TOEFL ibt 対策!無料のリーディング対策問 103(解説付き)

TOEFL ibt リーディング問題集

TOEFL ibt リーディングテストのスコアを改善するには…



Genghis Khan: The Legendary Conqueror of the Mongol Empire

Genghis Khan, born as Temujin in 1162, was the founder and first Great Khan of the Mongol Empire, which became the largest contiguous empire in history after his death. His early life was marked by hardship and tragedy. His father, a chief of a minor Mongol tribe, was poisoned when Temujin was only nine years old. Subsequently, his family was abandoned by their clan and left to survive in the harsh Mongolian steppes. These early challenges forged the resilience and determination that would define Genghis Khan’s character.

The Rise to Power:

In his youth, Temujin demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities, uniting several Mongol tribes under his rule. He consolidated his power through strategic alliances and military campaigns, often resorting to unconventional tactics that caught his enemies off guard. One of his key strategies was the incorporation of defeated enemy soldiers into his own ranks, fostering a diverse and skilled army.

The Mongol Empire:

By 1206, Temujin had successfully unified the Mongol tribes and was given the title Genghis Khan, meaning “universal ruler.” Under his leadership, the Mongol Empire rapidly expanded, encompassing territories from Eastern Europe to the Middle East and Asia. Genghis Khan’s military campaigns were marked by their speed, precision, and ruthless efficiency. His armies were known for their disciplined tactics, including feigned retreats and psychological warfare, which struck fear into the hearts of their adversaries.

Administrative Reforms:

Genghis Khan’s rule was not solely defined by conquest; he implemented a series of administrative reforms that laid the foundation for the stability and longevity of the Mongol Empire. He established a legal code, promoted trade and communication across his vast empire, and ensured religious freedom for his subjects. Additionally, he encouraged cultural exchange, allowing the sharing of knowledge and ideas among different regions and peoples.

Legacy and Impact:

Genghis Khan’s legacy extends far beyond his military conquests. His empire served as a bridge between the East and West, facilitating the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures. The famous Silk Road, the ancient trade route connecting China to the Mediterranean, thrived under Mongol rule, promoting economic growth and cultural exchange.

Furthermore, Genghis Khan’s military strategies influenced future generations of military leaders. His innovative tactics, adaptability, and ability to inspire loyalty in his soldiers became legendary. Even centuries later, military academies and strategists around the world studied his campaigns as examples of effective warfare.

The Death of a Legend:

Genghis Khan died in 1227, but his empire continued to expand under the leadership of his successors. His descendants, known as the Great Khans, ruled vast territories and continued the legacy of the Mongol Empire. Genghis Khan’s death did not mark the end of his impact; instead, his influence reverberated through the centuries, shaping the course of history in profound ways.



1. What was Genghis Khan’s birth name?

A) Khan
B) Temujin
C) Genghis
D) Kublai

2. What title was given to Temujin in 1206, signifying his leadership over the Mongol tribes?

A) Universal Ruler
B) Great Chief
C) Supreme Khan
D) Master Conqueror

3. How did Genghis Khan consolidate his power among the Mongol tribes in his youth?

A) By accumulating wealth
B) Through strategic alliances and military campaigns
C) By practicing diplomacy
D) Through religious leadership

4. What was one of Genghis Khan’s key military strategies?

A) Avoiding battles whenever possible
B) Using only Mongol soldiers in his armies
C) Incorporating defeated enemy soldiers into his own ranks
D) Reliance on siege warfare

5. In addition to military conquest, what administrative reforms did Genghis Khan implement in his empire?

A) Implementation of a legal code and promotion of trade
B) Strict censorship of information
C) Forced conversion to a specific religion
D) Complete isolation from other civilizations

6. What famous trade route thrived under Mongol rule, connecting China to the Mediterranean?

A) Spice Route
B) Silk Road
C) Incense Trail
D) Tea Pathway

7. When did Genghis Khan pass away?

A) 1206
B) 1227
C) 1245
D) 1260

8. Who continued Genghis Khan’s legacy after his death?

A) The Great Warriors
B) The Mongol Lords
C) The Great Khans
D) The Empire Guardians

9. What is one enduring impact of Genghis Khan’s military strategies mentioned in the passage?

A) They became obsolete and were never studied again.
B) They influenced future military leaders and strategists.
C) They were rejected by all subsequent armies.
D) They only impacted Mongol armies.

10. What geographical regions did the Mongol Empire encompass under Genghis Khan’s leadership?

A) Western Europe to Africa
B) Eastern Europe to the Middle East and Asia
C) Asia only
D) Australia and South America


Answers and Explanations (in Japanese):

  1. B) Temujin
  2. A) Universal Ruler
    1206年、テムジンに「普遍の支配者」を意味するジンギス・カン(Universal Ruler)の称号が与えられました。パッセージ内で明示されています。
  3. B) Through strategic alliances and military campaigns
  4. C) Incorporating defeated enemy soldiers into his own ranks
  5. A) Implementation of a legal code and promotion of trade
  6. B) Silk Road
    モンゴルの支配下で栄えた有名な貿易路はシルクロード(Silk Road)です。パッセージ内で明示されています。
  7. B) 1227
  8. C) The Great Khans
    ジンギス・カンの死後、彼の後継者である「グレート・ハーン(Great Khans)」が彼の遺産を引き継ぎました。パッセージ内で明示されています。
  9. B) They influenced future military leaders and strategists.
  10. B) Eastern Europe to the Middle East and Asia

















