TOEFL ibt 対策!無料のリーディング対策問題129(解説付き)

TOEFL ibt リーディング問題集

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Title: A Priori Knowledge: Exploring Innate Understanding

Introduction to A Priori Knowledge:

A priori knowledge refers to knowledge that is independent of experience, acquired through reason, logic, or innate understanding. This concept stands in contrast to a posteriori knowledge, which is derived from experience and empirical evidence. The exploration of a priori knowledge has been a central theme in philosophy and has implications for various fields, including epistemology and metaphysics.

Rationalism and A Priori Knowledge:

Rationalism, as a philosophical stance, emphasizes the role of reason in acquiring knowledge. Thinkers like René Descartes and Immanuel Kant were prominent rationalists who delved into the nature of a priori knowledge. Descartes, in his famous statement “Cogito, ergo sum” (I think, therefore I am), highlighted the certainty of self-awareness as an a priori truth. Kant, on the other hand, explored the inherent structures of the mind that contribute to a priori knowledge.

Mathematics as A Priori Knowledge:

One of the primary domains of a priori knowledge is mathematics. Mathematical truths are often considered independent of sensory experience and are derived through logical reasoning. The proposition that 2 + 2 equals 4 is an example of a mathematical truth that is universally accepted without the need for empirical verification. Mathematicians like Euclid and Pythagoras made foundational contributions to a priori knowledge in this field.

Analytic Propositions and A Priori Knowledge:

The distinction between analytic and synthetic propositions is relevant to the understanding of a priori knowledge. Analytic propositions are true by definition, and their truth can be known independently of experience. For example, in the statement “All bachelors are unmarried,” the predicate (unmarried) is contained within the subject (bachelors). This analytic proposition is a classic example of a priori knowledge.

Kant’s Transcendental Aesthetic:

Immanuel Kant introduced the concept of the transcendental aesthetic, exploring how a priori intuitions shape our experience of space and time. Kant argued that space and time are not derived from empirical observations but are inherent forms of intuition that structure our perception. This perspective expanded the discussion on a priori knowledge to include fundamental aspects of human experience.

A Priori Ethics:

The exploration of a priori knowledge extends into ethics, where philosophers investigate whether moral truths can be known independently of experience. Moral rationalists, such as Immanuel Kant, argue that ethical principles are a priori truths derived through reason. Kant’s categorical imperative, a moral law that is universally applicable, exemplifies this perspective on a priori ethics.

Challenges and Criticisms:

While the concept of a priori knowledge has been influential, it is not without challenges and criticisms. Empiricists, who emphasize the primacy of experience in acquiring knowledge, argue against the existence of innate ideas or principles. The nature and scope of a priori knowledge continue to be debated, with ongoing discussions about its applicability across different domains.

Evolution of Thought: A Priori in the 20th Century:

In the 20th century, philosophical discussions on a priori knowledge took new directions. Logical positivists, influenced by thinkers like Ludwig Wittgenstein, questioned the meaningfulness of metaphysical statements and sought to ground knowledge in empirical verifiability. This movement challenged traditional views on a priori knowledge, calling for a rigorous examination of language and meaning.

Contemporary Perspectives and Cognitive Science:

In contemporary philosophy, discussions on a priori knowledge intersect with insights from cognitive science. Researchers explore the cognitive mechanisms that underlie innate concepts and intuitions. The study of cognitive biases and universal cognitive structures contributes to understanding the scope and limitations of a priori knowledge in the context of human cognition.


A priori knowledge remains a significant and evolving topic in philosophy, encompassing diverse areas such as mathematics, ethics, and metaphysics. While it has faced challenges and transformations over the centuries, the exploration of knowledge independent of experience continues to shape philosophical inquiries and our understanding of the foundations of human cognition.



  1. What is a priori knowledge?
    a. Knowledge derived from experience
    b. Knowledge independent of experience
    c. Knowledge based on intuition
    d. Knowledge obtained through observation
  2. Who among the following is associated with the philosophical stance of rationalism and contributed to the exploration of a priori knowledge?
    a. John Locke
    b. Immanuel Kant
    c. Ludwig Wittgenstein
    d. René Descartes
  3. Which field is often considered one of the primary domains of a priori knowledge?
    a. Psychology
    b. Mathematics
    c. Biology
    d. Sociology
  4. What distinguishes analytic propositions in the context of a priori knowledge?
    a. They are true by definition.
    b. They rely on empirical evidence.
    c. They are based on sensory experience.
    d. They are uncertain and subject to change.
  5. Who introduced the concept of the transcendental aesthetic, exploring a priori intuitions and their role in shaping human experience?
    a. John Locke
    b. Immanuel Kant
    c. Ludwig Wittgenstein
    d. Bertrand Russell
  6. In ethics, what do moral rationalists, such as Immanuel Kant, argue about the nature of ethical principles?
    a. Ethical principles are based on empirical observations.
    b. Ethical principles are culturally relative.
    c. Ethical principles are a posteriori truths.
    d. Ethical principles are a priori truths derived through reason.
  7. What is a common criticism of the concept of a priori knowledge?
    a. It lacks universality.
    b. It is based on sensory experience.
    c. It cannot be known independently of experience.
    d. It is only applicable to mathematics.
  8. In the 20th century, which philosophical movement questioned the meaningfulness of metaphysical statements and challenged traditional views on a priori knowledge?
    a. Empiricism
    b. Existentialism
    c. Logical positivism
    d. Phenomenology
  9. How did logical positivists approach the concept of a priori knowledge?
    a. They emphasized metaphysical speculation.
    b. They sought to ground knowledge in empirical verifiability.
    c. They rejected the importance of language.
    d. They focused on subjective experiences.
  10. In contemporary philosophy, how do discussions on a priori knowledge intersect with other fields?
    a. They primarily focus on historical perspectives.
    b. They are isolated from cognitive science.
    c. They explore cognitive mechanisms and universal cognitive structures.
    d. They ignore advancements in other disciplines.


Answers and Explanations:

  1. b. Knowledge independent of experience
    Explanation: A priori knowledge is knowledge that is independent of experience and is acquired through reason, logic, or innate understanding.
  2. d. René Descartes
    Explanation: Descartes is associated with rationalism and made significant contributions to the exploration of a priori knowledge.
  3. b. Mathematics
    Explanation: Mathematics is often considered one of the primary domains of a priori knowledge, as mathematical truths are derived through logical reasoning and are independent of sensory experience.
  4. a. They are true by definition.
    Explanation: Analytic propositions are true by definition, and their truth can be known independently of experience. They are a key aspect of a priori knowledge.
  5. b. Immanuel Kant
    Explanation: Immanuel Kant introduced the concept of the transcendental aesthetic, exploring a priori intuitions and their role in shaping human experience.
  6. d. Ethical principles are a priori truths derived through reason.
    Explanation: Moral rationalists, such as Immanuel Kant, argue that ethical principles are a priori truths derived through reason, independent of empirical observations.
  7. c. It cannot be known independently of experience.
    Explanation: Critics argue that a priori knowledge faces challenges, and some claim that it cannot be known independently of experience.
  8. c. Logical positivism
    Explanation: Logical positivists in the 20th century questioned the meaningfulness of metaphysical statements and challenged traditional views on a priori knowledge.
  9. b. They sought to ground knowledge in empirical verifiability.
    Explanation: Logical positivists sought to ground knowledge in empirical verifiability, challenging the traditional emphasis on a priori knowledge.
  10. c. They explore cognitive mechanisms and universal cognitive structures.
    Explanation: In contemporary philosophy, discussions on a priori knowledge intersect with insights from cognitive science, exploring the cognitive mechanisms that underlie innate concepts and intuitions.


Title: 先験的知識:先天的理解の探求




合理主義は、知識の獲得において理性の役割を強調する哲学的立場です。レネ・デカルトやイマヌエル・カントなどの思想家は、先験的知識の性質に深く踏み込んだ著名な合理主義者でした。デカルトは「Cogito, ergo sum」(我思う、ゆえに我あり)という有名な言葉で、自己意識の確実性を先験的な真理として強調しました。一方で、カントは心の固有の構造が先験的知識に寄与していると探求しました。


先験的知識の主要な領域の一つは数学です。数学の真理はしばしば感覚的な経験とは独立しており、論理的な推論を通じて導かれます。2 + 2が4となるという命題は、経験的な検証を必要とせずに普遍的に受け入れられる数学的な真理の例です。ユークリッドやピタゴラスのような数学者は、この分野で先験的知識への基本的な貢献をしました。

















