揺蕩う感情を詩に記す 23





目の前で感じるものだけが すべてなんだろう
揺らめく光景 人々の表情
風の音、香り 温度、色彩
枯れ草に座り 何も考えずにただ眺めている

わたしは感じている 私自身が存在していることを
目の前に広がる世界が 私を包み込んでいることを
この広大な世界の中で 自分の居場所を探しながら
大切なものを見失わぬよう 心にしまっておきながら

煩わしい過去も 不確かな未来もなく
ただこの瞬間に生きている ただそれだけ
一歩ずつ進んでいく 不確かな未来に向かって
何が大切なのか 自問自答しながら

目の前にあるものを 丁寧に確かめていく
金銭や名声、地位といったものは 私たちを迷わせる
目の前にいる人や 心にふれたものを見つめ直そう
小さな発見が 私たちを豊かにしていく

私たちが人生に求めるものは ただ一つ
心にすきまを作り 本当に大切なものを見つめよう
目の前にあるものに 感謝を込めて
今日もこの瞬間を 大切に生きていこう

Translate this poem into English
“Keeping Sight of What’s Important”

Perhaps everything we feel in front of us
The flickering scenes, people’s expressions
The sound of the wind, the scent, temperature, color
Sitting on withered grass, just gazing without a thought

I feel that I exist
The world spread out before me is enveloping me
Searching for my place in this vast world
Keeping what is important in my heart, never losing sight

Without the bothersome past or uncertain future
Just living in this moment, only that
Taking one step at a time towards an uncertain future
Questioning what is important to us

Examining carefully what is in front of us
Things like money, fame, and status can mislead us
Let’s take a closer look at the people in front of us and the things that touched our hearts
Small discoveries enrich us

There is only one thing we seek in life
Make a space in our hearts and look at what is really important
With gratitude for what is in front of us
Let’s live this moment carefully today

The rewritten poem in English by using Chat GPT

All that we feel in front of us
may be everything that truly exists,
the fleeting moments,
the expressions of people,
the sound of the wind,
the scents, the temperature, the colors.
Seated on dry grass,
gazing upon the world without any particular thought.

I can feel my existence,
that this vast world is surrounding me.
As I search for my place in this world,
I keep what is important close to my heart
to never lose sight of it.

There is no troublesome past,
nor an uncertain future.
We only live in the present moment,
taking one step at a time towards an uncertain future,
questioning what truly matters.

We carefully examine what is before us,
and let go of things like wealth, fame, and status
that could lead us astray.
Let us take a second look at the people before us,
and at what touches our hearts,
small discoveries that make life richer.

In life, we only seek one thing,
to make room in our hearts and focus on what truly matters.
With gratitude for what is before us,
let us cherish this moment and live our lives fully.


