TOEIC Part 7 対策!(共通テスト対策にも!)無料の長文対策問題11(解説付き)

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TOEICの長文対策をしたい!特にPart 7!
TOEIC Part 7風の長文問題を作ってみました。




TOEIC Part 7 – 1 (passage)

In recent years, extreme weather events have become increasingly frequent and severe in different parts of the world. From devastating hurricanes in the Atlantic to prolonged droughts in Africa, these events have significant impacts on communities and ecosystems. Climate scientists attribute the rise in extreme weather events to global climate change caused by human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. The increasing temperatures lead to more frequent heatwaves, while changes in atmospheric conditions contribute to more intense storms and heavy rainfall. Rising sea levels also exacerbate the impact of storms, leading to more destructive storm surges and coastal flooding. As these extreme weather events become more commonplace, there is a growing recognition of the need for immediate action to mitigate climate change and its consequences. International efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote renewable energy sources, and enhance resilience to extreme events are crucial steps towards building a sustainable and climate-resilient future.

TOEIC Part 7 – 1 (questions)

  1. What is the main cause of the rise in extreme weather events according to climate scientists?
    a) Prolonged droughts in Africa
    b) Rising sea levels and coastal flooding
    c) Global climate change from human activities
    d) Frequent heatwaves and intense storms
  2. How do changes in atmospheric conditions contribute to extreme weather events?
    a) By reducing greenhouse gas emissions
    b) By promoting renewable energy sources
    c) By causing more frequent hurricanes
    d) By leading to more intense storms and heavy rainfall
  3. Why are international efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions important?
    a) To build a sustainable and climate-resilient future
    b) To increase the frequency of extreme weather events
    c) To cause more destructive storm surges
    d) To exacerbate the impact of storms

TOEIC Part 7 – 1 (answers)

  1. c) Global climate change from human activities

Explanation: The passage states that climate scientists attribute the rise in extreme weather events to global climate change caused by human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation.

  1. d) By leading to more intense storms and heavy rainfall

Explanation: The passage mentions that changes in atmospheric conditions contribute to more intense storms and heavy rainfall, among other factors.

  1. a) To build a sustainable and climate-resilient future

Explanation: The passage suggests that international efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are crucial steps towards building a sustainable and climate-resilient future, given the increasing frequency of extreme weather events.

TOEIC Part 7 – 1 (translation)


TOEIC Part 7 – 2 (passage)

Extreme Weather Events in Different Parts of the World

In recent years, extreme weather events have become increasingly frequent and intense in various regions worldwide. From devastating hurricanes in the Atlantic to record-breaking heatwaves in Europe and wildfires in Australia and the United States, the impacts of these events are felt on a global scale.

Climate scientists attribute the rise in extreme weather events to climate change, which is primarily driven by human activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes. As the planet’s temperature rises, so does the likelihood of extreme weather phenomena. Heatwaves, for example, are becoming more prolonged and intense, posing health risks and straining energy resources for cooling. Hurricanes and typhoons are also gaining strength due to warmer ocean waters, causing more destruction and displacing communities.

Addressing the challenges posed by extreme weather events requires a multi-faceted approach. Governments and communities must prioritize climate resilience by investing in infrastructure that can withstand and adapt to changing weather patterns. Additionally, international cooperation is essential in mitigating climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions to stabilize the climate and minimize the occurrence of extreme events.

TOEIC Part 7 – 2 (questions)

  1. What has been the trend regarding extreme weather events in recent years?
    A) They have become less frequent and weaker.
    B) They have become more frequent and intense.
    C) They have only affected certain regions.
    D) They have been completely unpredictable.
  2. What is the primary driver of climate change according to climate scientists?
    A) Human activities like burning fossil fuels and deforestation.
    B) Natural factors like volcanic eruptions and solar activity.
    C) Ocean currents and tectonic plate movements.
    D) Changes in the Earth’s orbit and axis.
  3. How do rising temperatures contribute to more intense heatwaves?
    A) By causing longer and more severe hurricanes.
    B) By displacing communities worldwide.
    C) By increasing the risk of wildfires in forests.
    D) By prolonging and intensifying heatwaves.
  4. What is the role of international cooperation in addressing extreme weather challenges?
    A) It is not essential as each country can handle the issue individually.
    B) It helps in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and stabilizing the climate.
    C) It only focuses on providing humanitarian aid after extreme events.
    D) It solely relies on the efforts of climate scientists.
  5. How can governments and communities enhance climate resilience?
    A) By ignoring climate change and its impacts.
    B) By investing in infrastructure to adapt to changing weather patterns.
    C) By encouraging more deforestation for economic development.
    D) By relying solely on renewable energy sources.

TOEIC Part 7 – 2 (answers)

  1. 近年の極端な気象イベントに関して傾向としてどうなっていますか?
    B) より頻繁かつ激しいものとなっています。
  2. 気候科学者によると、気候変動の主な原因は何ですか?
    A) 化石燃料の燃焼や森林伐採などの人間の活動です。
  3. 上昇する気温がより激しい熱波にどのように影響を与えますか?
    D) 熱波を長引かせ、強度を増します。
  4. 国際協力の役割は極端な気象に対処する際にどう役立ちますか?
    B) 温室効果ガスの排出削減と気候の安定化に役立ちます。
  5. 政府や地域社会はどのように気候の回復力を高めることができますか?
    B) 変動する気象パターンに適応するためのインフラ投資を行うことで実現できます。

TOEIC Part 7 – 2 (translation)





TOEIC Part 7 – 3 (passage)

Extreme Weather Events in Different Parts of the World

In recent years, the world has witnessed a surge in extreme weather events, ranging from devastating hurricanes and cyclones to prolonged droughts and heatwaves. These events have occurred in different parts of the globe, impacting communities and ecosystems alike. One notable example is the increase in the frequency and intensity of hurricanes in the Atlantic region. Scientists have attributed this rise to the warming of ocean waters, which provides the energy needed for hurricanes to form and intensify. As a result, coastal communities are facing heightened risks of storm surges, flooding, and property damage. Similarly, regions prone to drought and heatwaves, such as parts of Australia and Africa, have experienced more prolonged and severe dry spells. These weather phenomena have significant implications for agriculture, water resources, and human health, leading to challenges in food security and water scarcity.

As extreme weather events continue to intensify, there is growing concern about the impact of climate change on global weather patterns. One perspective is that the changing climate is exacerbating the frequency and severity of these events, with human activities, particularly greenhouse gas emissions, playing a significant role. The burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes have contributed to the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, leading to the warming of the planet. This warming, in turn, disrupts atmospheric circulation patterns and weather systems, leading to more frequent and intense weather extremes. Addressing these challenges requires concerted efforts at the international level, with countries working together to reduce emissions, adopt sustainable practices, and invest in climate resilience measures.

TOEIC Part 7 – 3 (questions)

  1. What has been the impact of the warming of ocean waters on hurricanes in the Atlantic region?
    a) Decrease in the frequency of hurricanes.
    b) Weakening of storm surges and flooding.
    c) Increase in the frequency and intensity of hurricanes.
    d) Relocation of coastal communities.
  2. Which regions have been particularly affected by prolonged droughts and heatwaves?
    a) Parts of Europe and North America.
    b) Australia and Africa.
    c) South America and Asia.
    d) Polar regions.
  3. What is one perspective about the increase in extreme weather events worldwide?
    a) It is unrelated to climate change.
    b) It is caused by fluctuations in solar activity.
    c) It is influenced by greenhouse gas emissions and climate change.
    d) It is a natural phenomenon with no human influence.
  4. What are the significant implications of extreme weather events on agriculture and water resources?
    a) Increased food security and water availability.
    b) Challenges in food security and water scarcity.
    c) Improved agricultural productivity and water conservation.
    d) Reduced impact on agriculture and water supplies.
  5. How can countries address the challenges posed by extreme weather events and climate change?
    a) By focusing on economic growth and industrial expansion.
    b) By reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adopting sustainable practices.
    c) By increasing reliance on fossil fuels for energy production.
    d) By investing in large-scale geoengineering projects.

TOEIC Part 7 – 3 (answers)

Q1: What has been the impact of the warming of ocean waters on hurricanes in the Atlantic region?
Answer: c) Increase in the frequency and intensity of hurricanes.
Explanation: 温暖化した海洋の影響で、大西洋地域のハリケーンの頻度と強度が増加しています。海水が温暖化することで、ハリケーンが形成されるために必要なエネルギーが供給されるためです。その結果、沿岸コミュニティは嵐潮、洪水、そして財産被害のリスクが高まっています。

Q2: Which regions have been particularly affected by prolonged droughts and heatwaves?
Answer: b) Australia and Africa.
Explanation: オーストラリアとアフリカの一部など、特に干ばつと熱波が頻発する地域では、より長期間かつ厳しい乾燥期を経験しています。これらの気象現象は農業、水資源、人間の健康に重大な影響を及ぼし、食料安全保障と水の不足に対する課題が生じています。

Q3: What is one perspective about the increase in extreme weather events worldwide?
Answer: c) It is influenced by greenhouse gas emissions and climate change.
Explanation: 世界的な極端な気象事象の増加に関する一つの見方は、気候変動が頻度と激しさを悪化させているというものです。特に温室効果ガスの排出が、人間の活動によって大きな影響を及ぼしています。化石燃料の燃焼、森林伐採、産業プロセスにより大気中に温室効果ガスが蓄積し、地球温暖化が起こっています。この温暖化が大気循環パターンと気象システムを乱し、より頻繁で激しい気象の極端さをもたらしています。

Q4: What are the significant implications of extreme weather events on agriculture and water resources?
Answer: b) Challenges in food security and water scarcity.
Explanation: 極端な気象事象の重要な影響は、農業と水資源に対する課題です。農業への影響では、作物への悪影響や収穫量の減少などが挙げられます。また、水資源への影響としては、水不足や洪水による被害などが含まれます。これらの影響が食料安全保障と水の不足に直結し、重要な課題となっています。

Q5: How can countries address the challenges posed by extreme weather events and climate change?
Answer: b) By reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adopting sustainable practices.
Explanation: 国々が極端な気象事象と気候変動に対処するために取り組む方法は、温室効果ガスの排出を減らし、持続可能な取り組みを採用することです。これには再生可能エネルギーの利用、省エネルギー対策の推進、森林保護などが含まれます。また、気候変動に対する強靭性を高めるための投資も重要です。これらの取り組みを国際レベルで協力して進めることが、気候変動への対応に不可欠な要素となります。

TOEIC Part 7 – 3 (translation)




TOEIC Part 7 – 4 (passage)

Extreme Weather Events in Different Parts of the World

Paragraph 1: The Impact of Climate Change

In recent years, extreme weather events have become increasingly prevalent in various parts of the world, raising concerns about the impact of climate change. From devastating hurricanes and cyclones in coastal regions to prolonged droughts and heatwaves in arid areas, the frequency and intensity of extreme weather phenomena are on the rise. These events can have severe consequences for human populations, ecosystems, and economies. Flooding caused by heavy rainfall can lead to displacement, property damage, and loss of life, while droughts can result in water scarcity, crop failures, and food shortages. The warming of the planet is also leading to the melting of polar ice caps and glaciers, contributing to rising sea levels and posing a threat to low-lying coastal communities.

Scientists and climate experts point to human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation, as the primary drivers of climate change. The release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere traps heat, leading to global warming and the disruption of weather patterns. Addressing the root causes of climate change is essential to mitigate the impact of extreme weather events and ensure a more sustainable future for generations to come.

Paragraph 2: Adaptation and Resilience

As extreme weather events become more frequent and unpredictable, adaptation and resilience strategies are crucial for communities and countries worldwide. Investing in infrastructure that can withstand the impacts of extreme weather, such as flood defenses and heat-resistant buildings, is essential to reduce the vulnerabilities of vulnerable regions. Moreover, implementing early warning systems and disaster preparedness plans can save lives and minimize damages when extreme events strike. Additionally, promoting sustainable practices, such as renewable energy sources and reforestation, can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and slow down the rate of climate change.

An important aspect of adaptation is recognizing that certain communities are disproportionately affected by extreme weather events. Low-income communities and marginalized groups often bear the brunt of these impacts due to limited resources and infrastructure. Addressing social and economic inequalities is critical in building resilience and ensuring that all communities have the capacity to cope with the challenges posed by climate change and extreme weather events.

New Perspective: The Global Collaborative Effort

Extreme weather events transcend national boundaries, and their impacts are felt globally. As such, addressing climate change and its effects requires a collective effort from all countries. International collaboration is vital in sharing knowledge, resources, and technologies to develop effective climate mitigation and adaptation strategies. By working together, the global community can create a united front against climate change and protect the planet for future generations.

Frequency of Extreme Weather Events

North America8365
South America5246

TOEIC Part 7 – 4 (questions)

  1. What is the main topic of the passage?
    a) The impact of extreme weather events on different regions.
    b) The importance of international collaboration in climate change efforts.
    c) Adaptation and resilience strategies for extreme weather events.
    d) The increasing frequency of extreme weather events due to climate change.
  2. What is the primary cause of climate change and extreme weather events?
    a) Deforestation and renewable energy sources.
    b) Human activities, including burning fossil fuels.
    c) Early warning systems and disaster preparedness plans.
    d) The melting of polar ice caps and glaciers.
  3. Why are adaptation and resilience strategies essential for communities?
    a) To create early warning systems for extreme weather events.
    b) To reduce greenhouse gas emissions and slow down climate change.
    c) To withstand the impacts of extreme weather and reduce vulnerabilities.
    d) To address social and economic inequalities in affected regions.
  4. Which region has the highest frequency of heatwaves?
    a) North America
    b) Asia
    c) Europe
    d) Africa
  5. What is the significance of addressing social and economic inequalities in adaptation efforts?
    a) It reduces the impacts of extreme weather events on vulnerable communities.
    b) It increases the frequency of extreme weather events in low-income regions.
    c) It creates early warning systems for droughts and floods.
    d) It focuses on building infrastructure in marginalized areas.
  6. Which region experienced the highest number of hurricanes/cyclones?
    a) North America
    b) South America
    c) Europe
    d) Asia

TOEIC Part 7 – 4 (answers)

  1. d) 気候変動による極端な気象事象の増加
  2. b) 化石燃料の燃焼などの人間活動
  3. c) 極端な気象の影響に耐えるためと脆弱性を減らすため
  4. b) アジア
  5. a) 脆弱なコミュニティへの極端な気象事象の影響を軽減するため
  6. a) 北アメリカ

TOEIC Part 7 – 4 (translation)

Passage: 世界各地の極端な気象事象












