TOEFL ibt 対策!無料のリーディング対策問題34(解説付き)

TOEFL ibt リーディング問題集

TOEFL ibt リーディングテストのスコアを改善するには…



The Industrial Revolution was a period of major industrialization and technological advancement that took place from the late 18th century to the mid-19th century. It was a transformative period in history, marking the shift from agrarian societies to industrialized ones. The Industrial Revolution had a profound impact on various aspects of society, including the economy, technology, labor, and living conditions.

One of the key factors that contributed to the Industrial Revolution was the development and application of new machinery and technologies. Innovations such as the steam engine, textile machinery, and iron production techniques revolutionized manufacturing processes and increased productivity. These advancements not only transformed industries like textiles, iron, and coal mining but also spurred the growth of new industries and sectors.

The Industrial Revolution also brought significant changes to the labor force and working conditions. As factories and mills became the primary sites of production, many workers left their agricultural livelihoods and migrated to urban areas in search of employment. This led to the rise of the factory system and the emergence of a new class of industrial workers. However, working conditions in factories were often harsh, with long hours, low wages, and dangerous working environments.

The Industrial Revolution had a profound impact on the global economy. It facilitated the expansion of international trade and the growth of capitalist economies. New transportation infrastructure, such as canals and railways, improved connectivity and enabled the efficient movement of goods and raw materials. The development of factories and mass production led to an increase in the supply of goods, making them more affordable and accessible to a larger population.

Social and living conditions also underwent significant changes during the Industrial Revolution. The rapid urbanization and population growth in industrialized areas led to overcrowding and the development of slums. Access to basic amenities such as clean water, sanitation, and adequate housing was limited for many urban dwellers. Social inequalities and class divisions became more pronounced, as a small group of industrialists and entrepreneurs amassed wealth while the working class struggled to make ends meet.

Despite its many benefits, the Industrial Revolution also brought about negative consequences. Environmental pollution, as a result of increased industrial activities, became a pressing issue. Deforestation, air and water pollution, and the degradation of natural resources were some of the environmental challenges faced during this period. The social and economic changes also sparked social unrest, with workers organizing labor movements and demanding better working conditions and rights.

In conclusion, the Industrial Revolution was a period of immense change and transformation. It revolutionized industries, economies, and societies, shaping the modern world. The advancements in technology and manufacturing processes laid the foundation for the industrialized societies we see today. However, the Industrial Revolution also had its drawbacks, including social inequality, poor working conditions, and environmental degradation. Understanding the impact and complexities of this historical period is crucial for comprehending the roots of modern industrialized societies.


  1. What is the Industrial Revolution?
    A. A period of major technological advancement in the 20th century
    B. A transformative period in history from agrarian societies to industrialized ones
    C. A revolution in agricultural practices during the 19th century
    D. A movement promoting social equality in the 18th century
  2. Which of the following contributed to the Industrial Revolution?
    A. Development and application of new machinery and technologies
    B. Expansion of international trade and capitalist economies
    C. The rise of the factory system and urbanization
    D. All of the above
  3. How did the Industrial Revolution impact working conditions?
    A. It led to the development of slums and overcrowding in urban areas.
    B. It resulted in improved wages and shorter working hours for laborers.
    C. It provided workers with better access to basic amenities.
    D. It eliminated the need for laborers in the agricultural sector.
  4. What role did new transportation infrastructure play during the Industrial Revolution?
    A. It facilitated the efficient movement of goods and raw materials.
    B. It decreased the demand for manufactured goods.
    C. It limited the growth of industries and sectors.
    D. It caused a decline in international trade.
  5. What were some environmental challenges faced during the Industrial Revolution? Choose multiple answers if necessary.
    A. Deforestation and air pollution
    B. Water pollution and the degradation of natural resources
    C. Increased agricultural activities and soil erosion
    D. Conservation efforts and preservation of wildlife
  6. How did social inequalities manifest during the Industrial Revolution?
    A. The working class enjoyed improved living conditions and higher wages.
    B. Industrialists and entrepreneurs accumulated wealth while the working class struggled.
    C. Class divisions were eliminated, leading to a more egalitarian society.
    D. The upper class faced economic hardships while the working class thrived.
  7. What were some negative consequences of the Industrial Revolution?
    A. Social equality and improved living conditions for all
    B. Decreased international trade and economic stagnation
    C. Environmental pollution and degradation
    D. Elimination of the factory system and return to agrarian societies
  8. What were the key industries affected by the Industrial Revolution?
    A. Textiles, iron, and coal mining
    B. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry
    C. Information technology and telecommunications
    D. Tourism, hospitality, and entertainment
  9. How did the Industrial Revolution impact the availability of goods?
    A. It led to a decrease in the supply of goods, making them less accessible.
    B. It increased the supply of goods, making them more affordable and accessible.
    C. It had no significant impact on the availability of goods.
    D. It led to a shift from mass production to artisanal production.
  10. What is the significance of understanding the Industrial Revolution?
    A. It helps in identifying current technological advancements.
    B. It allows for a deeper understanding of historical labor movements.
    C. It sheds light on the roots of modern industrialized societies.
    D. It provides insights into the development of agricultural practices.


  1. What is the Industrial Revolution?
    Answer: B.
    A transformative period in history from agrarian societies to industrialized ones

Explanation: The passage states that the Industrial Revolution was a period of major industrialization and technological advancement that marked the shift from agrarian societies to industrialized ones. It brought about significant changes in various aspects of society.

  1. Which of the following contributed to the Industrial Revolution?
    Answer: D.
    All of the above

Explanation : The passage mentions that the development and application of new machinery and technologies, expansion of international trade and capitalist economies, and the rise of the factory system and urbanization all contributed to the Industrial Revolution.

  1. How did the Industrial Revolution impact working conditions?
    Answer: A.
    It led to the development of slums and overcrowding in urban areas.

Explanation : The passage states that as factories and mills became the primary sites of production, workers migrated to urban areas, which led to overcrowding and the development of slums. It also mentions that working conditions in factories were often harsh, with long hours, low wages, and dangerous environments.

  1. What role did new transportation infrastructure play during the Industrial Revolution?
    Answer: A.
    It facilitated the efficient movement of goods and raw materials.

Explanation : The passage mentions that new transportation infrastructure, such as canals and railways, improved connectivity and enabled the efficient movement of goods and raw materials.

  1. What were some environmental challenges faced during the Industrial Revolution?
    A. Deforestation and air pollution. and
    B. Water pollution and the degradation of natural resources

Explanation : The passage states that environmental pollution, deforestation, air and water pollution, and the degradation of natural resources were some of the environmental challenges faced during the Industrial Revolution.

  1. How did social inequalities manifest during the Industrial Revolution?
    Answer: B.
    Industrialists and entrepreneurs accumulated wealth while the working class struggled.

Explanation : The passage mentions that social inequalities and class divisions became more pronounced during the Industrial Revolution, with a small group of industrialists and entrepreneurs amassing wealth while the working class struggled to make ends meet.

  1. What were some negative consequences of the Industrial Revolution?
    Answer: C.
    Environmental pollution and degradation

Explanation : The passage states that environmental pollution, as a result of increased industrial activities, became a pressing issue during the Industrial Revolution.

  1. What were the key industries affected by the Industrial Revolution?
    Answer: A.
    Textiles, iron, and coal mining

Explanation : The passage mentions that innovations such as the steam engine, textile machinery, and iron production techniques revolutionized industries like textiles, iron, and coal mining.

  1. How did the Industrial Revolution impact the availability of goods?
    Answer: B.
    It increased the supply of goods, making them more affordable and accessible.

Explanation : The passage states that the development of factories and mass production during the Industrial Revolution led to an increase in the supply of goods, making them more affordable and accessible to a larger population.

  1. What is the significance of understanding the Industrial Revolution?
    Answer: C.
    It sheds light on the roots of modern industrialized societies.

Explanation : The passage concludes that understanding the impact and complexities of the Industrial Revolution is crucial for comprehending the roots of modern industrialized societies.











