揺蕩う感情を詩に記す 15





自分を曲げてでも 相手に合わせることが
時には必要なのだと 身をもって知った
理不尽な現実に ただ立ちすくむばかり
諦めにも潔さがある それもまた真実なのだ

闘うことばかりが 強さではない
自分の価値を 誰かに評価されるものでもない
それでも自分を押し通すときには 思いやりの心を忘れずに
時には譲り合う心を 持つことが大切なのだ

人は皆 自分の正義を持っている
だからこそ争いが起こる お互いに譲り合うこともできず
相手を見下すようにして 何一つ解決しない
わたしは自分を守るため 心を閉ざしてしまう

現実は厳しくて 足が重くなるばかり
自分を大きく見せたい 認めてもらいたい
相手に負けたくない でもそれが果たして
自分にとって良いことなのか 立ち止まって考えてみよう?

人生は葛藤の連続で 惨めに思えることもある
理屈では割り切れない 感情がらみの問題もある
言葉を使って、工夫して 解決するのが筋だろう
譲歩することは 新たな未来の可能性を切り開くはず

この悲惨な現実に ただただ打ちひしがれることもある
けれど譲り合いができる 強い人間になれたなら
この理不尽な世の中でも 前に進めるのだろう
手を取り合って 歩みを進めてみたくない?

Translate this poem into English
“My Values and Theirs”

Sometimes it’s necessary to bend ourselves to accommodate others,
I learned this through experience.
In the face of an unjust reality, sometimes standing still is the only option,
And there is dignity in surrender, that too is the truth.

Fighting is not always strength,
And our worth is not determined by someone else’s evaluation.
But when we insist on our own way, we mustn’t forget to have empathy,
And the importance of compromise cannot be overstated.

Everyone has their own sense of justice,
And it is precisely because of this that conflicts arise, as we refuse to concede to each other.
Belittling our opponents accomplishes nothing,
And sometimes we close ourselves off in order to protect ourselves.

Reality can be harsh, and we feel weighed down,
We want to appear bigger and be recognized,
We don’t want to lose to others, but is that really what’s best for us?
Let’s pause and think about it.

Life is a series of conflicts, and sometimes it feels miserable.
Emotions can be messy and resist logical explanations,
But using language and creativity to find solutions is the way to go,
Compromise can lead to new possibilities and pave the way for a better future.

Sometimes we are overwhelmed by the tragic reality,
But if we become strong enough to compromise,
We can move forward in this unjust world,
Don’t you want to join hands and walk together?

The rewritten poem in English by using Chat GPT

At times, to accommodate others, we must adjust our stance,
A lesson learnt through living and experiencing chance.
Stagnation, at times, is the only option against injustice’s power,
Surrender too has its dignity, a truth we must empower.

Fighting isn’t the sole sign of our strength,
Our value isn’t determined by another’s assessment length.
But in asserting our way, empathy must remain,
Compromise, sometimes, is essential for progress to sustain.

All hold their own sense of justice in life,
Conflict arises when concessions fail to arrive,
Disrespecting each other merely hinders the course,
And closure helps protect, though at an emotional cost.

Harsh reality can weigh down our souls,
We crave recognition and a larger role,
But is winning at all costs in our best interest?
Pause and contemplate before we persist.

Life’s conflicts can seem miserable and surreal,
Emotions complicate and resist logic’s appeal,
But through creativity and dialogue, solutions we reveal,
Compromise sets the path to a future ideal.

Sometimes tragedy overwhelms and scars,
But with compromise, progress won’t remain behind bars,
In this unjust world, moving forward we must dare,
Join hands, march forward, and together we shall fare.


