
Q. この記事で、一番大事なことって何?
A. 大事なことを、1枚の画像にまとめました。



- 現実的な条件文では、if節には未来を表す現在形の動詞を使うことが一般的です。
例: If you leave now, you’ll be able to catch the 5 o’clock train. - ただし、会話では現在形の代わりにbe going toを使うこともあります。
例: If I’m going to catch the train, I’ll have to leave now. - “If you’re leaving now…”と言ってもよいです。
- 提案や指示、アドバイスをする場合には、命令形を主節で使用することができます。
例: Take another sandwich if you’re hungry.
例: If you have a mobile phone, check that it is turned off.
- if節に現在形の動詞を使って特定の条件を導入することもできます。
- この場合、「if」は「when」と似た意味を持ちます。
例: The video pauses if you click on this button.
例: If age-related changes are taken into account, the conclusion remains the same.
- if節に現在完了形の動詞を使い、主節には将来形(will、現在進行形、be going to)を使って、将来の可能性のある出来事について話すことができます。
- 時には現在完了形や現在形を使うこともあります。
例: I’ll lend you War and Peace if I’ve finished it before you go on holiday.
例: If you haven’t paid the bill by Friday, we’re taking the carpets back.
- 非現実的な条件文では、if節にif … were + to-infinitiveの形を使うことがあります。(if + 動詞の過去形は、想像している未来の状況について話す。(=願望))
例: If the technology were to become available, we would be able to expand the business. - ただし、状態を表す動詞(belong、doubt、enjoy、know、like、remember、understandなど)ではこの形を使いません。
例: If I knew they were honest, I’d gladly lend them the money.
- if it was not for + 名詞句(またはより正式にはif it were not for + 名詞句)を使い、1つの状況が他の状況や人に依存していることを表現します。
- 過去の話の場合、if it had not been for + 名詞句を使うこともできます。
例: If it wasn’t for Nina, the conference wouldn’t be going ahead.
例: If it hadn’t been for Dad, I wouldn’t have gone to college. - 形式的な言語では、Were it not for…やHad it not been for…を使うこともあります。
例: Were it not for Nina…
例: Had it not been for Dad… - 類似の意味を持つ表現としては、but for + 名詞を使うこともあります。特に形式的な文脈で使用されます。
例: The village school would have been closed years ago but for the determination of teachers and parents to keep it open.
- Real conditionals:
- If she goes to bed early tonight, she’ll be well-rested for the exam tomorrow. (present tense)
- If we’re going to catch the bus, we should leave now. (be going to)
- Conditional conditions:
- The lights turn off automatically if you leave the room. (if has a similar meaning to when)
- If safety precautions are followed, accidents can be prevented.
- Possible future events:
- I’ll lend you the book if I’ve already finished reading it before you leave. (present perfect)
- If you haven’t submitted your application by Friday, you won’t be considered for the scholarship. (present perfect or present simple)
- Unreal conditionals:
- If I were to win the lottery, I would travel the world. (imaginary future situation)
- Would it be possible for you to help me if I were to ask for your assistance? (making a polite suggestion)
- If it was not for / if it hadn’t been for:
- If it wasn’t for my sister’s support, I wouldn’t have overcome the challenges. (dependent situation)
- If it hadn’t been for my professor’s guidance, I wouldn’t have excelled in my research. (past situation)
Formal language:
- Were it not for his expertise, the project would have failed.
- Had it not been for their generosity, we wouldn’t have been able to fund the event.
But for:
- But for their dedication, the project would have been abandoned.

Q. この文法はどうやって使うのでしょうか?
A. 今回の文法を活用した会話文を見てみましょう。

Hey, do you think we’ll make it in time for the movie if we leave now?

If we leave now, we should be able to catch the 7 o’clock show.

Alright, let’s go then. I don’t want to miss the beginning.

Wait, I need to grab my jacket first. If I’m going to sit in an air-conditioned theater, I’ll get cold.

Hurry up, we don’t have much time!

I’m coming, just give me a second.

If you have your mobile phone, check if the movie theater is showing any other films we might be interested in.

Good idea. If they have any interesting options, we can plan for another movie night soon.

Definitely. Let’s keep our options open.

Alright, I’m ready. If we’re going to enjoy this movie, we better get going now.

Agreed. Let’s hit the road!

Q. この記事の要点は?
If 1: Real conditionals
- Present tense verbs are used in the if-clause to talk about future possibilities.
- In conversation, “be going to” can be used instead of a present tense verb.
- Imperatives can be used in the main clause for offers, instructions, or advice.
If 2: Conditions for truth
- Present tense verbs in if-clauses can introduce conditions similar to “when.”
If 3: Possible future events
- Present perfect verbs in the if-clause can be followed by future forms in the main clause.
- Present simple can also be used in the if-clause to express future possibilities.
If 4: Unreal conditionals
- “If … were + to-infinitive” is used to discuss imaginary future situations, especially when it is unlikely to happen.
- This pattern is sometimes used for polite suggestions.
If 5: Dependency and past situations
- “If it was not for + noun phrase” is used to express dependency on another situation or person.
- “If it had not been for + noun phrase” is used to talk about past situations.
- “Were it not for…” and “Had it not been for…” can be used in formal language.
- “But for + noun” can also be used with a similar meaning in formal contexts.


