揺蕩う感情を詩に記す 3




絶望の淵 無力感の救い

辺りは 暗闇に包まれ
希望の光は 潰えてしまった
心は絶望の 淵に沈む
嘆きの声が 聞こえてくる
苦しみの中で うずくまり
泣き叫ぶ その声は届かず
誰もが遠くに 感じられる

ただ空虚な時間に 心は凍りついて
見据える景色は ただの荒野だけ
過去も未来も すべて無に帰して
もがいても 立ち上がれない
絶望の中で ただただ沈む
目の前に広がるのは 荒れ果てた今

未来を振り返り 涙が流れ
いつまでも続く 苦しみと絶望
どうすればいいのか わからない
いくら泣いたって 泣きすぎたって
誰も 手を差し伸べてはくれない
ただ、深い闇に 沈んでいくばかり

絶望の底で 嘆きの声を上げる
誰にも聞こえない 孤独の叫び
人々は去り 時間は過ぎ去って
ただ わたし一人が 立ち尽くす
遠くから聞こえる 喜びの声に
さらに深い絶望に 沈み落ちる

明日の希望を 見失い
今日の痛みが 重くのしかかる
絶望の中で 静かに沈んでいく
どこかで 助けてと叫びたくなる
どうしてここまで 落ちてしまったのか
どうして自分は こんなにも弱いのか

落ち込む自分を 変えたいけれど
もう、どうすればいいのか わからない
わたしはきっと もうこの世にはいないのだ
何もかもが 手につかなくて
ただ無力感だけが 押し寄せる
闇夜の中にただひとり この地獄を味わう

Translate this poem into English
“Edge of Despair: Finding Solace in Helplessness”

The surroundings are enveloped in darkness
The light of hope has been crushed
The heart sinks into the abyss of despair
The sound of lamentation can be heard
Crouched in pain
The voice screaming and crying goes unheard
Everyone can only be felt from afar

In a hollow time, the heart freezes
The scenery it gazes upon is nothing but a wasteland
The past and future all return to nothingness
Struggling, unable to stand up
Sinking deeper into despair
Before the eyes is only the barren present

Looking back at the future, tears flow
Suffering and despair continue on endlessly
What should be done is unknown
No matter how much one cries, or has cried
No one will reach out a hand to help
Only sinking deeper into the abyss of darkness

Raising a voice of lament in the depths of despair
A cry of solitude that no one can hear
People depart, time passes
Only I am standing still
The sound of joy can be heard from afar
Sinking even deeper into despair

Losing sight of tomorrow’s hope
Today’s pain weighs heavily
Quietly sinking into despair
Wanting to cry out for help somewhere
Why did it fall this far?
Why am I so weak?

Wanting to change oneself from being depressed
But now, what should be done is unknown
I must not exist in this world anymore
Unable to do anything
Only a sense of powerlessness overwhelms
Alone in the darkness of the night, experiencing this hell

The rewritten poem in English by Chat GPT

Enveloped in darkness, all hope fades
My heart sinks, drowned in despair’s shades
Echoes of lamentation fill the air
Crying out in pain, to no one, nowhere

Everyone moves on, while I remain still
Impatient, waiting for time to fulfill
Lost, unsure of where to go
My inner voice echoes, causing woe

In this hollow time, my heart turns cold
The scenery before me, a wasteland, so old
Past and future, all meaningless now
Struggling to stand, yet I don’t know how

Deeper into despair, I continue to sink
The barren present, my mind can’t link
Tears flow, looking back at the future
Suffering and despair, my life’s sutures

What can be done, I don’t know
No one extends a hand, to help me grow
Only sinking deeper into the darkness
My cry of solitude, no longer harmless

Standing alone, in this abyss of despair
A voice of lament, no one can hear
People leave, time passes by
I am the only one, standing by

The sound of joy, heard from afar
Sinking deeper, into my emotional scar
Lost hope for tomorrow, pain today
Quietly sinking, in this disarray

Wanting to change, but unsure how
Powerless, in the darkness, right now
Alone, in this hellish night
Experiencing pain, with no end in sight.


