
Q. この記事で、一番大事なことって何?
A. 大事なことを、1枚の画像にまとめました。



今回は、「形容詞 + 不定詞」、「形容詞 + -ing」、「形容詞 + that-clause」、「形容詞 + wh-clause」という文パターンについて解説します。これらの文パターンは、連結動詞(例: appear, be, become, seemなど)の後に形容詞が続く場合に使用されます。
- 形容詞 + to-infinitive
例えば、「You’re free to leave at any time.」(いつでも帰っても構いません。)という文では、形容詞「free」の後に「to leave」が続いています。同様に、「(un)able, careful, crazy, curious, difficult, easy, foolish, free, good, hard, impossible, inclined, mad」などの形容詞がこのパターンで使用されます。
- 形容詞 + -ing
例えば、「He was busy doing his homework.」(彼は宿題をするのに忙しかった。)という文では、形容詞「busy」の後に「doing his homework」が続いています。「nice, prepared, ready, stupid, welcome, willing busy, crazy, foolish, mad」などの形容詞がこのパターンで使用されます。また、「feel」の後に使用される場合は、「awful, awkward, bad, good, guilty, terrible」などがあります。
- 形容詞 + that-clause
例えば、「He became worried (that) she might fall down.」(彼は彼女が倒れるかもしれないと心配になった。)という文では、形容詞「worried」の後に「that she might fall down」が続いています。「afraid, alarmed, amazed, angry, annoyed, ashamed, astonished, aware, concerned, disappointed, glad, (un)happy, pleased, shocked, sorry, upset, worried」などの形容詞がこのパターンで使用されます。また、「certain, confident, positive, sure」も同様に使用されます。
- 形容詞 + wh-clause
例えば、「I’m not certain (of/about) why he wants to borrow the money.」(彼がなぜお金を借りたいのかはわかりません。)という文では、形容詞「certain」の後に「why he wants to borrow the money」が続いています。「afraid, not aware/unaware, not certain/uncertain, doubtful, not sure/unsure, worried」などの形容詞がこのパターンで使用されます。
- It + linking verb + adjective
例えば、「The fireworks were amazing to watch.」(花火は見る価値があるものだった。)という文では、「It was amazing to watch the fireworks.」とも表現できます。「annoying, awkward, easy, good, interesting, lovely, simple, terrific, wonderful」などの形容詞がこのパターンで使用されます。
また、口語では「to-infinitive」の代わりに「-ing」形を使用することもあります。「It is easy understanding her.」「It was amazing watching the fireworks.」といった表現が該当します。
- It + make + 形容詞 + to-infinitive, -ing, that-clause
例えば、「It made me angry (to discover) that so much money was wasted.」「It was odd that she left so suddenly.」といった文が該当します。「ashamed, furious, glad, happy, miserable, nervous, sad, tired, uncomfortable」などの形容詞が使用されます。
以上が、形容詞 + to-infinitive, -ing, that-clause, wh-clauseの文パターンについての解説でした。これらの文パターンを活用して、より表現力豊かな文章を作りましょう。
- She was excited to meet her favorite celebrity.
- He was determined to pass the exam.
- They were afraid to ask for help.
- It was surprising seeing her at the party.
- I felt guilty eating the last piece of cake.
- We were thrilled watching the sunset.
- He was relieved that he had finished the project on time.
- She was worried that she might miss her flight.
- They were disappointed that the concert was canceled.
- I’m not sure why he didn’t attend the meeting.
- She was uncertain about what she should wear to the event.
- They were doubtful whether they should invest in the new business.
It + linking verb + adjective:
- The movie was scary to watch. (or It was scary to watch the movie.)
- It is frustrating to deal with technical issues. (or It is frustrating dealing with technical issues.)
- It was confusing that nobody provided any instructions. (or It was confusing that there were no instructions.)
It + linking verb + -ing:
- It is exciting exploring new places.
- It is annoying waiting in long queues.
- It was amazing seeing the dolphins in the ocean.
It + linking verb + that-clause:
- It is surprising that he won the competition.
- It is disappointing that they couldn’t attend the wedding.
- It was odd that she didn’t say goodbye.
Adjective + to-infinitive (with “of + subject”):
- It was thoughtful of them to bring flowers for her.
- It was brave of him to confront the bully.
- It was kind of them to offer their assistance.
It + make + adjective + to-infinitive, -ing, or that-clause:
- It made me happy to receive a compliment. (or It made me happy receiving a compliment.)
- It makes me tired to stay up late. (or It makes me tired staying up late.)
- It made her sad that they couldn’t attend her graduation.

Q. この文法はどうやって使うのでしょうか?
A. 今回の文法を活用した会話文を見てみましょう。

I’m really curious to know why Sarah quit her job.

Well, it seems that she became unhappy with the company’s management.

I can understand why she would feel that way. It’s disappointing to work in such a disorganized environment.

Exactly. She was tired of dealing with constant chaos and unprofessional behavior.

It’s brave of her to take a stand and leave. I’m sure she’ll find a better opportunity elsewhere.

I’m certain she will. It’s hard to stay in a job where you’re constantly frustrated.

I’m glad she made the decision to prioritize her well-being. It’s important to be in a work environment that makes you happy.

Absolutely. Being unhappy at work can have a negative impact on your overall quality of life.

I couldn’t agree more. It’s crucial to be in a job that aligns with your values and brings you joy.

Q. この記事の要点は?
A. 形容詞の後の文の続け方のパターンを確認しました。
Adjective + to-infinitive, -ing, that-clause, wh-clause:
- When an adjective follows a linking verb, it can be followed by:
- To-infinitive: You’re free to leave at any time.
- -Ing: He was busy doing his homework.
- That-clause: He became worried (that) she might fall down.
- Wh-clause: I’m not certain (of/about) why he wants to borrow the money.
Note: Different adjectives are used in each pattern.
- It + linking verb + adjective:
- It + linking verb + adjective + to-infinitive: It was amazing to watch the fireworks.
- It + linking verb + adjective + -ing (informal speech): It is easy understanding her.
- It + linking verb + adjective + wh- or that-clause: It is not clear why he did it.
- After certain adjectives, we can use of + subject + to-infinitive:
- Rude (of them) to criticize her.
- Adjectives: brave, generous, kind, mean, thoughtful, unprofessional, unreasonable.
- It + make + adjective + to-infinitive, -ing, or that-clause to talk about reactions to a situation:
- It made me angry (to discover) that so much money was wasted.
- Adjectives: ashamed, furious, glad, happy, miserable, nervous, sad, tired, uncomfortable.


