TOEFL ibt 対策!無料のリーディング対策問題89(解説付き)

TOEFL ibt リーディング問題集

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Title: Metaphysics: Exploring the Nature of Reality

Metaphysics, derived from the Greek words “meta,” meaning beyond, and “physika,” meaning physics, is a branch of philosophy that delves into the fundamental nature of reality, existence, and being. It goes beyond the realm of the physical sciences, examining questions that transcend empirical observation and explore the very essence of existence.

The Nature of Reality

At its core, metaphysics seeks to understand the nature of reality. It ponders questions such as: What is the fundamental substance of the universe? Is reality objective and independent of human perception? Or is it subjective, shaped by our thoughts and experiences? Metaphysicians explore these inquiries through a variety of lenses, often drawing on philosophical traditions, scientific principles, and religious perspectives.

Ontology: The Study of Being

One of the central branches of metaphysics is ontology, the study of being. Ontologists contemplate the nature of existence itself. They ponder the existence of abstract entities like numbers and concepts, exploring whether these entities have a reality beyond human cognition. Additionally, they grapple with the categorization of different kinds of beings, differentiating between concrete entities like physical objects and abstract entities like love or justice.

Epistemology: Knowledge and Reality

Metaphysics intersects with epistemology, the study of knowledge. Epistemological questions often overlap with metaphysical ones. For instance, metaphysicians ponder how human knowledge interacts with reality. Do our perceptions accurately reflect the external world, or are they shaped by our cognitive processes? Such inquiries delve into the nature of truth, belief, and the foundations of knowledge.

Cosmology: Understanding the Universe

Cosmology, a branch of metaphysics, focuses on understanding the origin, structure, evolution, and eventual fate of the universe. It contemplates questions about the existence of multiple universes, the possibility of time travel, and the nature of space. Cosmologists grapple with the mysterious aspects of the cosmos, exploring phenomena like dark matter, dark energy, and the Big Bang theory.

Metaphysics in Contemporary Philosophy

In contemporary philosophy, metaphysical inquiries remain vibrant. Analytic metaphysics, a dominant tradition in Western philosophy, employs rigorous logic and linguistic analysis to explore metaphysical questions. Philosophers delve into topics such as identity, causality, free will, and the mind-body problem. Concurrently, Eastern philosophical traditions, particularly in Buddhism and Taoism, offer unique metaphysical perspectives, challenging conventional Western viewpoints.


  1. What is the primary focus of metaphysics?
    A) Empirical observation
    B) Understanding the nature of reality
    C) Mathematical calculations
    D) Cultural analysis
  2. Which branch of metaphysics deals with the study of being?
    A) Cosmology
    B) Epistemology
    C) Ontology
    D) Aesthetics
  3. What is ontology concerned with?
    A) The nature of existence
    B) The study of knowledge
    C) The structure of the universe
    D) The study of morality
  4. How does metaphysics intersect with epistemology?
    A) Epistemology studies the origin of the universe.
    B) Epistemology explores the foundations of knowledge in relation to reality.
    C) Metaphysics analyzes historical events.
    D) Metaphysics studies human emotions.
  5. What does cosmology, as a branch of metaphysics, focus on?
    A) Understanding the nature of justice
    B) Exploring the origin and structure of the universe
    C) Analyzing human consciousness
    D) Studying linguistic patterns
  6. What is a key feature of analytic metaphysics?
    A) Relying solely on mystical experiences
    B) Using rigorous logic and linguistic analysis
    C) Rejecting the study of the mind-body problem
    D) Ignoring the concept of time
  7. In addition to Western philosophy, which philosophical traditions offer unique metaphysical perspectives?
    A) African philosophy
    B) Eastern philosophical traditions like Buddhism and Taoism
    C) Medieval European philosophy
    D) Renaissance philosophy
  8. Which of the following is NOT a topic explored by metaphysicians?
    A) Identity
    B) Causality
    C) Historical events
    D) Free will
  9. What is the central question of cosmology?
    A) How do human beliefs shape reality?
    B) What is the nature of space and time?
    C) Why do humans perceive different colors?
    D) How do emotions influence decision-making?
  10. Which branch of metaphysics studies the interaction between the mind and the body?
    A) Ontology
    B) Cosmology
    C) Epistemology
    D) The mind-body problem in metaphysics
  11. What does the term “metaphysics” mean in its Greek origin?
    A) Beyond physics
    B) The study of physics
    C) Physical reality
    D) The foundation of mathematics
  12. What is the goal of metaphysicians studying the mind-body problem?
    A) To separate the mind and the body completely
    B) To understand the relationship between mental experiences and the physical body
    C) To deny the existence of the mind
    D) To focus solely on physical sensations
  13. Which of the following is a question metaphysics might explore?
    A) How plants photosynthesize
    B) Whether there are parallel universes
    C) The chemical composition of water
    D) The structure of human bones
  14. Which of the following traditions is NOT typically associated with metaphysical inquiries?
    A) Religious traditions
    B) Scientific traditions
    C) Philosophical traditions
    D) Political traditions
  15. What distinguishes metaphysical questions from empirical ones?
    A) Metaphysical questions are based on empirical evidence.
    B) Empirical questions are about observable phenomena, while metaphysical questions go beyond what is observable.
    C) Metaphysical questions are limited to concrete physical objects.
    D) Empirical questions are solely concerned with philosophical concepts.



  1. B) Understanding the nature of reality
  2. C) Ontology
  3. A) The nature of existence
  4. B) Epistemology explores the foundations of knowledge in relation to reality.
  5. B) Exploring the origin and structure of the universe
  6. B) Using rigorous logic and linguistic analysis
  7. B) Eastern philosophical traditions like Buddhism and Taoism
  8. C) Historical events
  9. B) What is the nature of space and time?
  10. D) The mind-body problem in metaphysics
  11. A) Beyond physics
  12. B) To understand the relationship between mental experiences and the physical body
  13. B) Whether there are parallel universes
  14. D) Political traditions
  15. B) Empirical questions are about observable phenomena, while metaphysical questions go beyond what is observable.

Explanations (in Japanese):

  1. B) 現実の本質を理解することです。メタフィジクスは、現実の本質についての問いを探求します。
  2. C) オントロジーは存在の研究に関係しています。何が存在するのかという問題を探究します。
  3. A) 存在の本質に関する研究です。抽象的なエンティティ、例えば数や概念などが人間の認識を超えた現実を持っているのかを考えます。
  4. B) 認識論は現実との関係で知識の基盤を探究します。メタフィジクスの問題とも関係しています。
  5. B) 宇宙の起源と構造を理解することに焦点を当てます。宇宙の起源、構造、進化、最終的な運命についての問いを探求します。
  6. B) 厳密な論理と言語分析を使用します。これによって、メタフィジクスの問題を解決しようとします。
  7. B) 仏教や道教のような東洋の哲学的伝統も、独自の視点を提供し、西洋の視点とは異なるメタフィジカルな問いに挑戦します。
  8. C) 歴史的な出来事はメタフィジクスの探求とは直接関係がないです。メタフィジクスは存在、現実、認識に関する問題に焦点を当てます。
  9. B) 空間と時間の本質に関する問題です。宇宙全体に関する問題も含みます。
  10. D) メタフィジクスにおける心身の問題は、精神的な経験と物理的な体との関係を理解することを目指しています。
  11. A) 物理学を超えたところ、つまり物理学の向こう側を指します。物理学が扱わない領域に焦点を当てます。
  12. B) 精神的な経験と物理的な体との関係を理解することが目標です。これによって、心と体の関係を探求します。
  13. B) 並行する宇宙が存在するのかどうかについての問いです。この問いは宇宙の本質に関する問題です。
  14. D) メタフィジカルな問いとは直接関係がないです。政治的な伝統は、通常、メタフィジクスの問いには関与しません。
  15. B) 経験的な問いは観察可能な現象に関するものであり、一方、メタフィジカルな問いは観察可能なものを超えた問いを追求します。


Title: メタフィジクス:現実の本質を探求する














