揺蕩う感情を詩に記す 13




「あなたへの羨望 迷い込んだ幻想の中で」

縺れる思い、糸のように絡み合って ほどけない繋がりに苦しむ
どうしてこんなに 心が乱れるのだろう
見えるものは何もかも 仮初めの姿で儚く消える
揺れ動く、揺れ動く 幻想の中を歩き続けている

いつからか、あなたのことが 頭から離れなくなった
何度も何度も、あなたを想っては 縺れる思いに苦しんでいる
あなたの姿は幻で こころに刻まれて遠くなってゆく
揺れ動く、揺れ動く 幻想の中を歩き続けている

あなたに伝えたい言葉がある でもそれは決して届くことがなく
あなたに触れたいと切に願う でもそれは叶わぬ夢のままで
また眠りから醒めては 新しい一日が始まる
揺れ動く、揺れ動く 幻想の中を歩き続けている

なぜこんなに あなたに惹かれるのだろう
なぜこんなに あなたを求めるのだろう
縺れる思いが 私を縛りつけている
揺れ動く、揺れ動く 幻想の中を歩き続けている

あなたが近くにいると安心できる あなたと話すことで心が軽くなる
でもあなたがいない時は どうしようもなく寂しくなる
幻想に迷い込んだこのこころが あなたに出逢えた時、解き放たれる
たとえ幻だったとしても、ずっと側にいて いつまでも手を繋いでいたい

縺れる思い、解けない糸が絡まり合って 心を縛り、苦しめる
どうしてこんなに 惹かれるのだろう
溶けていくような美しさに 私は誘われるようにして
揺れ動く、揺れ動く 幻想の中を歩き続けている

こころの中に宿る思い出 あなたと過ごした日々を大切に抱きしめる
この縺れる思いが どこまで続くのか
どこかで 終わりが見えるといいけれど
この糸が切れない限り あなたを想う

Translate this poem into English
“Lost in a Fantastical Illusion of Envy towards You”

My twisted emotions entangle like threads, suffering in an unbreakable bond.
Why is my heart in such disarray?
Everything visible fades away like a fleeting illusion.
I keep walking in a wavering, wavering fantasy.

Somewhere along the line, I became unable to get you out of my head.
Countless times I’ve suffered with tangled feelings while thinking of you.
Your figure is a mirage, fading into the depths of my heart.
I keep walking in a wavering, wavering fantasy.

There are words I want to convey to you, but they will never reach you.
I yearn to touch you, but it remains a dream that will never come true.
I wake up from sleep, and a new day begins.
I keep walking in a wavering, wavering fantasy.

Why am I drawn to you so much?
Why do I long for you so much?
My twisted feelings keep me bound.
I keep walking in a wavering, wavering fantasy.

I feel safe when you are nearby, and my heart lightens when I talk to you.
But when you’re not around, I become hopelessly lonely.
When I met you in this fantasy, my heart was liberated.
Even if it was an illusion, I want to be by your side forever, holding your hand.

My twisted emotions bind and torment me, tangled threads that won’t unravel.
Why am I so attracted to you?
I’m enticed by a melting beauty.
I keep walking in a wavering, wavering fantasy.

I embrace cherished memories in my heart of the days spent with you.
How far will these twisted feelings continue?
I hope to see an end somewhere, but until this thread is cut, I will long for you.

The rewritten poem in English by using Chat GPT

Twisted emotions, tangled threads,
Struggling with an unbreakable bond;
Why does my heart so disturbed seem?
All fades away, ephemeral illusions,
In this swaying, swaying dream.

At some point, I couldn’t get you out of my head,
Thinking of you over and over, suffering from twisted threads;
Your figure, a phantom, fades from my heart’s sight,
In this swaying, swaying dream.

Words to you I have, but never reach their end,
I long to touch you, but it remains an unattainable blend;
I wake up and start anew, in the hope it’s you,
In this swaying, swaying dream.

Why am I so attracted to you,
Craving for you, so desired in my view?
Twisted emotions binding me down,
In this swaying, swaying dream.

Near you, my heart feels light,
Talking with you, everything’s alright;
But when you are not there, I become unbearably lonely,
In this swaying, swaying dream.

When we met, my heart was freed from its bond,
Even if it was an illusion, I want to hold your hand forever and beyond;
Twisted emotions tying me down,
In this swaying, swaying dream.

I hold dear the memories in my heart,
The days I spent with you that set us apart;
How long will this last, twisted emotions in my head?
In this swaying, swaying dream.

Lost in a fantastical illusion of envy towards you,
My heart is bound, in threads twisted and true;
As I keep walking in this swaying, swaying dream,
I will keep thinking of you, as our bond remains unbroken at its seam.


