
TOEIC & 共通テスト対策




The Origins of Writing

Writing is one of the most important inventions in human history, as it enabled the recording, transmission, and preservation of knowledge, culture, and civilization. Writing is a system of symbols that represent language, which can be inscribed on various materials, such as clay, stone, paper, or metal. Writing can take different forms, such as alphabets, syllabaries, logograms, or pictograms, depending on the structure and function of the language and the culture of the users.

The origins of writing are not clear, as different regions and cultures developed writing independently and at different times. However, most scholars agree that writing emerged from earlier systems of communication, such as pictographs and ideographs, which were used to convey simple and concrete concepts, such as objects, actions, or numbers. Pictographs and ideographs were limited in their expressive power, as they could not represent abstract or complex ideas, such as emotions, beliefs, or grammar. Therefore, some pictographs and ideographs evolved into more sophisticated symbols that could represent sounds, syllables, or words, thus creating the first writing systems.

One of the earliest known writing systems is the cuneiform script, which was developed by the Sumerians in Mesopotamia around 3200 BC. The cuneiform script was derived from pictographs that were impressed on clay tablets with a wedge-shaped stylus. The cuneiform script consisted of hundreds of signs that represented syllables or words. The cuneiform script was used to write several languages, such as Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian, and Assyrian. The cuneiform script was used for various purposes, such as administration, law, literature, religion, and science.

Another ancient writing system is the hieroglyphic script, which was developed by the Egyptians around 3000 BC. The hieroglyphic script was based on pictographs that were carved or painted on stone, wood, or papyrus. The hieroglyphic script consisted of thousands of signs that represented either logograms or phonograms. Logograms were signs that represented words or concepts, while phonograms were signs that represented sounds or syllables. The hieroglyphic script was used to write the Egyptian language, which was spoken for over 3000 years. The hieroglyphic script was used for various purposes, such as administration, art, religion, and funerary rituals.

1. Alphabets – アルファベット: 
2. Syllabaries – 音節文字: 
3. Logograms – 表語文字: 
4. Pictograms – 象形文字: 
5. Ideographs – 表意文字: 
6. Cuneiform script – 楔形文字: 
7. Sumerians – スメール人: 
8. Mesopotamia – メソポタミア: 
9. Hieroglyphic script – 象形文字: 
10. Egyptians – エジプト人: 
11. Papyrus – パピルス: 
12. Phonograms – 音節文字: 


**Question 1: According to paragraph 1, what is writing?**

A) A system of symbols that represent language
B) A system of sounds that represent meaning
C) A system of materials that record information
D) A system of concepts that convey culture

**Question 2: According to paragraph 2, what were the limitations of pictographs and ideographs?**

A) They could not represent simple and concrete concepts
B) They could not represent abstract or complex ideas
C) They could not represent objects, actions, or numbers
D) They could not represent sounds, syllables, or words

**Question 3: According to paragraph 3, what was the name of the tool that was used to impress pictographs on clay tablets?**

A) A wedge-shaped stylus
B) A wedge-shaped hammer
C) A wedge-shaped knife
D) A wedge-shaped brush

**Question 4: According to paragraph 4, what was the name of the script that was based on pictographs that were carved or painted on stone?**

A) The cuneiform script
B) The hieroglyphic script
C) The alphabetic script
D) The syllabic script


回答 1: A


回答 2: B


回答 3: A


回答 4: B









The Benefits of Bilingualism

Bilingualism is the ability to use two languages proficiently. Bilingualism can be acquired in different ways, such as learning a second language at school, growing up in a multilingual community, or being exposed to a foreign language through media or travel. Bilingualism can also vary in degree, depending on the level of proficiency, frequency of use, and context of communication. Bilingualism is a common phenomenon in the world, as more than half of the world’s population is estimated to be bilingual or multilingual.

Bilingualism has many benefits for individuals and society. Bilingualism can enhance cognitive skills, such as memory, attention, problem-solving, and creativity. Bilingualism can also improve metalinguistic awareness, which is the ability to analyze and manipulate language structures and functions. Bilingualism can also foster cross-cultural competence, which is the ability to communicate and interact effectively with people from different cultural backgrounds and perspectives. Bilingualism can also increase economic opportunities, as bilinguals have access to more markets, jobs, and resources.

Bilingualism is not without challenges, however. Bilingualism can pose difficulties in language acquisition, maintenance, and use. Bilinguals may experience interference, which is the confusion or mixing of languages due to similarities or differences in vocabulary, grammar, or pronunciation. Bilinguals may also face social pressure, discrimination, or prejudice from monolinguals or dominant language groups. Bilinguals may also struggle with identity issues, such as feeling torn between two cultures or not belonging to either one.

Bilingualism is a complex and dynamic phenomenon that requires constant learning and adaptation. Bilinguals need to balance their linguistic and cultural resources and needs in various situations and domains. Bilinguals also need to cope with the advantages and disadvantages of being bilingual in a diverse and changing world. Bilingualism is not a fixed or static trait, but a flexible and evolving skill that can enrich one’s life and society.

1. Bilingualism – バイリンガリズム: 
2. Cognitive skills – 認知能力: 
3. Metalinguistic awareness – 言語メタ認知: 
4. Cross-cultural competence – 跨文化能力: The ability to communicate and interact effectively with people from different cultural backgrounds and perspectives.
5. Economic opportunities – 経済的機会: 
6. Interference – 干渉: 
7. Trait – 特性: 
8. Domain – 領域: 


**Question 1: According to paragraph 1, what is one of the ways that bilingualism can be acquired?**

A) Learning a second language at school
B) Learning a second language at home
C) Learning a second language at work
D) Learning a second language at college

**Question 2: According to paragraph 2, what is one of the cognitive skills that bilingualism can enhance?**

A) Memory
B) Vision
C) Hearing
D) Taste

**Question 3: According to paragraph 3, what is one of the difficulties that bilinguals may face in language use?**

A) Interference
B) Fluency
C) Accuracy
D) Comprehension

**Question 4: According to paragraph 4, what is one of the characteristics of bilingualism?**

A) It is a fixed or static trait
B) It is a flexible and evolving skill
C) It is a simple and stable phenomenon
D) It is a rigid and unchanging ability

**Question 5: Put the following benefits of bilingualism in order from most general to most specific:**

A) Cross-cultural competence
B) Economic opportunities
C) Metalinguistic awareness
D) Cognitive skills


Answer 1: A

Answer 2: A

Answer 3: A

Answer 4: B

Answer 5: D, C, A, B

  • 認知スキル
  • 言語メタ認識の意識
  • 跨文化の能力
  • 経済的機会








The Evolution of Music

Music is a universal form of human expression that transcends time and culture. Music is a product of both nature and nurture, as it reflects the innate biological and psychological aspects of human beings, as well as the environmental and social influences that shape their development. Music is also a dynamic and adaptive phenomenon, as it changes and evolves in response to historical events, technological innovations, and artistic movements.

The origins and evolution of music are not fully understood, as music predates recorded history and leaves few material traces. However, some evidence suggests that music may have emerged from the vocalizations and rhythms that humans and other animals use to communicate emotions, intentions, and information. Music may have also originated from the imitation and manipulation of natural sounds, such as birdsong, water, or wind. Music may have served various functions for early humans, such as enhancing group cohesion, facilitating social bonding, expressing identity, transmitting knowledge, or inducing altered states of consciousness.

The history of music can be divided into different periods or styles, based on the characteristics and conventions of musical composition and performance. These periods or styles are influenced by the cultural, political, religious, and artistic contexts of their time and place. Some of the major periods or styles of music are:

– Ancient music: This refers to the music of prehistoric and ancient civilizations, such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, India, China, and Mesoamerica. Ancient music was mostly based on oral traditions and used simple instruments, such as drums, flutes, lyres, harps, and pipes. Ancient music was often associated with rituals, ceremonies, myths, and legends.

– Medieval music: This refers to the music of the Middle Ages, from the 5th to the 15th century CE. Medieval music was influenced by the Christian church and the feudal system. Medieval music used modes, which are scales with different patterns of intervals. Medieval music also developed polyphony, which is the simultaneous use of multiple melodies or voices. Medieval music used instruments such as lutes, viols, organs, bells, and trumpets. Medieval music was often related to liturgy, chant, secular song, and dance.

– Renaissance music: This refers to the music of the Renaissance period, from the 14th to the 17th century CE. Renaissance music was influenced by the revival of classical learning and art. Renaissance music used harmony, which is the combination of different pitches or chords. Renaissance music also developed counterpoint, which is the technique of combining independent melodies or voices in a coherent way. Renaissance music used instruments such as violins,recorders,harpsichords,and lutes.Renaissance music was often related to madrigals,motets,masses,and instrumental music.

– Baroque music: This refers to the music of the Baroque period,from the 17th to the 18th century CE.Baroque music was influenced by the rise of absolutism,colonialism,and science.Baroque music used complex melodies,ornaments,and contrasts.Baroque music also developed basso continuo,which is the continuous accompaniment of a melody by a low-pitched instrument and a keyboard instrument. Baroque music used instruments such as violins,cellos,flutes,oboes,clarinets,and harpsichords.Baroque music was often related to opera,oratorio,concerto,sonata,and fugue.

– Classical music: This refers to the music of the Classical period,from the mid-18th to the early 19th century CE.Classical music was influenced by the Enlightenment,the French Revolution, and the Industrial Revolution.Classical music used simple melodies,balance,and clarity.Classical music also developed sonata form,which is a musical structure that consists of three main sections: exposition,development,and recapitulation.Classical music used instruments such as pianos,violins,violas,cellos,basses,horns,and trumpets.Classical music was often related to symphony,string quartet,piano sonata,and opera.

– Romantic music: This refers to the music of the Romantic period,from the early 19th to the early 20th century CE.Romantic music was influenced by the Romantic movement in literature and art,the nationalism and liberalism movements in politics and society,and the exploration and discovery of new lands and cultures.Romantic music used expressive melodies,emotions,and imagination. Romantic music also developed chromaticism,which is the use of notes that are not in the key or scale of the music.Romantic music used instruments such as pianos,violins,cellos,flutes,clarinets,saxophones,and tubas.Romantic music was often related to lied,ballad,nocturne,program music,and tone poem.

– Modern music: This refers to the music of the 20th and 21st centuries CE. Modern music was influenced by the World Wars,the social and cultural changes,and the technological and scientific advances.Modern music used diverse styles,techniques,and genres.Modern music also developed atonality,which is the absence of a tonal center or key in the music.Modern music used instruments such as electric guitars,synthesizers,drums,and computers.Modern music was often related to jazz,rock,pop,hip hop,electronic,and experimental music.

1. Mesopotamia – メソポタミア: 
2. Mesoamerica – メソアメリカ: 
3. Middle Ages – 中世: 
4. Polyphony – ポリフォニー: 
5. Modes – 音名: 
6. Renaissance – ルネサンス: 
7. Baroque – バロック: 
8. Enlightenment – 啓蒙時代: 
9. Romanticism – ロマン主義: 
10. Atonality – 非調性: 
11. Jazz – ジャズ: 
12. Rock – ロック: 


**Question 1: According to paragraph 1, what is one of the factors that influences the evolution of music?**

A) Historical events
B) Musical instruments
C) Musical notation
D) Musical genres

**Question 2: According to paragraph 2, what is one of the functions that music may have served for early humans?**

A) Enhancing group cohesion
B) Inducing sleep
C) Measuring time
D) Mapping space

**Question 3: According to paragraph 3, what is one of the characteristics of ancient music?**

A) It was mostly based on oral traditions
B) It was mostly based on written records
C) It used complex instruments
D) It used harmony and counterpoint

**Question 4: According to paragraph 4, what is one of the techniques that was developed in medieval music?**

A) Polyphony
B) Basso continuo
C) Sonata form
D) Chromaticism

**Question 5: Put the following periods or styles of music in order from earliest to latest:**

A) Baroque music
B) Classical music
C) Renaissance music
D) Romantic music


Answer 1: A


Answer 2: A


Answer 3: A


Answer 4: A


Answer 5: C, A, B, D


  • ルネサンス音楽
  • バロック音楽
  • クラシック音楽
  • ロマンティック音楽







– ルネサンス音楽:これは14世紀から17世紀までのルネサンス時代の音楽を指します。ルネサンス音楽は古典学と芸術の復興に影響を受けていました。ルネサンス音楽は異なる音高やコードを組み合わせたハーモニーを使用しました。また、独立したメロディや声を一貫して組み合わせる対位法を発展させました。ルネサンス音楽はヴァイオリン、リコーダー、ハープシコード、リュートなどの楽器が使用されました。ルネサンス音楽はしばしばマドリガル、モテット、ミサ、器楽曲などに関連していました。

– バロック音楽:これは17世紀から18世紀までのバロック時代の音楽を指します。バロック音楽は専制政治、植民地主義、科学の台頭に影響を受けていました。バロック音楽は複雑なメロディ、装飾、対比を用いました。また、低音楽器とキーボード楽器によるメロディの連続的な伴奏であるバッソ・コンティヌオを発展させました。バロック音楽はヴァイオリン、チェロ、フルート、オーボエ、クラリネット、ハープシコードなどの楽器が使用されました。バロック音楽はオペラ、オラトリオ、協奏曲、ソナタ、フーガなどに関連していました。

– クラシック音楽:これは18世紀中期から19世紀初頭までのクラシック時代の音楽を指します。クラシック音楽は啓蒙思想、フランス革命、産業革命に影響を受けていました。クラシック音楽はシンプルなメロディ、バランス、明快さを用いました。また、提示部、展開部、再現部からなる楽曲構造であるソナタ形式を発展させました。クラシック音楽はピアノ、バイオリン、ビオラ、チェロ、ベース、ホルン、トランペットなどの楽器が使用されました。クラシック音楽は交響曲、弦楽四重奏、ピアノソナタ、オペラなどに関連していました。

– ロマン派音楽:これは19世紀初頭から20世紀初頭までのロマン派時代の音楽を指します。ロマン派音楽は文学や美術のロマン主義運動、政治や社会のナショナリズムと自由主義運動、新しい土地や文化の探索と発見に影響を受けていました。ロマン派音楽は感情豊かなメロディ、感情、想像力を用いました。また、楽曲のキーまたは音階に含まれない音を使用するクロマティシズムを発展させました。ロマン派音楽はピアノ、バイオリン、チェロ、フルート、クラリネット、サクソフォーン、チューバなどの楽器が使用されました。ロマン派音楽はリート、バラード、夜想曲、プログラム音楽、トーン詩などに関連していました。

– モダン音楽:これは20世紀から21世紀の音楽を指します。モダン音楽は世界大戦、社会文化の変化、技術的科学的な進歩に影響を受けていました。モダン音楽は多様なスタイル、技術、ジャンルを使用しました。モダン音楽は音楽における調性の中心やキーが存在しない無調を発展させました。モダン音楽はエレキギター、シンセサイザー、ドラム、コンピュータなどの楽器が使用されました。モダン音楽はジャズ、ロック、ポップ、ヒップホップ、エレクトロニック、実験音楽に関連していました。



The Future of Technology

Technology has come a long way in the past few decades, and it continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace. From smartphones to self-driving cars, technology has transformed the way we live, work, and interact with one another. But what does the future hold? What new technologies will emerge, and how will they change our lives?

One area of technology that is rapidly advancing is artificial intelligence (AI). AI is already being used in a variety of applications, from virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa to self-driving cars and drones. In the future, AI is expected to become even more advanced, with the potential to revolutionize industries such as healthcare, finance, and transportation.

Another area of technology that is poised for growth is the Internet of Things (IoT). The IoT refers to the network of devices that are connected to the internet, from smart thermostats to fitness trackers. As more and more devices become connected, the potential for innovation and automation increases. For example, in the future, your refrigerator might be able to order groceries for you when you run out of milk.

Of course, with these new technologies come new challenges. One of the biggest challenges is ensuring that these technologies are secure and protected from cyber threats. As more and more devices become connected to the internet, the potential for cyber attacks increases. It will be important for companies and individuals to take steps to protect their devices and data.

In conclusion, the future of technology is both exciting and uncertain. While we can’t predict exactly what new technologies will emerge, we can be sure that they will continue to transform our lives in ways we can’t even imagine.


  1. What is one area of technology that is rapidly advancing?
    A. Virtual reality
    B. Augmented reality
    C. Artificial intelligence
    D. Blockchain technology
  2. What is the Internet of Things (IoT)?
    A. The network of devices that are connected to the internet
    B. A virtual reality platform
    C. A new type of computer processor
    D. A type of cryptocurrency
  3. What is one of the biggest challenges associated with new technologies?
    A. Ensuring that they are secure and protected from cyber threats
    B. Ensuring that they are affordable for everyone
    C. Ensuring that they are environmentally friendly
    D. Ensuring that they are compatible with older technologies
  4. What is one potential application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the future?
    A. Revolutionizing the fashion industry
    B. Revolutionizing the food industry
    C. Revolutionizing the healthcare industry
    D. Revolutionizing the entertainment industry


1. 技術のどの分野が急速に進歩しているか?
A. 仮想現実
B. 拡張現実
C. 人工知能
D. ブロックチェーン技術


2. IoTとは何ですか?
A. インターネットに接続されたデバイスのネットワーク
B. 仮想現実プラットフォーム
C. 新しいタイプのコンピュータプロセッサ
D. 一種の暗号通貨


3. 新しい技術に関連する最大の課題の1つは何ですか?
A. サイバー攻撃からの保護
B. すべての人に手頃な価格で提供すること
C. 環境に優しいことを確認すること
D. 古い技術と互換性があることを確認すること


4. 人工知能(AI)の将来的な応用の1つは何ですか?
A. ファッション産業の革命化
B. 食品産業の革命化
C. 医療産業の革命
D. エンターテインメント産業の革命化











Title: The Intriguing World of Cognitive Biases

Cognitive biases are inherent patterns in human thinking that can sometimes lead to systematic deviations from objective reality. These biases affect our perception, judgment, and decision-making, often without us being aware of their influence. Understanding these biases is crucial as they shed light on the complexities of human cognition and behavior. Let’s explore a few notable cognitive biases and their impact on our everyday lives.

One common cognitive bias is the confirmation bias. This bias refers to our tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms our preexisting beliefs or hypotheses. For example, if someone strongly believes in a specific political ideology, they might selectively seek out news sources that align with their views while dismissing or ignoring opposing viewpoints. This tendency can reinforce existing beliefs and create an echo chamber effect, limiting exposure to diverse perspectives.

Another intriguing bias is the availability heuristic. This bias occurs when people overestimate the importance of information that is readily available to them. For instance, if someone frequently hears news about plane crashes, they might develop an exaggerated fear of flying, despite statistically being more at risk while driving a car. The vividness and emotional impact of certain events can skew our perception of their likelihood, leading to irrational fears or judgments.

The anchoring bias is yet another fascinating example. This bias occurs when people rely too heavily on the first piece of information they receive (the “anchor”) when making decisions. For instance, in negotiations, the initial offer can significantly influence the final agreed-upon price. Even if the anchor value is arbitrary or irrelevant, it can sway subsequent judgments, demonstrating the subtle ways our minds can be influenced.

One more cognitive bias worth mentioning is the halo effect. This bias occurs when our overall impression of a person influences how we feel and think about their character. For example, if we find someone physically attractive, we might assume they are also intelligent or kind, despite having no evidence to support these traits. The halo effect can impact various areas of life, including hiring decisions, judgments about strangers, and even romantic relationships.

Now, let’s delve into the chronological sequence of events in cognitive development. In childhood, cognitive development progresses through various stages, as proposed by renowned psychologist Jean Piaget. The sensorimotor stage, spanning from birth to around two years old, involves infants exploring the world through their senses and motor activities. This is followed by the preoperational stage, where children between two and seven years old develop language and imagination but struggle with logical reasoning. The concrete operational stage, from seven to eleven years old, sees the development of more logical and organized thinking. Finally, the formal operational stage, starting around age eleven and continuing into adulthood, involves the ability to think abstractly and engage in hypothetical reasoning.

1. **Confirmation Bias (確証バイアス):** The tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information that confirms preexisting beliefs or hypotheses.
2. **Availability Heuristic (利用可能性ヒューリスティック):** The tendency to overestimate the importance of information readily available, leading to skewed perceptions of likelihood.
3. **Anchoring Bias (アンカリングバイアス):** Relying heavily on the first piece of information received (the “anchor”) when making decisions, even if it is irrelevant.
4. **Halo Effect (ハロー効果):** The phenomenon where an overall positive impression of a person influences judgments about specific traits, even without evidence.
5. **Cognitive Development (認知発達):** The progression of thinking abilities in childhood, including stages proposed by Jean Piaget.
6. **Sensorimotor Stage (感覚運動期):** The stage in Piaget’s theory where infants explore the world through senses and motor activities.
7. **Preoperational Stage (前操作期):** The stage in Piaget’s theory where children develop language and imagination but struggle with logical reasoning.
8. **Concrete Operational Stage (具体的操作期):** The stage in Piaget’s theory where more logical and organized thinking develops, typically between ages seven and eleven.
9. **Formal Operational Stage (形式的操作期):** The stage in Piaget’s theory where abstract thinking and hypothetical reasoning emerge, starting around age eleven and continuing into adulthood.


1. What is the term for the bias where people overestimate the importance of information that is readily available to them?

A) Confirmation bias
B) Availability heuristic
C) Anchoring bias
D) Halo effect

2. Which cognitive bias occurs when people rely too heavily on the first piece of information they receive when making decisions?

A) Confirmation bias
B) Availability heuristic
C) Anchoring bias
D) Halo effect

3. What is the main characteristic of the preoperational stage in Piaget’s theory of cognitive development?

A) Logical and organized thinking
B) Abstract thinking and hypothetical reasoning
C) Development of language and imagination
D) Exploring the world through senses and motor activities

4. In the context of cognitive biases, what does the confirmation bias refer to?

A) Overestimating the importance of readily available information
B) Searching for information that confirms preexisting beliefs
C) Relying heavily on the first piece of information received
D) Allowing overall impressions of a person to influence judgments

5. Arrange the stages of cognitive development proposed by Jean Piaget in chronological order.

A) Sensorimotor stage, Formal operational stage, Preoperational stage, Concrete operational stage
B) Sensorimotor stage, Preoperational stage, Concrete operational stage, Formal operational stage
C) Formal operational stage, Concrete operational stage, Preoperational stage, Sensorimotor stage
D) Preoperational stage, Sensorimotor stage, Concrete operational stage, Formal operational stage


1. B) 人々が手元にある情報の重要性を過大評価するバイアスを指す用語は、「利用可能性ヒューリスティック(availability heuristic)」です。このバイアスは、人々が自分に手元にある情報を過大評価する傾向があることを示しています。

2. C) 最初に受け取った情報に過度に依存するバイアスを指す用語は、「アンカリングバイアス(anchoring bias)」です。このバイアスは、人々が意思決定をする際に最初に受け取った情報(アンカー)に過度に依存する傾向があることを示しています。

3. C) Piagetの認知発達理論における前操作期の主な特徴は、言語と想像力の発達です。この時期には、子供たちは言語と想像力を発展させますが、論理的な推論には苦労します。

4. B) 確証バイアス(confirmation bias)は、既存の信念を確認する情報を探し求めるバイアスを指します。例えば、特定の政治的イデオロギーを信じている人は、その信念に合致するニュースソースを選んで読み、対立する意見を無視することがあります。

5. B) ジャン・ピアジェが提唱した認知発達の段階を時系列で並べると、次のようになります:Sensorimotor stage(感覚運動期)、Preoperational stage(前操作期)、Concrete operational stage(具体的操作期)、Formal operational stage(形式的操作期)。


タイトル: 認知バイアスの魅力的な世界


1. 一つの一般的な認知バイアスは「確証バイアス」です。このバイアスは、既存の信念や仮説を確認するような情報を探し、解釈し、好む、そして思い出す傾向を指します。例えば、誰かが特定の政治的イデオロギーを強く信じている場合、その人はしばしばその信念に一致するニュースソースを選んで読み、対立する意見を無視したり無視したりするかもしれません。この傾向は既存の信念を強化し、異なる視点に触れる機会を制限し、エコーカンチュウ(同じ意見が反復的に返ってくる現象)を生み出す可能性があります。

2. 別の興味深いバイアスは「利用可能性ヒューリスティック」です。このバイアスは、人々が手元にある情報の重要性を過大評価するときに発生します。例えば、誰かが飛行機事故について頻繁に聞くと、実際には車を運転する際のリスクがより高いにもかかわらず、飛行に対する誇張された恐怖心を抱く可能性があります。特定の出来事の鮮明さと感情的な影響は、その出来事の発生確率についての認識を歪め、非論理的な恐怖心や判断を引き起こす可能性があります。

3. 「アンカリングバイアス」は別の魅力的な例です。このバイアスは、人々が意思決定をする際に最初に受け取る情報(「アンカー」と呼ばれる)に過度に依存するときに発生します。例えば、交渉の際、最初の提案は最終的な合意価格に大きな影響を与える可能性があります。アンカーの値が任意的または関連性がない場合でも、それは後続の判断に影響を与えることができ、私たちの心が微妙な方法で影響を受けることを示しています。

4. 言及する価値のあるもう一つの認知バイアスは「ハロー効果」です。このバイアスは、人物全体の印象が、彼らの性格についての感情や考え方に影響を与えるときに発生します。例えば、誰かが外見的に魅力的である場合、私たちは彼らが知的であるか優しいと仮定するかもしれませんが、これらの特質を支持する証拠がない場合でもです。ハロー効果は、採用の決定、見知らぬ人に対する判断、そして恋愛関係さえも含め、様々な生活の分野に影響を与える可能性があります。

5. さて、認知発達の出来事の時系列について掘り下げてみましょう。幼少期において、認知の発達は、著名な心理学者ジャン・ピアジェによって提案されたように、さまざまな段階を通じて進行します。出生から約2歳までの感覚運動期では、幼児は感覚と運動活動を通じて世界を探求します。これに続く前操作期(2歳から7歳まで)では、言語と想像力が発達しますが、論理的な推論に苦労するかもしれません。7歳から11歳までの具体的操作期では、より論理的で整理された思考の発展が見られます。最後に、約11歳から成人期にかけて始まる形式的操作期では、抽象的な思考と仮説的な推論が可能となります。


共通テスト対策Part.4 より前の問題はこちら


