揺蕩う感情を詩に記す 21





疲れ果て 滅入っている
気力も意欲も 尽き果てたように
このまま消えてしまいたいと 願ってしまう

暗い雲が私の心を覆い隠し 重い雨が降り注ぐ。
どこにも行くあてもなく 不安を誰にも話せない。
私は 心が沈んでいく。

「困難と苦悩が 立ちはだかろうとも
自分の信じる道を 進んでいく
迷いや躊躇いを捨て去り 勇気を持って」

孤独と不安に苛まれ 思い出すのは悲しい出来事ばかり。
これからどうなるのか 先が見えない。
私は 心が沈んでいく。

「鋭い刃を持ち 新しい一歩を踏み出すとき
未知なる世界へと踏み出す それぞれが違う世界を見つけていく
切り開いていく 自分だけの道を」

太陽は昇り、風は吹き 自然は変わらずに続いていく。
私はただ 今を生きるしかない。
心が沈んでいるけれど この感情もまた、自分の一部である。

時が過ぎ 傷も癒えていくだろう
心が沈んだ日々も 過去の一ページとなるだろう
私は新しい自分に向かって 一歩ずつ進んでいく。

揺れる心を 抱えた日々も
対称的な光と影が生み出す 美しさのように
全てを受け止める余裕を持つことが 大切だと知る

Translate this poem into English
“Beyond the Dark Clouds”

Exhausted and feeling down,
My strength and motivation seem to have run out.
I find myself wishing to just disappear.

Dark clouds cover and conceal my heart,
Heavy rain pours down without a clear direction.
I am lost and unable to share my worries with anyone,
My heart sinks deeper and deeper.

“Even if difficulties and sufferings stand in your way,
Follow the path you believe in,
Cast away your doubts and hesitations, and have courage.”

Tormented by loneliness and anxiety,
I recall only sad memories from the past,
Unable to see what the future holds.
My heart sinks deeper and deeper.

“Armed with a sharp blade, take a new step forward,
Venture into the unknown world and discover different paths,
Carve out your own way.”

The sun rises and the wind blows,
Nature continues to move on unchanged.
I must live in the present moment,
Even though my heart still sinks with emotion.

Time will pass, and wounds will heal,
The days of my sunken heart will become a page of the past.
I will take one step at a time towards the new me.

I learn that it is important to embrace everything,
As the symmetrical light and shadow create beauty.

The rewritten poem in English by using Chat GPT

Feeling drained and down,
My strength and drive seem to have left me without a sound,
I yearn to fade away, disappear into the ground.

My heart shrouded by dark clouds,
Heavy rain pouring down without a clear route,
Lost and unable to confide in anyone out loud,
My heart sinks deeper, feeling mute.

“Though trials and tribulations may rise,
Stay true to the path you believe in,
Let go of doubts and fears, and rise,
Courage will unveil a new beginning.”

Haunted by loneliness and dread,
Recalling only memories of sorrow and regret,
The future unknown, with nothing ahead,
My heart sinks deeper into an endless debt.

“Armed with a sharp blade, take a leap of faith,
Embark on an uncharted journey to discover a new place,
Forge a path that’s unique and great,
Let your courage leave a lasting trace.”

The sun rises and the wind blows,
Nature goes on without a single pause,
I must live in the present moment, not in limbo,
Though my heart still sinks with emotions raw.

Time will heal all wounds in the end,
The days of my sunken heart a distant friend,
One step at a time towards the new, not pretend,
Embrace everything, beauty lies in light and dark blend.


