揺蕩う感情を詩に記す 22





ふとした瞬間、時を忘れ 古き良き時代に思いを馳せる
懐かしくも切ない そんな思い出が胸を貫く
あの頃の自由と勇気と 純粋な気持ちが
今の私にも 生きる力を与えてくれる

振り返れば 遠い記憶として残っている
大人になるにつれて 記憶の断片がよみがえる
私たちの心には 良心があったはずだ
時には迷い、心が揺らいでも そこにはいつも良心があるはずだ

遠くから聞こえる 鐘の音
今日もまた 新しい一日が始まる
私たちは 自由に生きることができる
けれどその自由には 責任がある

たとえ 誰かの言葉に惑わされても
たとえ 簡単な道に逃げたくなっても
自分の良心を信じて 進んでいこう
その先の世界で きっと満たされるはずだから

善き道を選び 人生を生きていく
誰かのために 何かをすることもある
小さな行動でも 必ず影響を与える
その先にあるものは 未来への希望

私たちは誰しも 良心を持っている
その声に耳を傾けて 生きていこう
未来を信じて、自分を信じて 今日も歩き続ける
今を生きていることに 感謝の気持ちを込めて

Translate this poem into English
“A Nostalgic yet Painful Voice of Conscience”

In a fleeting moment, I forget the time and think back to the good old days
Nostalgic yet painful, those memories pierce through my heart
The freedom, courage, and pure emotions of that time
Still give me the strength to live my life today

Looking back, they remain as distant memories
As we grow up, fragments of memories come back to life
There must have been conscience in our hearts
Even if we are lost or our hearts waver, our conscience is always there

In the distance, I hear the sound of bells
Today marks the beginning of another new day
We can live freely, but we also have responsibilities that come with that freedom

Even if we are misled by someone’s words
Even if we want to take an easy way out
Let’s believe in our conscience and move forward
We will surely be fulfilled in the world that lies ahead

Choose the right path and live our lives
Sometimes, we do something for someone else
Even small actions will always have an impact
What lies ahead is hope for the future

All of us have a conscience
Let’s listen to its voice and live our lives
Believing in the future and ourselves, we keep walking today
With gratitude for living in the present

The rewritten poem in English by using Chat GPT

A voice of conscience, nostalgic and aching
Flits through my mind and leaves my heart shaking
The freedom, courage, and pure desires of old
Give me strength to face my present unfold

As time goes on, memories fade
Yet fragments return, scenes replayed
Our hearts held conscience, we must remember
When lost and wavering, it’s a constant anchor

Bells toll in the distance, heralding new day
Freedom to live, with responsibility to obey
Though tempted to stray, or listen to a lie
Our conscience guides, helps us to fly

Trust in conscience and move forward with ease
The world ahead, fulfills, so let your heart seize
Choose the right path, live a life true and kind
Small actions matter, they’re hope for all humankind

Conscience is within all of us, guiding light
Listen, live, trust yourself, and hold tight
Grateful for the present, keep walking on
Embrace life, let conscience be your song.


