TOEFL ibt 対策!無料のリーディング対策問題95(解説付き)

TOEFL ibt リーディング問題集

TOEFL ibt リーディングテストのスコアを改善するには…



Title: Renaissance Art: A Cultural Revolution

The Renaissance, a period spanning roughly from the 14th to the 17th century, was a time of profound artistic, cultural, and intellectual transformation in Europe. During this era, there was a revival of interest in the classical art, literature, and knowledge of ancient Greece and Rome. This revival, often regarded as the birth of the modern world, had a significant impact on various artistic forms, laying the foundation for what is now considered Renaissance art.

Humanism and Artistic Expression

Central to Renaissance art was the humanist movement, which emphasized the study of classical texts, human dignity, and individual potential. Humanism profoundly influenced artists, encouraging them to depict the human body with greater accuracy and naturalism. Artists like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo became renowned for their anatomically precise representations, capturing the essence of the human form and emotion in their works.

Perspective and Realism

Renaissance artists pioneered the use of linear perspective, a technique that created the illusion of depth and three-dimensionality on a flat surface. This innovation allowed artists to depict scenes with remarkable realism. The application of light and shadow, known as chiaroscuro, further enhanced the illusion, giving paintings a sense of depth and solidity. Artists such as Raphael and Titian mastered these techniques, creating artworks that appeared almost lifelike.

Innovation in Artistic Mediums

The Renaissance also witnessed innovations in artistic mediums. Oil painting, introduced in Northern Europe, allowed for richer colors and finer details in artworks. Artists could now achieve a greater range of tones and textures, enhancing the overall visual impact of their paintings. The availability of new pigments expanded the artist’s palette, enabling a broader spectrum of colors and artistic expression.

Patronage and Artistic Centers

The flourishing of Renaissance art was closely tied to patronage. Wealthy individuals, including rulers, merchants, and the Church, commissioned artworks to enhance their prestige and reflect their cultural sophistication. Major Italian cities like Florence, Venice, and Rome became artistic hubs, fostering creativity and collaboration among artists, architects, and scholars. These centers of learning and creativity attracted talent from across Europe, leading to the exchange of ideas and techniques.

Legacy and Influence

The impact of Renaissance art extended far beyond its time. It laid the foundation for subsequent art movements, influencing styles like Baroque and Neoclassicism. The emphasis on individual creativity, technical mastery, and the representation of the natural world became enduring ideals in Western art. Even today, Renaissance masterpieces are celebrated and studied, serving as a testament to the enduring power and beauty of this transformative period in human history.



  1. What was a central focus of the Renaissance period?
    A. Scientific discoveries
    B. Classical art and knowledge
    C. Industrial revolution
    D. Religious dogma
  2. Which movement profoundly influenced artists during the Renaissance, leading to more accurate depictions of the human body?
    A. Impressionism
    B. Realism
    C. Humanism
    D. Surrealism
  3. What technique, pioneered during the Renaissance, created the illusion of depth and three-dimensionality in artworks?
    A. Cubism
    B. Linear perspective
    C. Abstract expressionism
    D. Pointillism
  4. Which artistic innovation allowed for richer colors and finer details in Renaissance paintings?
    A. Watercolor painting
    B. Fresco painting
    C. Oil painting
    D. Tempera painting
  5. Which Italian city was a major artistic center during the Renaissance, fostering creativity and collaboration among artists, architects, and scholars?
    A. Milan
    B. Florence
    C. Naples
    D. Venice
  6. What enduring ideals in Western art were established during the Renaissance period?
    A. Emphasis on minimalism and simplicity
    B. Focus on abstraction and distortion
    C. Emphasis on individual creativity and technical mastery
    D. Focus on chaotic and disorganized compositions
  7. What technique, involving the use of light and shadow, enhanced the illusion of depth and solidity in Renaissance paintings?
    A. Tenebrism
    B. Chiaroscuro
    C. Sfumato
    D. Impasto
  8. Which artist from the Renaissance period is renowned for his anatomically precise representations of the human body?
    A. Raphael
    B. Michelangelo
    C. Titian
    D. Van Eyck
  9. What did the humanist movement emphasize, influencing artists to depict the human body more accurately?
    A. Study of classical texts, human dignity, and individual potential
    B. Focus on religious themes and symbolism
    C. Exploration of abstract concepts and ideas
    D. Study of non-Western cultures and traditions
  10. What artistic technique was introduced during the Renaissance period, allowing artists to achieve a greater range of tones and textures?
    A. Engraving
    B. Etching
    C. Oil painting
    D. Tempera painting


  1. What was a central focus of the Renaissance period?
    Correct Answer: B. Classical art and knowledge Explanation (Japanese):
  2. Which movement profoundly influenced artists during the Renaissance, leading to more accurate depictions of the human body?
    Correct Answer: C. Humanism Explanation (Japanese):
  3. What technique, pioneered during the Renaissance, created the illusion of depth and three-dimensionality in artworks?
    Correct Answer: B. Linear perspective Explanation (Japanese):
  4. Which artistic innovation allowed for richer colors and finer details in Renaissance paintings?
    Correct Answer: C. Oil painting Explanation (Japanese):
  5. Which Italian city was a major artistic center during the Renaissance, fostering creativity and collaboration among artists, architects, and scholars?
    Correct Answer: B. Florence Explanation (Japanese):
  6. What enduring ideals in Western art were established during the Renaissance period?
    Correct Answer: C. Emphasis on individual creativity and technical mastery Explanation (Japanese):
  7. What technique, involving the use of light and shadow, enhanced the illusion of depth and solidity in Renaissance paintings?
    Correct Answer: B. Chiaroscuro Explanation (Japanese):
  8. Which artist from the Renaissance period is renowned for his anatomically precise representations of the human body?
    Correct Answer: B. Michelangelo Explanation (Japanese):
  9. What did the humanist movement emphasize, influencing artists to depict the human body more accurately?
    Correct Answer: A. Study of classical texts, human dignity, and individual potential Explanation (Japanese):
  10. What artistic technique was introduced during the Renaissance period, allowing artists to achieve a greater range of tones and textures?
    Correct Answer: C. Oil painting Explanation (Japanese):


Title: ルネサンス美術:文化の革命














