揺蕩う感情を詩に記す 9





花は花らしく 鳥は鳥らしく
何もかもが 自然の中に溶け込んでいる
季節がめぐり 風が吹き

目の前にある 一輪の花
風に揺れている 木々の葉
傷ついた心は 自然の力で癒される
自然の中で 荒んだ気持ちが整っていく

無心で過ごす 自然の中での時間
私たちは何を求めて 走り続けているのだろう
自然の中で心を静めて ゆっくり眺める
無心になれば 自分自身を見つめられる

無為自然 自然の中で生きること
樹々のざわめきに 身を任せ
空に浮かぶ雲を 眺めてみる
自分らしく生きることが 幸せなのだ

真実と向き合うこと 時に厳しい現実と闘うこと
人生とはそんなものだと 謙虚な心で受け止める
無駄を省き 無駄なものを持たず
ただ必要なものを求め 日々を生きる

花を飾るよりも 花を育てる
飾り立てるよりも 本質を見つめる
強がらず 自分らしくいればいいのだ
飾らず自然体であることが 一番の自由なのだから

Translate this poem into English
“Harmony of the Heart”

Flowers are like flowers, and birds are like birds,
Everything blends in with nature.
Seasons pass, wind blows,
And the sounds of nature can be heard.

A single flower in front of me,
Leaves swaying in the wind.
A wounded heart is healed by the power of nature,
And troubled feelings are sorted in nature’s embrace.

Time spent mindlessly in nature,
What are we running after?
Calm the heart in nature, take a slow look,
Find oneself with an empty mind.

Doing nothing in nature, living in tune with it,
Lose oneself in the rustling of trees,
Watch the clouds floating in the sky.
Happiness lies in living true to oneself.

Facing the truth, sometimes battling harsh realities,
Accept life with a humble heart.
Eliminate waste, don’t carry unnecessary things,
Only seek what’s necessary, and live day by day.

Cultivate flowers instead of just decorating them,
Look for the essence rather than just the appearance.
It’s okay to be oneself without putting on a facade,
Being natural and unpretentious is the ultimate freedom.

The rewritten poem in English by using Chat GPT

Flowers bloom in their own way, birds sing their own tune,
Everything blends seamlessly in nature’s commune.
Seasons come and go, the wind gently flows,
Nature’s melody soothes the soul, that’s how it goes.

One solitary flower, swaying with the breeze,
Leaves rustling in the trees.
Nature’s embrace can heal a heart that’s scarred,
And restore balance to a life that’s been marred.

Being lost in nature, free of the world’s cares,
What are we searching for, what does life declare?
Take a moment to still the heart, and look within,
In stillness, find oneself, and live without sin.

Live in harmony with nature, let it be your guide,
Listen to the whispering leaves, watch the clouds glide.
Happiness lies in being true to oneself,
And living naturally, without hiding behind a shelf.

Facing the truth, battling the trials of life,
With humility, accept it all, and move without strife.
Eliminate the waste, let go of the excess,
Live simply, and cherish each moment with finesse.

Cultivate the flowers, and nurture their growth,
Appreciate the beauty, and the lessons they both
Teach about being true, and living with grace,
And embrace life’s journey, with a smile on your face.


