揺蕩う感情を詩に記す 10




「人生という旅路 私だけの景色」

私の目に映る景色は 他の誰とも違う色をしている
同じものを見ても 感じ方は千差万別だ
自分にしかない感性で 進んでいく
それが人間というものだと 私は思う

私の心に宿る思いは 他の誰とも違う
同じような体験をしても 沸き上がる感情は異なる
喜びも悲しみも すべてが私だけの特別な経験
それが人間というものだと 私は思う

私は私自身の目で 世界を見つめている
過去の過ちや 未来への不安
それらはただ 私を惑わすだけ
それが人間というものだと 私は思う

私の中にいる化け物は 私自身でしか理解ができない
人生の旅路で出会う多くの人々 彼らから学ぶことも多い
でも自身の心の声を聞き 自分を見つめ直すことも必要なのだ
それが人間というものだと 私は思う

私は自身の中にあるものを 大切にしていくだけだ
他の誰かと比べる必要はない 私は私でいいのだ
自分を受け入れ 愛するだけでいいのだ
それが人間というものだと 私は思う

私は他の誰にも真似できない 私の色を見つめ続けるだろう
心に火を灯して 挑戦の意欲を燃やす
あきらめずに踏み出した一歩が いつかの成功へと繋がると信じて
それが人間というものだと 私は思っている

Translate this poem into English
“My Unique View of Life’s Journey”

The scenery that appears in my eyes has a color that is different from anyone else’s
Even when looking at the same thing, everyone’s perception is different
I move forward with my own unique sensibility
I believe that is what makes us human

The thoughts that reside in my heart are different from anyone else’s
Even when experiencing similar events, the emotions that bubble up are unique
Both joy and sadness are my own special experiences
I believe that is what makes us human

I am looking at the world through my own eyes
The mistakes of the past and worries for the future
They only serve to confuse me
I believe that is what makes us human

The monsters within me can only be understood by myself
On life’s journey, I meet many people and there is much to learn from them
But it is also necessary to listen to the voice within my heart and reexamine myself
I believe that is what makes us human

I only need to cherish what is within myself
There is no need to compare myself to anyone else; I am fine just being myself
All I need to do is accept and love myself
I believe that is what makes us human

I will continue to gaze at my own unique color that cannot be replicated by anyone else
Igniting a fire in my heart, I will keep my spirit of challenge burning
Believing that every step I take without giving up will lead to success someday
I believe that is what makes us human

The rewritten poem in English by using Chat GPT

The world I see is painted with a hue
Unique to my own perspective, fresh and new
A shared reality perceived differently
Individual sensibilities define us, humanly

Emotions rise, memories replay
Feelings distinct, no two quite the same way
Joy, sadness, all my own experiences
Individuality makes us, human instances

I see the world with my own eyes
Past mistakes and future worries, compromise
Confusion may cloud my vision, but I know
It’s all part of being human, and so

Within me are monsters, only I can understand
I meet new people, learn from each, expand
But I must also heed my inner voice
Reflection and self-discovery, my choice

I cherish what’s inside, my unique flame
No need for comparison, I am not the same
Acceptance and love, self-compassion
These make us human, with our own passion

My view of life, my own perception
A color no one else can replicate, my direction
Challenge and perseverance, I will show
This is what makes us human, and I will glow.


