TOEFL ibt 対策!無料のリーディング対策問題28(解説付き)

TOEFL ibt リーディング問題集

TOEFL ibt リーディングテストのスコアを改善するには…



Archaeology is the study of past human societies and cultures through the material remains they have left behind. The discipline encompasses a broad range of topics and approaches, from the study of ancient architecture and art to the analysis of human bones and DNA. Archaeologists use a variety of methods and techniques to reconstruct past human behavior and social systems, including excavation, survey, analysis of artifacts, and interpretation of historical texts and other written sources.

One of the most important tools in the archaeologist’s toolkit is stratigraphy, the study of the layers, or strata, that make up an archaeological site. Stratigraphy is based on the principle of superposition, which states that in any undisturbed sequence of rock layers or archaeological deposits, the oldest layers are at the bottom and the youngest at the top. By carefully excavating and recording the layers at a site, archaeologists can establish a chronological sequence for the artifacts and other material remains they find.

Archaeologists also use a range of dating methods to establish the age of the material remains they excavate. Some of these methods are based on the properties of the materials themselves, such as radiocarbon dating, which uses the decay of carbon-14 in organic materials to establish their age. Other methods are based on the association of the materials with other dated objects or events, such as the dating of pottery based on its stylistic similarities to other pottery found at a site.

In recent years, advances in technology have greatly expanded the range of tools available to archaeologists. For example, remote sensing techniques such as ground-penetrating radar and satellite imagery can be used to detect buried features and structures without excavation. Analytical techniques such as stable isotope analysis and DNA analysis can provide detailed information about the diet and health of ancient populations, while digital techniques such as 3D modeling and virtual reality can be used to visualize and reconstruct past landscapes and structures.

Despite the many advances in archaeological methodology and technology, the discipline still faces significant challenges. One of the biggest is the destruction of archaeological sites due to development, looting, and other factors. Archaeologists must work to protect and preserve sites for future generations while also conducting research that can shed light on the human past.

In conclusion, archaeology is a multidisciplinary field that seeks to understand past human societies and cultures through the material remains they have left behind. Archaeologists use a variety of methods and techniques to reconstruct past human behavior and social systems, including stratigraphy, dating methods, and advanced technologies. Despite the challenges faced by the discipline, the study of archaeology continues to provide important insights into the human past.


  1. What is the definition of archaeology?
    a) The study of ancient art
    b) The study of past human societies and cultures through material remains
    c) The analysis of human bones and DNA
    d) The study of historical texts and other written sources
  1. What is stratigraphy?
    a) The study of ancient architecture
    b) The analysis of human bones and DNA
    c) The study of layers that make up an archaeological site
    d) The interpretation of historical texts and other written sources
  1. What is the principle of superposition?
    a) The oldest layers are at the top and the youngest at the bottom
    b) The oldest layers are at the bottom and the youngest at the top
    c) The layers are all of equal age
    d) The layers are randomly arranged
  1. What is radiocarbon dating?
    a) The dating of pottery based on its stylistic similarities to other pottery found at a site
    b) The use of ground-penetrating radar to detect buried features and structures
    c) The analysis of stable isotopes to provide information about the diet and health of ancient populations
    d) The use of the decay of carbon-14 in organic materials to establish their age
  1. What are remote sensing techniques?
    a) Techniques for excavating artifacts at a site
    b) Techniques for analyzing artifacts
    c) Techniques for detecting buried features and structures without excavation
    d) Techniques for interpreting historical texts and other written sources
  1. What is stable isotope analysis?
    a) The analysis of pottery to establish its age
    b) The analysis of stable isotopes to provide information about the diet and health of ancient populations
    c) The analysis of human bones and DNA
    d) The study of layers that make up an archaeological site
  1. What is the main challenge faced by archaeologists?
    a) The destruction of archaeological sites
    b) The lack of funding for research
    c) The difficulty of interpreting historical texts and other written sources
    d) The scarcity of material remains
  1. What are some of the methods used to establish the age of material remains?
    a) The analysis of stable isotopes and radiocarbon dating
    b) The interpretation of historical texts and other written sources
    c) The use of ground-penetrating radar to detect buried features and structures
    d) The study of ancient architecture and art
  1. What are some of the techniques that have expanded the range of tools available to archaeologists in recent years?
    a) Excavation and analysis of artifacts
    b) Interpretation of historical texts and other written sources
    c) Stable isotope analysis and DNA analysis
    d) Ground-penetrating radar and satellite imagery
  1. What is the main purpose of archaeology?
    a) To study ancient art and architecture
    b) To analyze human bones and DNA
    c) To reconstruct past human behavior and social systems
    d) To interpret historical texts and other written sources


  1. 考古学の定義は何ですか?
    b) 材料遺物を通して過去の人間社会と文化を研究すること。


  1. ストラティグラフィとは何ですか?
    c) 考古学的遺跡を構成する層を研究すること。


  1. スーパーポジションの原理とは何ですか?
    b) 最も古い層が下にあり、最も若い層が上にあること。


  1. 放射性炭素年代測定とは何ですか?
    d) 有機物中の炭素14の崩壊を利用して、その年代を推定すること。


  1. リモートセンシング技術とは何ですか?
    c) 発掘なしに埋没した遺構や構造物を検出するための技術。


  1. 安定同位体分析とは何ですか?
    b) 古代の人口の食生活と健康状態に関する情報を提供するための安定同位体の分析です。


  1. 考古学者が直面している主な課題は何ですか?
    a) 考古学的な遺跡の破壊です。


  1. 材料の遺物の年代を確定するために使用されるいくつかの方法は何ですか?
    a) 安定同位体分析と放射性炭素年代測定法
  2. 近年、考古学者に利用可能なツールの範囲を拡大したいくつかの技術は何ですか?
    d) 地中レーダーや衛星画像のような遠隔センシング技術、安定同位体分析やDNA分析のような分析技術、3Dモデリングやバーチャルリアリティなどのデジタル技術があります。


  1. 考古学の主な目的は何ですか?
    c) 過去の人間の行動や社会システムを再構築することです

解説: 考古学は、過去の人間社会や文化を、残された物質的な遺物を通じて研究する学問です。文章でも述べられているように、考古学者たちは、遺物の発掘や調査、分析、歴史的なテキストや他の文献ソースの解釈など、多様な方法と手法を使って、過去の人間の行動や社会システムを再構築しようとします。そのため、正しい答えはc) 過去の人間の行動や社会システムを再構築することです。a) 古代の美術や建築を研究することやb) 人間の骨やDNAを分析することも、考古学の一部分であることは間違いありませんが、主目的ではありません。また、d) 歴史的なテキストや他の文献ソースを解釈することも、考古学の研究手法の一つではありますが、主目的というよりは補助的な目的と言えます。










