揺蕩う感情を詩に記す 17





全力疾走の日々に翻弄され 息切れしそうな夜もある
静かな時間の中で 心の闇と闘いながら
思い出や感情 自分と向き合う時間がやってくる
目の前に広がる景色に 心が落ち着いていく

静寂な時間が私を包み込み その瞬間は訪れる
何にも追われることなく 自分の思考に集中できる
目の前の景色が輝き 心に満ち足りた感覚が広がっていく
心地よさに包まれて 余裕があるからこそ見える世界が広がっていく

人々が慌ただしく動き回る中で 時間の流れに身を任せ
心に余裕を持って 自然の中に佇む時間
横たわる風景に 静かな寛容さを感じる
深呼吸をして 落ち着いた心で世界を見つめる

自分を信じてみよう 余裕とは自分を受け入れることなのだから
寛容な心で 自分や周りの人たちを受け入れてみよう
心に余裕があると 周りの人たちにも優しくなれるのだから
心のゆとりがあるからこそ 新しい可能性が見えてくる

深い森の中で 一人過ごす静かな時間
心の奥に眠るものに気付き 心のゆとりを取り戻す
新しい明日を迎えるために 今日も心にゆとりを持つ
今日も悠然と 明日へと続く小さな一歩を踏み出すのだ

Translate this poem into English
“A Calm Stride”

Days of sprinting with all my might sometimes leave me breathless at night
In the quiet moments, I fight the darkness in my heart
Memories and emotions surface as I face myself
And my heart finds peace in the scenery before me

In moments of silence, I am enveloped
Free from distractions, I can focus on my thoughts
The world before me shines, and a sense of fulfillment fills my heart
I am wrapped in comfort, and the world expands before me with ease

Amidst the hustle and bustle of people rushing by,
I let time flow and find solace in nature
I feel a quiet acceptance in the landscape around me
I take a deep breath, and view the world with a calm heart

Let us believe in ourselves, for having a sense of ease is about accepting ourselves
With a generous heart, let us accept ourselves and those around us
Having a sense of ease allows us to be kinder to those around us
And with ease in our hearts, new possibilities come into view

In the depths of the forest, I spend time alone in silence
I become aware of what lies dormant in my heart and regain a sense of ease
To welcome a new tomorrow, I keep ease in my heart today
Today, I take a leisurely step towards a small tomorrow

The rewritten poem in English by using Chat GPT

Days of rushing leave me breathless, sometimes lost in the night
In moments of calm, I confront my inner demons, take flight
Memories and emotions surface, I face myself, find my light
And my heart fills with peace, the scenery before me so bright

The silence envelopes me, free from distractions, I can think
The world shines with potential, and my heart with joy does brink
Wrapped in comfort, the world before me expands with a wink
And with a calm stride, new possibilities into view do link

Amidst the hustle and bustle, I find solace in nature’s hold
I feel a deep acceptance of the world, and the stories it has told
A deep breath, a calm heart, and the world becomes pure gold
With ease in my heart, my actions take on new roles, bold

Believing in myself, I accept my flaws and all that I can be
With a generous heart, I welcome others, and help them see
With ease in my heart, kindness and empathy come easily
And with every calm stride, my world expands, boundlessly free

In the depths of the forest, I find the quiet that I need
My heart is at ease, my thoughts flow with grace and speed
Everyday, I take a calm stride, wherever my path may lead
For with ease in my heart, the world opens up, a wondrous breed


