揺蕩う感情を詩に記す 29





不幸な私は、夕陽が沈んでゆくように 暗闇に包まれていく
凍えるような孤独に包まれ 荒野を彷徨い歩く私
人生の荒波に揉まれても 手探りで進むしかない
泥に足を取られたように 日々の足取りは重い

周りは明るく輝いているのに 私だけが影に隠れ
荒れ狂う風が私を襲い 身体中を震わせた
やがて、雨が降り出し 私の心も濡らしていった
幸せの扉はどこにあるのか 探し続けても見つからない

悲しみに暮れる私の前に 暗闇が広がっていく
辛い日々を乗り越えることが どれだけ難しいことかを思い知らされ
くたびれてゐる くたびれてゐる
風が吹くたびに 泣き出しそうになる

だけど、私は諦めない 夜が明けたら、立ち上がろう
孤独な夜は永く感じるが 苦境にあっても自分自身を信じ
自分自身と向き合い 苦しさを乗り越える
明日は新しい可能性がある それだけで、心が救われるのだから

不幸を乗り越えるからこそ 強くなる
自分を信じて進む力を持っているのだから あきらめずに進むことが大切だ。
辛い状況にあっても そこから抜け出せる力はそこにある
夜がふけ、朝を迎えるように 私もまた希望の光を迎え入れるのだ。

Translate this poem into English
“The Path Walked with Tears”

Wrapped in darkness like a setting sun,
I wander through the wilderness, engulfed in freezing solitude.
Despite being tossed by the waves of life,
I have no choice but to blindly move forward, weighed down by the daily grind.

While everything around me shines brightly,
I am the only one hidden in shadow.
The raging wind attacks me, shaking me to my core,
And soon the rain falls, soaking my heart.
I continue to search for the door of happiness, but it remains elusive.

As I sink deeper into sorrow, darkness spreads before me.
I am reminded how difficult it is to overcome the tough times,
And I am exhausted, exhausted.
With every gust of wind, I feel like I might burst into tears.

But I won’t give up. When the night ends, I will rise again.
Though the lonely nights may seem eternal,
I trust in myself, even in hardship,
And I face my struggles head-on, overcoming my pain.
The possibility of a new tomorrow gives me solace.

It is by overcoming misfortune that we become strong.
It’s important to keep moving forward, believing in ourselves
Even in the toughest situations, the power to break free lies within.
Just as night fades and morning comes, I too will welcome the light of hope.

The rewritten poem in English by using Chat GPT

I am enveloped by darkness, like a sunset fading away,
Wandering through the wilderness, in freezing solitude I sway.
Tossed by the waves of life, I move forward blindly,
Weighed down by daily struggles, my steps are heavy.

While everything around me glows with bright light,
I am the only one hiding in shadows and fright.
The raging winds shake me to the core,
And soon the rain pours, soaking me more.

I search for the door to happiness, but it’s elusive and vague,
Sinking deeper into sorrow, darkness becomes my plague.
I am exhausted, oh so very tired,
Every gust of wind, makes me feel like I’ve expired.

But I won’t give up, I’ll rise when the night ends,
Though the lonely nights seem to have no amends.
I trust in myself, even in the face of hardship,
Overcoming my struggles, I’ll find the way to grip.

The power to break free lies within,
Even in the toughest situations, the will to win.
Just like night fades and morning brings new light,
I too will welcome the hope that shines so bright.


