揺蕩う感情を詩に記す 27





感動に包まれた その瞬間
身体中に広がる 微かな震え
心が踊り出す 感覚の中で
何もかも忘れて ただ感じる

煌めく星のように 美しい瞬間
儚く過ぎ去っても 心に残る
喜びや悲しみも 全て融け合う
感動の中に 人は生きる

怖くてもためらっても 立ち止まらずに
自分自身に言い聞かせて 少しずつ前に進む
言葉がとても美しく やさしく、重く、力強く
感情が織りなす音色が 胸の奥底まで響いてくる

時には辛い 別れや苦しみも
悲しみの中から 感動が生まれる
強く生きるための 力となる
感動を忘れずに 歩んでいく

感動に出会った時 人は変わる
新しい世界が 開かれていく
心に残る その瞬間
感動の中に 人は生きる

Translate this poem into English
“Living with Emotion”

In that moment wrapped in emotion,
A faint tremble spreads throughout my body,
My heart starts to dance within the sensation,
Forgetting everything else and just feeling.

Like sparkling stars, beautiful moments,
Even if fleeting, remain in the heart.
All joy and sadness merge together,
In emotion, people live.

Even if scared or hesitant, don’t stop,
Encouraging oneself to move forward step by step.
Words so beautiful, gentle, heavy, and powerful,
The melody woven by emotions resounds deep in the heart.

Sometimes even from painful farewells and suffering,
Emotion is born within sadness.
It becomes the strength to live strongly,
Keep walking without forgetting the emotion.

Encountering emotion changes people,
A new world opens up before us.
That moment which remains in the heart,
In emotion, people live.

The rewritten poem in English by using Chat GPT

Enveloped in emotion, in that fleeting moment
A faint tremble coursing through my whole frame,
My heart takes flight, in the grip of sensation,
Forgetting all else, just feeling the same.

Like sparkling stars, a beautiful moment
Ephemeral yet etched in the heart and the mind,
All joy and sorrow together, entwining
In emotion, that’s how we’re designed.

Don’t let fear or doubt bring you to a halt,
Encourage yourself to take that first step.
Words can be tender, mighty, or full of salt,
The melody of feelings resounds without regret.

Even through hardship, loss, and grief
Emotion arises, lending us strength.
It helps us to face each day with belief,
Living with emotion, at any length.

Encountering emotion can change who we are,
Opening up new worlds we’ve never seen.
Those moments we cherish, near or far,
In emotion, that’s how we keep life serene.


