TOEFL ibt 対策!無料のリーディング対策問題79(解説付き)

TOEFL ibt リーディング問題集

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Title: The Greenhouse Effect and Climate Change

The greenhouse effect is a critical concept in understanding climate change and its potential impacts on our planet. It refers to the process by which certain gases in the Earth’s atmosphere trap heat from the sun, preventing it from escaping back into space. This natural phenomenon has been instrumental in maintaining the Earth’s temperature at a level conducive to supporting life as we know it. However, human activities have significantly enhanced the greenhouse effect, leading to global warming and climate change.

Understanding the Greenhouse Effect

At its core, the greenhouse effect is a natural and essential process. Solar radiation from the sun reaches the Earth’s surface, warming it. In turn, the Earth emits heat energy in the form of infrared radiation back into the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and water vapor (H2O), absorb some of this outgoing infrared radiation, preventing it from escaping directly into space. Instead, they re-radiate some of the heat back towards the Earth’s surface, effectively trapping it and warming the planet.

Human-Induced Greenhouse Effect

While the greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon, human activities have significantly increased the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes have released vast amounts of CO2 and CH4 into the air. These additional greenhouse gases enhance the natural greenhouse effect, leading to an increase in global temperatures—a phenomenon commonly referred to as global warming.

Consequences of Global Warming

The consequences of global warming and an intensified greenhouse effect are far-reaching. They include rising average temperatures, melting polar ice caps, more frequent and severe heatwaves, and changes in precipitation patterns. Rising sea levels are threatening coastal communities, and shifts in ecosystems are affecting wildlife and plant species. These changes are not only environmental but also have profound economic and social implications.

Addressing the Greenhouse Effect

Addressing the greenhouse effect and mitigating climate change require global cooperation and action. Efforts are being made to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the development of cleaner energy sources, energy efficiency improvements, and changes in land use practices. International agreements such as the Paris Agreement aim to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, recognizing the urgency of addressing this critical issue.

The Role of Individuals

Individuals also play a crucial role in addressing the greenhouse effect. Simple actions like reducing energy consumption, using public transportation, and supporting sustainable agriculture can contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Education and awareness are key to fostering a sense of responsibility and encouraging collective action to combat climate change.


  1. What is the greenhouse effect?
    A) The process by which heat from the sun is released into space.
    B) The phenomenon where greenhouse gases absorb heat and prevent it from escaping into space.
    C) The cooling effect of the Earth’s atmosphere.
    D) The process by which the Earth absorbs heat from the sun.
  2. Which gases are mentioned as greenhouse gases in the passage?
    A) Oxygen and nitrogen.
    B) Carbon dioxide and methane.
    C) Water vapor and oxygen.
    D) Hydrogen and helium.
  3. What is the primary cause of the enhanced greenhouse effect leading to global warming?
    A) Increased volcanic activity.
    B) Natural variations in the Earth’s climate.
    C) Human activities such as burning fossil fuels.
    D) Changes in solar radiation.
  4. What are some consequences of global warming mentioned in the passage?
    A) Decreased sea levels and more severe hurricanes.
    B) Rising sea levels, heatwaves, and shifts in ecosystems.
    C) Increased snowfall and lower average temperatures.
    D) Expansion of polar ice caps and reduced rainfall.
  5. How do greenhouse gases affect the Earth’s temperature?
    A) They cool the Earth’s surface by absorbing heat.
    B) They reflect solar radiation back into space.
    C) They trap heat and warm the Earth’s surface.
    D) They have no impact on temperature.
  6. What international agreement is mentioned in the passage as an effort to address the greenhouse effect?
    A) The Kyoto Protocol.
    B) The Berlin Accords.
    C) The Paris Agreement.
    D) The Copenhagen Agreement.
  7. Why is addressing the greenhouse effect and climate change considered urgent?
    A) To create new economic opportunities.
    B) To lower the cost of energy production.
    C) To prevent irreversible environmental damage.
    D) To promote scientific research.
  8. What can individuals do to contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, according to the passage?
    A) Increase energy consumption.
    B) Use public transportation.
    C) Support deforestation.
    D) Promote industrial processes.
  9. Which term describes the process by which greenhouse gases re-radiate heat back towards the Earth’s surface?
    A) The greenhouse effect.
    B) The ozone layer.
    C) Albedo.
    D) The heat sink.
  10. What is the primary focus of the passage?
    A) The history of climate change.
    B) The effects of volcanic eruptions on the Earth’s climate.
    C) The greenhouse effect and its consequences.
    D) The role of governments in addressing climate change.


  1. What is the greenhouse effect?
    A) 太陽からの熱が宇宙に放出される過程です。
    B) 温室効果ガスが熱を吸収し、宇宙に逃がさない現象です。
    C) 地球大気の冷却効果です。
    D) 地球が太陽から熱を吸収する過程です。
    Answer (回答): B
    Explanation (説明): 温室効果とは、地球の大気中の特定のガスが太陽からの熱を吸収し、それを宇宙に逃がさない過程を指します。
  2. Which gases are mentioned as greenhouse gases in the passage?
    A) 酸素と窒素。
    B) 二酸化炭素とメタン。
    C) 水蒸気と酸素。
    D) 水素とヘリウム。
    Answer (回答): B
    Explanation (説明): パッセージでは、二酸化炭素(CO2)、メタン(CH4)、水蒸気(H2O)が温室効果ガスとして言及されています。
  3. What is the primary cause of the enhanced greenhouse effect leading to global warming?
    A) 増加した火山活動。
    B) 地球の気候の自然変動。
    C) 化石燃料の燃焼などの人間の活動。
    D) 太陽放射の変化。
    Answer (回答): C
    Explanation (説明): 地球温暖化の原因は、パッセージで言及されているように、化石燃料の燃焼、森林伐採、産業プロセスなどの人間の活動に起因しています。
  4. What are some consequences of global warming mentioned in the passage?
    A) 海面が下がり、より激しいハリケーン。
    B) 海面上昇、熱波、生態系の変化。
    C) 降雪の増加と平均気温の低下。
    D) 極地の氷帽の拡大と降水量の減少。
    Answer (回答): B
    Explanation (説明): パッセージで述べられている地球温暖化の影響には、海面上昇、熱波、生態系の変化が含まれています。
  5. How do greenhouse gases affect the Earth’s temperature?
    A) それらは熱を吸収して地球表面を冷やします。
    B) それらは太陽放射を宇宙に反射します。
    C) それらは熱を捕らえ、地球表面を温めます。
    D) それらは気温に影響を与えません。
    Answer (回答): C
    Explanation (説明): 温室効果ガスは、地球の気温を上昇させるため、選択肢 C が正解です。
  6. What international agreement is mentioned in the passage as an effort to address the greenhouse effect?
    A) 京都議定書。
    B) ベルリン協定。
    C) パリ協定。
    D) コペンハーゲン協定。
    Answer (回答): C
    Explanation (説明): パッセージでは、温室効果への対処として国際協定であるパリ協定が言及されています。
  7. Why is addressing the greenhouse effect and climate change considered urgent?
    A) 新たな経済機会を創出するため。
    B) エネルギー生産のコストを下げるため。
    C) 不可逆的な環境への損害を防ぐため。
    D) 科学研究を促進するため。
    Answer (回答): C
    Explanation (説明): 温室効果と気候変動への対処は緊急である理由は、不可逆的な環境への損害を防ぐ必要があるからです。
  8. What can individuals do to contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, according to the passage?
    A) エネルギー消費を増やす。
    B) 公共交通機関を利用する。
    C) 森林伐採を支持する。
    D) 産業プロセスを促進する。
    Answer (回答): B
    Explanation (説明): パッセージでは、個人がエネルギー消費を減らし、公共交通機関を利用し、持続可能な農業を支持するなど、温室効果ガス排出削減に貢献できる方法が述べられています。
  9. Which term describes the process by which greenhouse gases re-radiate heat back towards the Earth’s surface?
    A) 温室効果。
    B) オゾン層。
    C) アルベド。
    D) 熱シンク。
    Answer (回答): A
    Explanation (説明):温室効果ガスが地球の表面に熱を再放射するプロセスは、選択肢 A の「温室効果」です。
  1. What is the primary focus of the passage?
    A) 気候変動の歴史。
    B) 地球の気候への火山噴火の影響。
    C) 温室効果とその結果。
    D) 政府の役割と気候変動への対処。
    Answer (回答): C
    Explanation (説明): パッセージの主要な焦点は、温室効果とその結果に関してです。


タイトル: 温室効果と気候変動














