揺蕩う感情を詩に記す 24





熱く燃える心 一つのものに没頭する
時間を忘れ、世界を忘れ ただその瞬間に、全てを捧げる
新しい世界へ 私たちは歩き始めた
出口の見えない暗闇を抜けて 輝かしい光が私たちを照らす

それは、私たちが今まで知らなかったもの 思いもよらない光景
新しい色、新しい音、新しい感覚 私たちの心を揺さぶる、未知の世界
自分自身と向き合っても それが正しいのかは分からない
けど新しい世界と向き合うには 切り捨てないといけないこともある

新しい世界は、困難な試練をもたらすだろう 辛いだろう
しかし、私たちは前を向き 決して諦めずに進む
これからは、自分たちの手で 新しいものを作り出すのだ

変化を恐れず 勇敢に挑戦しよう
新しい世界が 私たちを待っているから
日々の喧騒から 逃げ出すように
瞳を閉じ 深呼吸する

私たちは、決して忘れないだろう これまでの彩りを
これまでの苦しみと 様々な経験を
全てを胸にしまい 別れを告げた時
この新しい世界は 美しく輝き始める

新しい世界へ 私たちは歩き始めた
今この瞬間にも 私たちは未来を創っていく
心が動き出す あの感覚を求めて
今日もまた 新しい出会いを求めて

Translate this poem into English
“A Time of Transformation and Growth”

A heart burning passionately, completely immersed in one thing
Forgetting time, forgetting the world, devoting everything to that moment
We began walking towards a new world
Emerging from a dark tunnel with no visible exit, a radiant light shines upon us

It is something we have never known before, an unexpected scene
New colors, new sounds, new sensations shaking our hearts, an unknown world
Even when facing ourselves, we don’t know if it’s the right thing to do
But to confront the new world, there are things we must let go of

The new world will bring difficult trials, it will be tough
However, we will face forward and never give up
Because only the future we desire is waiting for us ahead
From now on, we will create new things with our own hands

Let’s challenge ourselves bravely without fearing change
Because a new world is waiting for us
Escape from the noise of daily life
Close your eyes and take a deep breath

We will never forget the colors of our past
The pains and various experiences we’ve been through
When we stored everything in our hearts and said goodbye
This new world begins to shine beautifully

We began walking towards a new world
Even at this moment, we are creating the future
Seeking that feeling of a moving heart
Today, we seek new encounters again

The rewritten poem in English by using Chat GPT

A heart ablaze with passion, fixated on one pursuit
Forgetting time and the world, devoted wholly to the moment at hand
We tread towards a brand new world
Emerging from the inky depths of an unknown tunnel, basked in a glowing light

It’s a realm we have yet to know, scenes unanticipated
New hues, novel sounds, fresh sensations, all stirring our hearts in a strange world
Confronting ourselves, we’re unsure if the path is right
But to face the unknown, we must shed the past’s weight and take flight

The new world will offer trials, it will not be easy
But we’ll face it boldly and never back down
Our desired future lies only beyond the horizon
And with our own hands, we’ll craft new things to be found

Let’s embrace change, let’s not be afraid to take risks
For a new world awaits, one we’re yet to explore
Away from the chaos of daily life
Take a deep breath, and close your eyes to see more

We won’t forget the colors of the past, the hues that we’ve left behind
The pains and sorrows, the moments we’ve been confined
With everything stored within our hearts, we bid the old world goodbye
And in this new world, we’ll find a dazzling light that’ll never die

We’ve begun to walk towards this new world
And in this very moment, we’re shaping our own future, anew
Seeking a heart that moves us, seeking the unknown and unfurled
We’ll find new encounters every day, and with each, we’ll continue to renew


