揺蕩う感情を詩に記す 12




「色あせぬ 秘めたる思い」

恋い焦がれる心が 重くのしかかる
痛みと涙に濡れて 孤独な夜を過ごす
重なっていく歳月に 深まる想いは心の片隅に
夜の静けさに振り返ると 過ぎ去ったあの日々

あの人の姿が 遠く見えるだけで
身体中が震えて 抑えきれない想いがこみ上げる
目に見えない糸に 心を縛られたまま
それでもあの人を想う 恋い焦がれる気持ちは消えない

どうしてこんなに 切なくなるのだろう
あの人に触れたい 声が聞きたいと願う
胸の奥に ずっと秘めていたものを思い出す
ただただ流れる 時を惜しむ

時が過ぎ 季節が変わっても
あの人への想いは色あせず ますます強くなる
心の傷は深く 静かに悲しみが忍び寄る
時を重ねるたびに 思い悩む心が深く沈む

恋い焦がれる心が 人生に色を添えるように
悲しみを繰り返しても 私の心を大きく成長させる
あの人に出逢えたことに 感謝の気持ちを込めて
またいつか再び逢える日を 夢に見て

この想いを胸に 私は歩き出す

Translate this poem into English
“Undying Secret Emotions”

My heart, longing for love, feels heavy and burdened
Spending lonely nights, soaked in pain and tears
As time passes, my feelings deepen, tucked away in a corner of my heart
In the stillness of the night, I look back on the days gone by

I can only see that person from afar
My whole body trembles with emotions I can’t control
Bound by an invisible thread, my heart remains tied
Yet, my passionate love for that person never fades

Why does this ache in my heart keep growing?
I long to touch that person and hear their voice
I recall what I’ve always kept hidden deep inside my heart
I just regret the passing of time

Despite the passage of time and change in seasons
My feelings for that person do not fade, they only grow stronger
The wound in my heart runs deep, and sadness creeps in silently
With each passing day, my troubled heart sinks deeper

Longing for love adds color to my life
Even through repeated sorrow, my heart grows bigger
With gratitude for having met that person
I dream of the day we’ll meet again

With these feelings in my heart, I’ll keep walking forward

The rewritten poem in English by using Chat GPT

My heart is burdened, consumed by love’s yearning
Nights spent alone, tears and pain constantly churning
As time goes by, emotions grow, hidden in my heart’s depth
In stillness, I reminisce on the days we have left

Only able to see them from afar
Emotions too strong, trembling, leaving me scarred
Bound by an invisible thread, my heart remains entwined
But my passion for them won’t fade, a love undefined

Why does this pain only grow stronger?
Wanting to touch them, to hear their voice longer
Recalling secrets buried deep within my heart
Regretting how fast time passes and tears apart

Despite the passing of seasons and time
My love for them is steadfast, a feeling truly sublime
Wounds run deep, silently creeping in sorrow
As time ticks by, my heart gets harder to borrow

Love’s longing adds colors to life’s page
Even with repeated sorrow, heart grows with each stage
Grateful for meeting them, their impact profound
Dreaming of the day our paths will once again be found

With these feelings inside, I’ll keep walking forward
Undying, unfading emotions, in love’s reward.


