「〇〇の間」を表す言葉の使い分け 英語文法解説 上級編 part 89




Q. この記事で、一番大事なことって何?

A. 大事なことを、1枚の画像にまとめました。




  1. 位置を示す前置詞として、「between」を個別の人や物を示す2つ以上の人や物と一緒に使用し、一人または一つのグループとして見る人や物を示す場合には「among」を使用します。「among」は3人以上の人や物としか使用しません。

She held the diamond between her thumb and forefinger.(彼女はダイヤモンドを親指と人差し指の間で持ちました。)
Zimbabwe is situated between Zambia to the north, Mozambique to the east, Botswana to the west, and South Africa to the south.(ジンバブエは、北にザンビア、東にモザンビーク、西にボツワナ、南に南アフリカに囲まれています。)
He stood among all his friends at the party and felt very happy.(彼はパーティーで友達たちの中に立って、とても幸せな気持ちになりました。)
She eventually found her passport among the clothes in the drawer.(彼女はついに引き出しの中の洋服の中からパスポートを見つけました。)

  1. Betweenとamongは、場所を示す前置詞としてだけでなく、以下のような使い方もあります。
  • 人々の間で分かれたり共有されたりすることを話すために、どちらの前置詞を使用することができます:
    The money is to be divided between / among the towns in the area.(そのお金は地域の町々の間で分けられる予定です。)
    The prize will be shared between / among the first six finishers in the race.(賞金はレースの上位6位までの間で分けられます。)
  • 比較や関係について話すためにも、どちらの前置詞を使用できます:
    There should be a better balance on the committee between the various ethnic groups.(さまざまな民族グループ間でよりバランスが取れるべきです。)
    They are wrong to claim that there is a link between unemployment and crime.(彼らが失業と犯罪の間に関連があると主張するのは間違っています。)
  • 選択肢について話すために使用することもできます:
    I have to choose between the universities of Leeds, York and Manchester.(私はリーズ、ヨーク、マンチェスターの大学の間で選ばなければならない。)
    He felt torn between his family and his friends.(彼は家族と友達の間で葛藤を感じました。)
  • 2つ以上の人やグループが関与する議論やその結果を指定する場合にも使用します:
    There was a disagreement between Emma, Jade, and Zoe.(エマ、ジェイド、ゾーイの間で意見の不一致がありました。)
    The treaty was signed between Great Britain and France.(その条約はイギリスとフランスの間で署名されました。)
  • 人々や物がある量を共有していることを示すためにも使用します:
    Between them, Will and Alice must earn about €100,000 a year.(ウィルとアリスの間で年間約10万ユーロを稼がなければならない。)
    Last year the three companies built 30,000 houses between them.(昨年、この3つの会社は合計で3万軒の家を建てました。)
  • 特定のグループ内で存在または発生していることを意味する場合にも使用します:
    The disease has now broken out among the hill tribes.(その病気は今、山岳部族の間で発生しています。)
    Their music is still very popular among teenagers.(彼らの音楽は今でも十代の若者の間で非常に人気があります。)
  • 特定のグループに含まれていることを意味する場合にも使用します:
    They are among the best hockey players in the world.(彼らは世界で最高のホッケー選手の中にいます。)
    Among the capital cities of South America, Quito is the second highest.(南アメリカの首都の中で、キトは2番目に標高が高いです。)
  1. Betweenとamongを使った一部の一般的な表現もあります:
  • The concert features, among others, Karl Frisk and the Johnsons.(コンサートには、他の歌手やグループと一緒にカール・フリスクとジョンソンズも出演しています。)
  • I later found out that he had been a carpenter and a plumber, among other things.(私は後で彼が大工や配管工など他の仕事もしていたことを知りました。)
  • Between ourselves / Between you and me(私たちの間だけの話ですが / 君と僕の間だけの話ですが)(これを秘密にしてください)、I don’t think Jack is as honest as he should be.(ジャックは本当に正直であるべきだとは思いません。)


  1. Between:
  • The dividing line between the two countries runs through the middle of the river.
  • She had to choose between the red dress and the blue dress for the party.
  • Negotiations are ongoing between the management and the labor union.
  1. Among:
  • The book was hidden among the stack of magazines on the table.
  • The scholarship will be awarded among the top three students in the graduating class.
  • The secret was shared among the members of the inner circle.
  1. Common expressions:
  • Among the attendees, there were several prominent politicians and celebrities.
  • Between you and me, I think the boss is considering retirement soon.
  • The package contains a variety of items, including, among others, chocolates, candles, and a small notebook.
  • He has traveled to many countries, including Italy, France, and Spain, among others.


Q. この文法はどうやって使うのでしょうか?

A. 今回文法を活用した会話文を見てみましょう。

Have you decided where to go for your vacation?

It’s a tough decision. I’m torn between visiting the historic cities of Europe or going on an adventurous trip to South America.

Both options sound amazing! You’ll find a better balance between exploring different cultures in Europe, but there’s a unique sense of adventure among the natural wonders of South America.

That’s true. I’ll have to consider the association between my interests and the experiences I want to have. Maybe I can divide my time between the two continents.

That’s a great idea! You can share your travel experiences between the towns you visit in Europe and the countries you explore in South America.

Yes, and among the memories I make, I’ll treasure the moments I spend among the locals, immersing myself in their cultures.

Absolutely! You’ll discover that the best experiences often happen among the people you meet along the way. And remember, between us, don’t forget to document your journey so you can share it with others.

Of course! Among the many things I’ll do, capturing the beauty of each destination is among my top priorities. I’m excited to embark on this adventure!


Q. この記事の要点は?

A. 「between」と「among」の違いを確認しました。

Between and Among:

  1. Prepositions of Place:
  • Between is used with two or more individual or separate people or things.
  • Among is used with three or more people or things seen as part of a group or mass.
  • Amongst can be used instead of among in literary contexts.
  1. Usage Beyond Prepositions of Place:
  • Both between and among can be used to talk about divisions or sharing between people.
  • Between is used for comparisons, relationships, choices, and specific discussions or results.
  • Among is used for things existing or happening within a group, inclusion in a group, and general statements.
  1. Common Expressions:
  • “Among others” indicates the inclusion of additional people or things.
  • “Among other things” refers to other related activities or aspects.
  • “Between ourselves” or “Between you and me” suggests confidentiality or sharing a secret.

Note: Between is used with two or more separate entities, while among is used with three or more or when referring to a group.








