Population growth hinders sustainable development efforts.
C. Sustainable development is only possible with declining population growth.
D. Sustainable development is not influenced by population growth.

答え: A. 人口増加と持続可能な開発のバランスは、高い生活の質にとって不可欠

解説: 人口増加と持続可能な開発のバランスは、高い生活の質を確保するために重要です。

  1. What is one potential negative impact of rapid population growth?
    A. Strain on resources.
    B. Economic decline.
    C. Increased birth rates.
    D. Low cultural diversity.

答え: A. 資源への負担増加

解説: 人口の急速な増加は、資源に対する負担の増加を引き起こす可能性があります。

  1. What is the significance of understanding population dynamics?
    A. It helps in the development of effective policies for sustainable development.
    B. It leads to declining birth and death rates.
    C. It promotes cultural diversity.
    D. It reduces the impact of migration on population growth.

答え: A. 持続可能な開発のための効果的な政策の開発に役立つ

解説: 人口動態を理解することは、持続可能な開発のための効果的な政策の開発に役立つ重要な要素です。












