TOEIC Part 7 対策!(共通テスト対策にも!)無料の長文対策問題14(解説付き)

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TOEICの長文対策をしたい!特にPart 7!
TOEIC Part 7風の長文問題を作ってみました。




TOEIC Part 7 – 1 (passage)


The propensity of humans to tell lies and conceal facts is a complex behavior rooted in psychology, social dynamics, and self-preservation. While lying is often associated with negative connotations, it can serve various purposes. People may lie to avoid punishment, protect their self-image, gain advantages, or maintain social harmony. The desire to present oneself in a favorable light and to avoid judgment can lead to the distortion of facts. Additionally, societal norms and expectations can exert pressure on individuals to conform, even if it involves deception. Cognitive biases and the fear of consequences also contribute to the inclination to lie. As social beings, humans navigate a web of interactions and relationships, and lying is sometimes employed as a strategy to navigate these complexities. Understanding the multifaceted reasons behind lying can shed light on human behavior and the intricate ways in which individuals negotiate their roles within society.

TOEIC Part 7 – 1 (questions)

  1. What are the reasons people may lie according to the passage?
    a) To gain advantages and maintain social harmony
    b) To avoid punishment and protect their self-image
    c) To distort facts and conform to societal norms
    d) To engage in negative behaviors and self-preservation
  2. Why might individuals feel the need to lie about themselves?
    a) To avoid negative consequences of lying
    b) To protect their self-image and gain advantages
    c) To display cognitive biases and conform to norms
    d) To maintain social harmony and engage in self-preservation
  3. How does societal pressure contribute to lying?
    a) It encourages individuals to tell the truth at all times
    b) It influences individuals to engage in self-preservation
    c) It enforces cognitive biases in decision-making
    d) It can lead individuals to conform, even through deception

TOEIC Part 7 – 1 (answers)

  1. a) To gain advantages and maintain social harmony

Explanation: The passage states that people may lie to gain advantages and maintain social harmony, among other reasons.

  1. b) To protect their self-image and gain advantages

Explanation: The passage mentions that individuals may lie to protect their self-image and gain advantages, as well as to avoid judgment.

  1. d) It can lead individuals to conform, even through deception

Explanation: The passage discusses how societal norms and expectations can exert pressure on individuals to conform, even if it involves deception.

TOEIC Part 7 – 1 (translation)


TOEIC Part 7 – 2 (passage)

Passage 1:

Understanding the Tendency to Lie and Conceal Facts

The act of lying and concealing facts is a complex and often puzzling aspect of human behavior. Researchers have delved into the underlying reasons behind this phenomenon, seeking to understand why individuals resort to deception even when honesty appears to be the more logical choice.

One fundamental reason for lying is self-preservation. People often lie to protect themselves from potential negative consequences or punishments. This can include lying to avoid blame, criticism, or punishment from authority figures. In social interactions, individuals may also lie to maintain a positive self-image or to avoid embarrassment. Moreover, lying can stem from a desire to gain advantage, such as personal gain or advancement, even at the expense of others.

The cognitive aspect of lying is equally intriguing. Human memory is fallible and can be influenced by personal biases or emotions. This can lead to unintentional distortions of facts, which individuals may then reinforce through deception. Additionally, humans possess a capacity for empathy and the ability to understand the perspectives and emotions of others. This understanding can sometimes motivate lying to spare someone’s feelings or protect them from harm.

TOEIC Part 7 – 2 (questions)

  1. Why do individuals often resort to lying according to the passage?
    A) To gain personal advantage.
    B) To maintain a negative self-image.
    C) To improve memory accuracy.
    D) To promote transparency.
  2. What is a common reason for lying in social interactions?
    A) To protect oneself from punishment.
    B) To achieve personal gain at any cost.
    C) To reinforce personal biases.
    D) To maintain a positive self-image.
  3. How does the passage describe the cognitive aspect of lying?
    A) As a method to improve memory accuracy.
    B) As an intentional distortion of facts.
    C) As an unintentional distortion of facts.
    D) As a way to promote transparency.
  4. What role does empathy play in the tendency to lie?
    A) It motivates lying to gain personal advantage.
    B) It leads to unintentional memory distortions.
    C) It encourages lying to protect others’ feelings.
    D) It is unrelated to the act of lying.
  5. What is a potential consequence of lying as mentioned in the passage?
    A) Improved personal image.
    B) Increased transparency in communication.
    C) Negative impact on interpersonal relationships.
    D) Better memory accuracy.

TOEIC Part 7 – 2 (answers)

  1. パッセージによると、なぜ個人はしばしば嘘をつく傾向があるのですか?
    A) 個人的な利益を得るためです。
  2. 社会的なやり取りにおける嘘の一般的な理由は何ですか?
    D) 自己イメージを維持するためです。
  3. パッセージは、嘘をつく認知的側面をどのように説明していますか?
    C) 事実の無意識の歪曲としてです。
  4. 嘘の傾向において共感はどのような役割を果たしていますか?
    C) 他人の感情を守るために嘘をつくことを促します。
  5. パッセージで言及されている嘘の潜在的な結果は何ですか?
    C) 対人関係への否定的な影響です。

TOEIC Part 7 – 2 (translation)





TOEIC Part 7 – 3 (passage)

Why Do Humans Tell Lies and Try to Conceal Facts?

The tendency of humans to tell lies and conceal facts is a complex behavior that has been explored from various psychological, sociological, and evolutionary perspectives. One key reason behind this behavior is the desire to protect oneself or others from negative consequences. People often lie to avoid punishment, embarrassment, or conflict. For instance, a student might lie about completing their homework to avoid getting in trouble with their teacher. Similarly, individuals might conceal certain facts to maintain their reputation or social standing. This self-preservation instinct is deeply rooted in human nature and has evolved as a survival mechanism over time. Furthermore, lies can also be used to manipulate others or gain an advantage, such as in negotiations or competitive scenarios. This aspect of deception is often tied to personal gain and achieving goals.

Another perspective on why humans tell lies revolves around social dynamics and maintaining relationships. In some cases, individuals might lie to spare someone’s feelings or maintain harmony within a group. White lies, which are relatively harmless lies intended to prevent hurt feelings, are often used to navigate social situations. For instance, someone might tell a friend they like their new haircut, even if they don’t, to avoid causing discomfort. Moreover, the fear of judgment or rejection can drive people to conceal certain aspects of themselves or their actions. This desire to fit in and be accepted by others can lead to the creation of a false image or persona. In a world where social bonds are crucial, the act of telling lies can be seen as a strategy to navigate the complexities of human relationships.

TOEIC Part 7 – 3 (questions)

  1. What is one key reason for humans to tell lies and conceal facts?
    a) To gain personal advantage
    b) To reveal personal information
    c) To expose the truth
    d) To strengthen relationships
  2. Why might individuals tell white lies?
    a) To manipulate others
    b) To hurt someone’s feelings
    c) To avoid negative consequences
    d) To maintain harmony and spare feelings
  3. How does the fear of judgment or rejection influence lying behavior?
    a) It encourages honesty and openness
    b) It drives people to create false personas
    c) It has no impact on lying tendencies
    d) It reduces the need for social bonds
  4. What survival mechanism underlies the instinct to tell lies for self-preservation?
    a) Desire for personal gain
    b) Fear of embarrassment
    c) Instinct to protect oneself or others from negative consequences
    d) Willingness to reveal personal information
  5. What role does lying play in competitive scenarios or negotiations?
    a) It helps in maintaining harmony
    b) It reveals hidden truths
    c) It aids in personal growth
    d) It can be used to manipulate or gain an advantage

TOEIC Part 7 – 3 (answers)

  1. What is one key reason for humans to tell lies and conceal facts?
    a) To gain personal advantage
    b) To reveal personal information
    c) To expose the truth
    d) To strengthen relationships

Answer: a) To gain personal advantage
Explanation (Japanese): 人間が嘘をついたり事実を隠す主な理由の一つは、個人的な利益を得るためです。人々は罰を避けるため、恥ずかしい状況を回避するため、あるいは対立を避けるために嘘をつくことがよくあります。例えば、生徒が宿題を終えていないことを隠して、教師に怒られるのを避けることが考えられます。同様に、個人は自分の評判や社会的地位を保つために一部の事実を隠すことがあります。この自己保護の本能は、人間の本性に深く根ざしており、時間をかけて生存メカニズムとして進化してきました。

  1. Why might individuals tell white lies?
    a) To manipulate others
    b) To hurt someone’s feelings
    c) To avoid negative consequences
    d) To maintain harmony and spare feelings

Answer: d) To maintain harmony and spare feelings
Explanation (Japanese): 個人が善意のある嘘をつく理由として、他人の気持ちを害するのを避けるためや、グループ内で調和を保つためが考えられます。白い嘘は、比較的無害な嘘であり、傷ついた気持ちを避けるために使われることがよくあります。例えば、友達が新しい髪型を気に入っていない場合でも、その友達の気を悪くさせないように、気遣いからその髪型を気に入っていると言うことがあります。

  1. How does the fear of judgment or rejection influence lying behavior?
    a) It encourages honesty and openness
    b) It drives people to create false personas
    c) It has no impact on lying tendencies
    d) It reduces the need for social bonds

Answer: b) It drives people to create false personas
Explanation (Japanese): 判断や拒絶の恐れは、人々の嘘つきの行動にどのような影響を与えるのでしょうか。これはb) It drives people to create false personasです。一部の場合、他人からの評価や拒絶を恐れて、自分自身や自分の行動の一部を隠すことがあります。他人に受け入れられたり、認められたりする欲求は、人々が虚偽のイメージやペルソナを作り出すことを促す要因となることがあります。社会的つながりが重要な世界で、嘘をつく行為は、人間関係の複雑さに対処するための戦略として捉えられることがあります。

  1. What survival mechanism underlies the instinct to tell lies for self-preservation?
    a) Desire for personal gain
    b) Fear of embarrassment
    c) Instinct to protect oneself or others from negative consequences
    d) Willingness to reveal personal information

Answer: c) Instinct to protect oneself or others from negative consequences
Explanation (Japanese): 自己保護のために嘘をつく本能の背後にあるのは、c) Instinct to protect oneself or others from negative consequencesです。人々はしばしば罰、恥ずかしい状況、対立を回避するために嘘をつくことがあります。この本能は、自分自身や他者を悪い結果から守ることを目的としています。

  1. What role does lying play in competitive scenarios or negotiations?
    a) It helps in maintaining harmony
    b) It reveals hidden truths
    c) It aids in personal growth
    d) It can be used to manipulate or gain an advantage

Answer: d) It can be used to manipulate or gain an advantage
Explanation (Japanese): 競争的な状況や交渉において嘘が果たす役割は、d) It can be used to manipulate or gain an advantageです。嘘は他人を操作したり、優位性を得たりするために使われることがあります。交渉や競争の場面での嘘は、しばしば個人的な利益を追求するために用いられる側面です。

TOEIC Part 7 – 3 (translation)




TOEIC Part 7 – 4 (passage)

Passage: Why Humans Tell Lies and Conceal Facts

Paragraph 1: The Complex Nature of Deception

The propensity to tell lies and conceal facts is a complex aspect of human behavior that has fascinated researchers and psychologists for years. While honesty is often regarded as a fundamental virtue, humans have demonstrated a remarkable capacity for deception. One perspective is that lying and concealment are not solely negative behaviors; they can be driven by various motivations such as self-preservation, protection of loved ones, or even maintaining social harmony. These motivations highlight the intricate balance between personal interests and societal norms.

Intriguingly, the human capacity for deception is deeply intertwined with cognitive processes. The ability to understand another person’s thoughts, intentions, and beliefs, known as theory of mind, plays a crucial role in deception. When individuals lie, they often attempt to predict how their deception will be perceived by others. This cognitive aspect reflects the complexity of human communication and social dynamics, where individuals navigate between truthfulness and deception to achieve their goals. Moreover, the advent of technology and digital communication has introduced new dimensions of deception, raising questions about the boundary between authenticity and manipulation in the online realm.

Paragraph 2: The Ethical Dilemma and Personal Justifications

The question of why humans tell lies and conceal facts delves into an ethical dilemma that varies across cultures and circumstances. Some lies may be seen as harmless white lies, intended to spare someone’s feelings, while others may have more significant consequences. Psychologically, individuals may rationalize lying by justifying that the lie serves a greater good, prevents harm, or avoids conflict. This interplay between ethics, intentions, and outcomes underscores the complexity of human decision-making.

Furthermore, research has shown that the frequency and nature of lies can differ based on factors such as age, gender, and cultural background. Gender differences, for instance, may stem from variations in communication styles and social expectations. Cultural norms and values also influence the acceptability of deception in different societies. Understanding these nuances sheds light on the intricate interplay between individual psychological processes and broader societal influences in the realm of truthfulness and deceit.

New Perspective: The Role of Emotional Intelligence

While the analysis of deception often focuses on cognitive processes and ethical considerations, emotional intelligence also plays a significant role. Emotional intelligence encompasses the ability to perceive, understand, and manage one’s own emotions and those of others. Individuals with high emotional intelligence may be more adept at discerning when lying is necessary to protect emotions or relationships. This perspective emphasizes the need for a holistic understanding of human behavior that includes emotional sensitivity, cognitive evaluation, and ethical awareness when unraveling the complex web of truth and deception.

TOEIC Part 7 – 4 (questions)

  1. What is the main focus of the passage?
    A) The benefits of telling lies
    B) The ethical dilemma of deception
    C) The consequences of online communication
    D) The history of human behavior
  2. How does theory of mind relate to deception?
    A) It prevents individuals from lying
    B) It explains why people lie about their intentions
    C) It influences how people perceive deception
    D) It has no connection to deception
  3. What impact does technology have on deception according to the passage?
    A) It has eliminated deception from human behavior
    B) It has simplified the understanding of deception
    C) It has added complexity to the forms of deception
    D) It has made deception less prevalent in society
  4. Which factor might influence gender differences in lying?
    A) Economic status
    B) Communication styles
    C) Online communication
    D) Family history
  5. What is emotional intelligence?
    A) The ability to tell convincing lies
    B) The capacity for logical thinking
    C) The skill of concealing emotions
    D) The ability to understand and manage emotions

TOEIC Part 7 – 4 (answers)

  1. B) The ethical dilemma of deception – The passage discusses the complex nature of lying, its motivations, and its impact from ethical and cognitive perspectives.
  2. C) It influences how people perceive deception – The passage explains that theory of mind plays a crucial role in predicting how others perceive deception.
  3. C) It has added complexity to the forms of deception – The passage suggests that technology has introduced new dimensions of deception.
  4. B) Communication styles – The passage mentions that gender differences in lying might arise from variations in communication styles.
  5. D) The ability to understand and manage emotions – Emotional intelligence encompasses the ability to perceive, understand, and manage emotions, as explained in the passage.

TOEIC Part 7 – 4 (translation)

Passage: なぜ人々は嘘をつき事実を隠すのか

第1段落: 複雑な欺瞞の本質



第2段落: 倫理的なジレンマと個人的な正当化



新しい視点: 感情知性の役割





