TOEFL ibt 対策!無料のリーディング対策問題83(解説付き)

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Title: Plato’s Cave Allegory: Illuminating the Nature of Reality

Plato’s Cave Allegory is a philosophical narrative found in his work “The Republic.” This allegory is a powerful and enduring metaphor that explores the nature of reality, knowledge, and human perception. It is a dialogue between Plato’s teacher, Socrates, and his student, Glaucon, and serves as a foundational concept in the realm of philosophy.

The Allegory

In this allegory, Plato asks us to imagine a group of people who have been imprisoned within a dark cave since birth. They are chained in such a way that they can only see the cave wall in front of them, unable to turn their heads or look behind. Behind them is a blazing fire, and between the fire and the prisoners, objects are moved, casting shadows on the cave wall. To the prisoners, these shadows are their only reality, as they have never seen anything else.

The Escape

Plato introduces the concept of escape. If one of these prisoners were to be freed and compelled to turn around and look at the fire and the objects behind them, they would initially be dazzled by the brightness of the fire. It would take time for their eyes to adjust, but eventually, they would see the objects in their true form and understand that the shadows on the wall were mere illusions.

The Return

Now enlightened, the freed prisoner might feel compelled to return to the cave to free their fellow prisoners. However, upon reentering the cave, they would face disbelief and ridicule from those who had never seen the outside world. The prisoners would likely view the freed individual as delusional and a threat to their established reality.

The Philosophical Implications

Plato’s Cave Allegory is a profound reflection on the nature of knowledge and reality. It suggests that our everyday perception of the world is like that of the prisoners, limited to what we can see and experience directly. The shadows on the cave wall symbolize the illusions of the sensory world, while the journey outside the cave represents the philosopher’s pursuit of deeper truths and knowledge.


  1. What is the central theme of Plato’s Cave Allegory?
    A) The nature of imprisonment
    B) The power of shadows
    C) The limits of human perception
    D) The brightness of the fire
  2. In the allegory, how do the prisoners perceive reality?
    A) They see the objects directly.
    B) They view the shadows on the cave wall.
    C) They are blinded by the brightness of the fire.
    D) They are in complete darkness.
  3. What happens when one of the prisoners is freed and turns to look at the fire and objects?
    A) They are instantly able to understand reality.
    B) They are initially dazzled by the brightness of the fire.
    C) They refuse to look at the fire.
    D) They become a philosopher.
  4. What is the significance of the freed prisoner returning to the cave?
    A) They seek to free their fellow prisoners.
    B) They are afraid of the outside world.
    C) They want to stay in the cave forever.
    D) They want to enjoy the shadows.
  5. What do the shadows on the cave wall represent in the allegory?
    A) The sensory world
    B) The outside world
    C) Philosophical truths
    D) The prisoners’ imagination
  6. According to Plato’s Cave Allegory, what does the journey outside the cave symbolize?
    A) The prisoners’ desire for freedom
    B) The philosopher’s quest for deeper knowledge
    C) The darkness of human perception
    D) The power of the fire
  7. How do the other prisoners in the cave react to the freed individual’s return?
    A) They welcome the freed individual with open arms.
    B) They view the freed individual as a threat and ridicule them.
    C) They join the freed individual on the journey outside.
    D) They remain indifferent to the freed individual’s return.
  8. What is the ultimate message of Plato’s Cave Allegory?
    A) Human perception is always accurate.
    B) Shadows are more real than the objects casting them.
    C) True knowledge requires questioning and exploration.
    D) The cave is the only reality.
  9. Who is the central character engaged in the allegorical discussion in Plato’s Cave Allegory?
    A) Socrates
    B) Plato
    C) Glaucon
    D) The escaped prisoner
  10. What is the source of the light in Plato’s Cave Allegory?
    A) The moon
    B) The stars
    C) A blazing fire
    D) Bioluminescent creatures


  1. What is the central theme of Plato’s Cave Allegory?
    Correct Answer: C) The limits of human perception
    Explanation: The central theme of Plato’s Cave Allegory is the idea that human perception is limited to what can be directly observed, and there are deeper truths and realities beyond what we perceive.
  2. In the allegory, how do the prisoners perceive reality?
    Correct Answer: B) They view the shadows on the cave wall.
    Explanation: In the allegory, the prisoners perceive reality by watching the shadows cast on the cave wall. These shadows represent their limited understanding of the world.
  3. What happens when one of the prisoners is freed and turns to look at the fire and objects?
    Correct Answer: B) They are initially dazzled by the brightness of the fire.
    Explanation: When a prisoner is freed and turns to look at the fire and objects, they are initially blinded by the brightness of the fire. Their eyes need time to adjust to this new reality.
  4. What is the significance of the freed prisoner returning to the cave?
    Correct Answer: A) They seek to free their fellow prisoners.
    Explanation: The significance of the freed prisoner returning to the cave is that they want to free their fellow prisoners from the ignorance of the cave’s illusions.
  5. What do the shadows on the cave wall represent in the allegory?
    Correct Answer: A) The sensory world
    Explanation: In the allegory, the shadows on the cave wall represent the sensory world that the prisoners believe to be reality, but which is actually an illusion.
  6. According to Plato’s Cave Allegory, what does the journey outside the cave symbolize?
    Correct Answer: B) The philosopher’s quest for deeper knowledge
    Explanation: The journey outside the cave in Plato’s allegory symbolizes the philosopher’s quest for deeper knowledge and a greater understanding of reality.
  7. How do the other prisoners in the cave react to the freed individual’s return?
    Correct Answer: B) They view the freed individual as a threat and ridicule them.
    Explanation: In the allegory, the other prisoners react with disbelief and ridicule when the freed individual returns, as they cannot comprehend the outside world.
  8. What is the ultimate message of Plato’s Cave Allegory?
    Correct Answer: C) True knowledge requires questioning and exploration.
    Explanation: The ultimate message of Plato’s Cave Allegory is that true knowledge requires questioning the illusions of the sensory world and exploring deeper truths.
  9. Who is the central character engaged in the allegorical discussion in Plato’s Cave Allegory?
    Correct Answer: A) Socrates
    Explanation: Socrates is the central character engaged in the allegorical discussion in Plato’s Cave Allegory.
  10. What is the source of the light in Plato’s Cave Allegory?
    Correct Answer: C) A blazing fire
    Explanation: In Plato’s Cave Allegory, the source of light is a blazing fire that casts shadows on the cave wall.


Title: プラトンの洞窟の寓話:現実の本質を照らす












