TOEIC Part 7 対策!(共通テスト対策にも!)無料の長文対策問題12(解説付き)

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TOEIC Part 7風の長文問題を作ってみました。




TOEIC Part 7 – 1 (passage)


Japan has been facing the issue of stagnant wage growth for several years, posing significant challenges to its economy. Despite improvements in employment rates, many workers are experiencing a lack of substantial wage increases. The persistent wage stagnation can lead to reduced consumer spending, hindering economic growth and contributing to deflationary pressures. It also affects the overall standard of living and financial stability of individuals and families. The Japanese government has been implementing various measures to tackle this problem, such as encouraging businesses to increase wages and investing in education and skill development to enhance workforce productivity. Additionally, policies aimed at promoting entrepreneurship and innovation are being pursued to stimulate economic growth and create new job opportunities. Addressing the issue of stagnant wages remains a critical priority for Japan’s economic stability and prosperity.

TOEIC Part 7 – 1 (questions)

  1. What is the main issue Japan has been facing in its economy?
    a) High inflation rates
    b) Stagnant wage growth
    c) Declining employment rates
    d) Excessive consumer spending
  2. How does stagnant wage growth impact Japan’s economy?
    a) It leads to increased consumer spending
    b) It contributes to deflationary pressures
    c) It encourages business investment
    d) It improves workforce productivity
  3. What measures has the Japanese government taken to address the issue of stagnant wages?
    a) Encouraging businesses to reduce wages
    b) Investing in education and skill development
    c) Implementing policies for higher inflation
    d) Stimulating economic growth through higher taxes

TOEIC Part 7 – 1 (answers)

  1. b) Stagnant wage growth

Explanation: The passage states that Japan has been facing the issue of stagnant wage growth, which poses challenges to its economy.

  1. b) It contributes to deflationary pressures

Explanation: The passage mentions that persistent wage stagnation can lead to reduced consumer spending and contribute to deflationary pressures.

  1. b) Investing in education and skill development

Explanation: The passage mentions that the Japanese government has been implementing various measures, such as investing in education and skill development, to tackle the problem of stagnant wages.

TOEIC Part 7 – 1 (translation)


TOEIC Part 7 – 2 (passage)

Japan’s Stagnant Wage Growth and Its Impact on the Economy

Japan, known for its strong economy and technological advancements, has been grappling with a persistent issue of stagnant wage growth in recent years. Despite the country’s overall economic growth, wages for many workers have remained largely unchanged, leading to concerns about income inequality and its broader impact on the economy.

Several factors contribute to Japan’s wage stagnation. One significant factor is the changing nature of employment in the country. The rise of non-regular and part-time jobs, which offer lower wages and limited job security, has led to a decline in the average income of workers. Additionally, the aging population has put pressure on the labor market, with a shortage of skilled workers leading to less competition for employees and consequently lower wage growth.

The impact of stagnant wages is far-reaching. It affects consumer spending, as lower incomes constrain households’ purchasing power, leading to reduced consumption. Consequently, businesses may experience weakened demand for their products and services, hindering their growth and investment plans. Moreover, stagnant wages may hinder the ability of workers to save and invest, potentially hampering long-term economic growth and stability.

TOEIC Part 7 – 2 (questions)

  1. What has Japan been struggling with in recent years regarding wage growth?
    A) Rapid wage increases.
    B) Stagnant wage growth.
    C) Declining employment opportunities.
    D) Technological advancements.
  2. What is one significant factor contributing to Japan’s wage stagnation?
    A) An increase in skilled workers.
    B) Growth in part-time jobs with high wages.
    C) Changes in the employment landscape with non-regular jobs.
    D) A decrease in the overall population.
  3. How does the aging population affect Japan’s labor market?
    A) It leads to increased competition for employees.
    B) It results in higher wages for workers.
    C) It causes a shortage of skilled workers.
    D) It boosts long-term economic growth.
  4. How does stagnant wage growth impact consumer spending in Japan?
    A) It leads to increased consumption.
    B) It has no effect on consumer spending.
    C) It reduces households’ purchasing power and consumption.
    D) It encourages higher savings rates.
  5. What potential effect does stagnant wage growth have on businesses in Japan?
    A) It strengthens their growth and investment plans.
    B) It has no impact on businesses.
    C) It may lead to reduced demand and hinder their growth.
    D) It encourages new businesses to enter the market.

TOEIC Part 7 – 2 (answers)

  1. 日本が最近の賃金成長について苦しんでいるのは何ですか?
    B) 賃金の成長停滞です。
  2. 日本の賃金停滞に寄与している重要な要因は何ですか?
    C) 非正規の雇用やパートタイムの仕事の増加による雇用の変化です。
  3. 高齢化人口が日本の労働市場にどのような影響を与えていますか?
    C) 熟練した労働者の不足を招いています。
  4. 賃金成長の停滞が日本の消費支出にどのような影響を及ぼしますか?
    C) 家計の購買力と消費が減少します。
  5. 賃金成長の停滞が日本の企業にどのような潜在的な影響を持つ可能性がありますか?
    C) 需要が減少し、成長と投資計画を妨げる可能性があります。

TOEIC Part 7 – 2 (translation)





TOEIC Part 7 – 3 (passage)

Japan’s Stagnant Wage Growth and Its Impact on the Economy

For the past few decades, Japan has been grappling with stagnant wage growth, a phenomenon that has significant implications for the country’s economy. Despite being one of the world’s most developed nations, Japan has experienced sluggish wage increases, resulting in challenges for both workers and policymakers. One of the contributing factors to this issue is the prolonged period of deflation, where prices of goods and services have been declining or remaining flat. While deflation may seem beneficial for consumers as it lowers the cost of living, it can lead to reduced business profitability and investment. Companies facing declining revenues find it challenging to raise wages, resulting in a cycle of slow wage growth. Additionally, the country’s aging population and the rise of non-regular employment have also contributed to the wage stagnation. Many younger workers are hired on non-permanent contracts, which often offer lower wages and fewer benefits than regular employment. As a result, the overall wage levels remain stagnant.

The consequences of Japan’s stagnant wage growth are far-reaching, impacting various aspects of the economy. First and foremost, it hinders domestic consumption. When wages do not increase in line with the cost of living, individuals have less disposable income to spend on goods and services. This reduced consumer spending, in turn, affects businesses, leading to lower demand and potential layoffs. Moreover, stagnant wages can lead to lower savings rates, as individuals struggle to set aside money for the future. Reduced savings can affect investment and economic growth. Additionally, the lack of wage growth poses challenges for the government in achieving its inflation targets. To stimulate the economy, policymakers often aim for moderate inflation. However, with stagnant wages, achieving this target becomes more challenging, and the country risks falling into a deflationary spiral.


The issue of stagnant wage growth in Japan also brings attention to the concept of income inequality. While wages have remained flat for many workers, Japan has also experienced a widening gap between high-income earners and low-income earners. This income disparity can have social and economic consequences, as it affects access to education, healthcare, and other essential services. The concentration of wealth among the top earners can lead to reduced consumer demand from the majority of the population, impacting overall economic growth. Addressing stagnant wage growth and income inequality requires a multi-faceted approach, involving policies that support small and medium-sized enterprises, promote higher productivity, and ensure fair wages for all workers. Moreover, investing in education and skills development can help create a workforce that meets the demands of a changing economy, ultimately fostering sustainable economic growth and prosperity.

TOEIC Part 7 – 3 (questions)

  1. What has contributed to Japan’s stagnant wage growth?
    a) A period of inflation.
    b) Increased business profitability.
    c) The rise of non-regular employment.
    d) Reduced government spending.
  2. How does stagnant wage growth impact domestic consumption?
    a) It stimulates consumer spending.
    b) It increases savings rates.
    c) It hinders consumer spending and lowers demand.
    d) It leads to higher inflation rates.
  3. What are some social and economic consequences of income inequality in Japan?
    a) Increased investment and economic growth.
    b) Reduced consumer demand and overall economic growth.
    c) Higher savings rates and increased business profitability.
    d) Improved access to education and healthcare.
  4. What can help address stagnant wage growth and income inequality in Japan?
    a) Policies supporting small and medium-sized enterprises.
    b) Increasing government spending on welfare programs.
    c) Focusing on higher inflation targets.
    d) Relying on non-regular employment contracts.

TOEIC Part 7 – 3 (answers)

  1. What has contributed to Japan’s stagnant wage growth?
    答え:c) 非正規雇用の増加です。
  2. How does stagnant wage growth impact domestic consumption?
    答え:c) 消費者支出を妨げ、需要を低下させます。
  3. What are some social and economic consequences of income inequality in Japan?
    答え:b) 消費者の需要低下と経済全体の成長減速です。
  4. What can help address stagnant wage growth and income inequality in Japan?
    答え:a) 中小企業の支援を含む政策です。

TOEIC Part 7 – 3 (translation)






TOEIC Part 7 – 4 (passage)

Passage: Japan’s Stagnant Wage Growth and its Impact on the Economy

Paragraph 1: The Challenge of Stagnant Wages

Japan, renowned for its strong work ethic and economic prowess, is grappling with a persistent issue of stagnant wage growth. Despite being one of the world’s leading economies, the country has experienced limited salary increases for workers over the past two decades. This trend has significant implications for both individuals and the broader economy. Stagnant wages mean that workers have less disposable income, which can lead to reduced consumer spending and hinder economic growth. Moreover, the lack of wage growth can result in decreased motivation and job satisfaction among employees, affecting productivity and overall economic efficiency. Addressing this wage stagnation is crucial for Japan’s economic prosperity and the well-being of its workforce.

Several factors contribute to Japan’s stagnant wage growth. One key factor is the prolonged period of deflation, where consumer prices decrease rather than increase, leading to a decrease in demand and lower corporate profits. Additionally, changes in the labor market and a shift towards non-regular employment arrangements have also played a role. Non-regular workers, such as part-time and temporary employees, often receive lower wages and fewer benefits than regular full-time employees. The disparity in income between regular and non-regular workers further exacerbates wage stagnation and income inequality in the country. Addressing these structural issues and promoting policies that support wage growth for all workers is essential for revitalizing Japan’s economy and creating a more equitable society.

Paragraph 2: The Impact on Consumption and Economic Growth

Japan’s stagnant wage growth has had a notable impact on consumption patterns and economic growth. With limited salary increases, consumers have been cautious with their spending, particularly on non-essential items. This cautious approach to spending has resulted in reduced demand for goods and services, which in turn affects businesses and their profitability. The sluggish consumption trends contribute to a cycle of lower corporate profits, leading to less incentive for businesses to raise wages, creating a challenging situation for the economy.

Moreover, stagnant wages have implications for the government’s efforts to combat deflation. When wages do not keep pace with the cost of living, it becomes difficult for households to maintain their purchasing power. This situation hampers the government’s attempts to stimulate economic growth through monetary policies such as lowering interest rates or implementing quantitative easing. To break free from this cycle, a comprehensive approach is needed, which includes addressing wage disparities, encouraging investment in industries with growth potential, and creating an environment that fosters innovation and productivity.

New Perspective: Balancing Economic Growth and Worker Well-being

The issue of Japan’s stagnant wage growth highlights the delicate balance between economic growth and worker well-being. While economic growth is essential for overall prosperity, it should not come at the expense of workers’ living standards and job satisfaction. Fostering an economy that promotes wage growth, supports stable employment, and values the welfare of its workforce is crucial for creating sustainable and inclusive growth. This perspective emphasizes the need for policies that prioritize both economic prosperity and the quality of life for all citizens, ensuring that Japan’s economy thrives while maintaining the well-being and dignity of its workers.

Excel Chart: Average Annual Wage Growth in Japan

YearAverage Annual Wage Growth (%)

TOEIC Part 7 – 4 (questions)

  1. What is the main issue faced by Japan’s economy?
    a) High inflation rates.
    b) Stagnant wage growth.
    c) Excessive government spending.
    d) Declining population.
  2. How does stagnant wage growth affect consumer spending?
    a) It encourages increased spending on non-essential items.
    b) It leads to a decrease in consumer demand for goods and services.
    c) It results in higher corporate profits.
    d) It has no significant impact on consumption.
  3. What is a key factor contributing to Japan’s wage stagnation?
    a) A shift towards regular employment arrangements.
    b) A decrease in corporate profits due to high demand.
    c) Prolonged period of deflation.
    d) Increase in government spending on social programs.
  4. What is the impact of stagnant wages on job satisfaction?
    a) It has no effect on job satisfaction.
    b) It leads to increased motivation among employees.
    c) It can result in decreased motivation and job satisfaction.
    d) It encourages employees to seek higher-paying jobs.
  5. What does the passage suggest as a potential solution to Japan’s wage stagnation?
    a) Encouraging investment in declining industries.
    b) Implementing monetary policies to lower interest rates.
    c) Addressing wage disparities and promoting wage growth for all workers.
    d) Increasing taxes on businesses to boost government revenue.
  6. Based on the data in the chart, which year had the highest average annual wage growth in Japan?
    a) 2000
    b) 2005
    c) 2010
    d) 2015

TOEIC Part 7 – 4 (answers)

  1. b) 停滞する賃金成長
  2. b) 消費者の需要を減らす
  3. c) インフレーションの長期化
  4. c) 働き手のモチベーションと仕事の満足度に影響を与える
  5. c) 賃金格差の解消とすべての労働者に対する賃金成長の促進
  6. a) 2015年

TOEIC Part 7 – 4 (translation)













