TOEFL ibt 対策!無料のリーディング対策問題113(解説付き)

TOEFL ibt リーディング問題集

TOEFL ibt リーディングテストのスコアを改善するには…



Title: Galileo Galilei: Pioneer of Modern Science

Galileo Galilei, an Italian polymath, is often hailed as the father of modern observational astronomy, physics, and the scientific method. Born in Pisa on February 15, 1564, Galileo’s contributions to science and his advocacy for heliocentrism played a crucial role in shaping the scientific revolution of the 17th century.

Early Life and Education:

Galileo’s early education took place at the Camaldolese monastery in Vallombrosa and later at the University of Pisa, where he studied medicine. However, his true passion lay in mathematics and natural philosophy. Galileo’s early experiments and observations laid the groundwork for his future contributions to science.

Inventions and Discoveries:

Galileo’s brilliance manifested in various inventions and discoveries. One of his most notable inventions was the telescope, which he used to make groundbreaking astronomical observations. In 1609, he observed the moon’s surface, discovered Jupiter’s four largest moons, and observed the phases of Venus. These observations provided evidence for the heliocentric model proposed by Copernicus.

Conflict with the Catholic Church:

Galileo’s support for heliocentrism, the idea that the Earth revolves around the sun, brought him into conflict with the Catholic Church. In 1616, the Church issued a decree prohibiting the teaching of heliocentrism as it contradicted the geocentric model that the Church supported. Galileo’s work, “Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems,” published in 1632, led to charges of heresy, and he was summoned by the Roman Catholic Inquisition.

Trial and Recantation:

In 1633, Galileo faced trial for heresy and was found guilty. To avoid harsher punishment, he recanted his support for heliocentrism and spent the rest of his life under house arrest. It was only in the early 19th century that the Catholic Church acknowledged the errors in its judgment and lifted the ban on Galileo’s works.

Legacy and Impact:

Despite the challenges he faced, Galileo’s contributions revolutionized science. His emphasis on empirical observation and mathematical reasoning laid the foundation for the scientific method. Galileo’s work influenced scientists such as Isaac Newton and Johannes Kepler, paving the way for further advancements in physics and astronomy.



1. When and where was Galileo Galilei born?
A) 1564, Florence
B) 1609, Pisa
C) 1564, Pisa
D) 1633, Vallombrosa

2. Where did Galileo Galilei study medicine during his early education?
A) University of Florence
B) Camaldolese monastery
C) University of Pisa
D) Vatican School of Medicine

3. What did Galileo Galilei discover with his telescope in 1609?
A) Phases of Venus
B) Rings of Saturn
C) Moons of Jupiter
D) Surface of Mars

4. What conflict did Galileo face due to his support for heliocentrism?
A) Conflict with fellow scientists
B) Conflict with political authorities
C) Conflict with the Catholic Church
D) Conflict with academic institutions

5. In which work did Galileo Galilei present his arguments for heliocentrism, leading to charges of heresy?
A) “On the Revolutions”
B) “Principia Mathematica”
C) “Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems”
D) “On the Heavens”

6. What was the outcome of Galileo Galilei’s trial for heresy in 1633?
A) Acquittal
B) Imprisonment
C) Execution
D) House arrest

7. What did Galileo recant during his trial to avoid harsher punishment?
A) His inventions
B) Heliocentrism
C) Mathematical reasoning
D) Empirical observation

8. When did the Catholic Church lift the ban on Galileo Galilei’s works?
A) 17th century
B) 18th century
C) 19th century
D) 20th century

9. How did Galileo Galilei’s work influence the scientific method?
A) He rejected empirical observation
B) He emphasized mathematical reasoning
C) He discouraged experimentation
D) He opposed collaboration with other scientists

10. Who were influenced by Galileo Galilei’s work in physics and astronomy?
A) Leonardo da Vinci
B) Isaac Newton and Johannes Kepler
C) Aristotle and Ptolemy
D) Marie Curie and Albert Einstein



  1. 答え: C) 1564, ピサ
    説明: ガリレオ・ガリレイは1564年2月15日にイタリアのピサで生まれました。
  2. 答え: C) ピサ大学
    説明: ガリレオ・ガリレイは初期の教育をヴァロンブローザのカマルドレーゼ修道院で受け、後にピサ大学で医学を学びました。
  3. 答え: C) 木星の4つの大きな衛星
    説明: ガリレオ・ガリレイは1609年に彼の望遠鏡で木星の4つの大きな衛星を発見しました。
  4. 答え: C) カトリック教会との対立
    説明: ガリレオの地動説の支持により、彼はカトリック教会との対立に直面しました。
  5. 答え: C) “Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems”
    説明: ガリレオは1632年に出版されたこの著作で地動説に対する彼の主張を発表し、異端審問の原因となりました。
  6. 答え: D) 自宅軟禁
    説明: ガリレオは1633年の異端審問で有罪判決を受け、より厳しい刑罰を避けるために自宅軟禁にされました。
  7. 答え: B) 地動説 説明: ガリレオは異端審問中、より厳しい刑罰を回避するために地動説への支持を取り消しました。
  8. 答え: C) 19世紀
    説明: カトリック教会はガリレオ・ガリレイの著作に対する禁止を19世紀初頭に解除しました。
  9. 答え: B) 数学的推論を強調した
    説明: ガリレオ・ガリレイの仕事は経験的観察と数学的推論を重視し、科学的手法の基盤を築きました。
  10. 答え: B) アイザック・ニュートンとヨハネス・ケプラー
    説明: ガリレオの仕事はアイザック・ニュートンやヨハネス・ケプラーなどの科学者に影響を与え、物理学と天文学のさらなる発展に道を開きました。


タイトル: ガリレオ・ガリレイ: 近代科学の先駆者














