揺蕩う感情を詩に記す 8





日々の暮らしの中で 当たり前のように続く時間
ふと立ち止まると その大切さに気づく
何もかもが 奇跡だったのだと

晴れた空 風の匂い
花々の優しさ 鳥たちの声
感謝のレンズを通してみると 全てが愛おしく思える

心に感謝を込めて 今日も一日を過ごす
私たちは運命に導かれ 出会っていたのだろう
私はその出会いに感謝し いまを生きている

儚く切ない この気持ち
夢か現か 分からぬままに
あなたが隣にいる ただそれだけで幸せなのだ

あなたと出逢い 刻まれた思い出
あなたを想う 心の中に
これからもずっと 輝き続ける

今、私が立ち上がることができるのは あなたのおかげ
今、私が前を向いて歩けるのは あなたがいてくれたから
私の人生に光を与えてくれた 貴重な一瞬を胸に秘め

あなたがくれた 優しさと温もり
心からの言葉と 深い思いやり
それら全てに 感謝を込めて

Translate this poem into English
“In the Heart of My Thoughts”

In the midst of daily life, time continues as a matter of course
But when we stop and take a moment, we realize its preciousness
And that everything is a miracle

The clear sky, the scent of the wind
The kindness of the flowers, the voices of the birds
Looking through the lens of gratitude, everything seems precious

With gratitude in my heart, I spend another day
Perhaps our meeting was guided by fate
I am grateful for that meeting, and for living in this moment

This fleeting, bittersweet feeling
Without knowing if it’s a dream or reality
Just having you beside me makes me happy

The memories engraved in me from the moment we met
You are in my thoughts, in the depths of my heart
And you will continue to shine there forever

I am able to stand up now, thanks to you
I am able to face forward and walk, because you were there for me
I hold dear those precious moments that illuminated my life

With gratitude for all the kindness and warmth you have given me
For the heartfelt words and deep compassion
I offer my thanks to all of them

The rewritten poem in English by using Chat GPT

Amidst the daily grind, time just flows like a stream
But in moments of stillness, I realize just what they mean
That everything we have is a gift beyond our wildest dreams

The clear blue skies, the scent of the breeze
The gentle flowers, the birdsong with ease
Through eyes of gratitude, they’re all worth everything to me

With a thankful heart, I live through each day
Our meeting must have been destiny, showing the way
And for this I’m grateful, for everything that comes my way

This fleeting, bittersweet feeling
Reality or a dream, it’s hard to tell what it is revealing
But with you by my side, happiness comes with ease and meaning

Memories etched deep, since the day we first met
With you in my thoughts, in my heart, I will not forget
Forever shining bright, even when the sun starts to set

For it’s thanks to you, that I can stand tall and strong
Your presence helps me move forward, it’s where I belong
These moments are precious, a light that forever belongs

Thankful for all the warmth and kindness you bestow
For your heart and compassion, it’s these things that make us grow
With gratitude in my heart, forever will it flow


