揺蕩う感情を詩に記す 26





準備なき旅路に出た 見えない未来に恐れながら
誰かの影を 追っていた
自分だけが抱える問題 誰も手を差し伸べてくれず
疲れ果てて 立ちすくむ

慣れない場所で 迷い込み
時には弱気になり 挫折を味わうこともある
時が流れて 季節が変わり
すべてが壁になり 進む道がなくなる

目の前には険しい山がそびえ立ち 挑戦を促す
だが、足元は不安定で 進むこともできない
いつしか大人になった僕は あの頃の自分を思い出す
生きる気力は どこから湧き出るのだろうか

昔のように 落ち着いていたい
今は準備不足のまま 不確かな一歩を踏み出すしかない
未来が見えなくても 自分の力で進んでいく
それが、今の自分に できること

明日はきっと もう少し
自分に自信を持って 歩けるはずだ
あの木々のように、揺れても折れない しなやかな信念とともに
どんな困難にも立ち向かう 勇気を持って生きることを選ぶ

Translate this poem into English
“The Journey Ahead”

I set out on a journey unprepared, afraid of an unseen future
Chasing after someone’s shadow
Problems that only I carry, with no one to lend a hand
Exhausted, I stand still

Lost in an unfamiliar place
Sometimes feeling weak, tasting defeat
Time passes, seasons change
Everything becomes a wall, with no path to follow

A steep mountain stands before me, challenging me to climb
But the ground beneath me is unstable, and I cannot move forward
As an adult, I think back to the past me
Where does the will to live come from?

I want to be calm like I used to be
But now, with no preparation, I have to take uncertain steps forward
Even if I cannot see the future, I will move forward with my own strength
That is what I can do now

Tomorrow, I will surely have more confidence to walk
With a supple conviction, like those trees that sway but do not break
I choose to face any difficulties with courage and live my life

The rewritten poem in English by using Chat GPT

Embarking on an unprepared journey, fearing an unseen future
Tracing someone’s shadow, I wander alone
Problems weighing me down, no helping hand to turn to
Weary and still, I stand at a crossroad

Lost in an unknown land, uncertainty looms
Feeling weak and defeated, I long for home
Time marches on, seasons come and go
Walls surround me, with no clear path to show

A steep mountain stands before me, urging me to climb
But the ground beneath me shakes, leaving me unsure
As an adult, I think back to my younger self
Where does the will to live come from, how can I find help?

I yearn to be calm and steady, like the person I used to be
But now, with no plan or map, I must take one step at a time
Though the future is a blur, I will keep moving on
With the strength inside me, I will find my way before long

Tomorrow, I will walk with a newfound confidence
Like the trees that bend but never break in the wind
I choose to face every challenge with courage and determination
And carve my own path in this lost and wondrous journey.


