
Q. この記事で、一番大事なことって何?
A. 大事なことを、1枚の画像にまとめました。



- 非現実的な条件文では、if節の主語にはwereを使用することができます。これには一人称や三人称の単数の主語(例:I/she/he/it)も含まれます。このwereの使用は、時折過去の仮定法と呼ばれ、一般的には形式的な文脈で好まれます。動詞の過去形が表していることは想像上の現在または未来です。
- 例: If your mother were here, I’m sure she wouldn’t let you eat all those chocolates.
- 例: My job would not exist if it were not for government funding.
- この意味ではwereの代わりにwasを使用することもできます(「If your mother was here…」など)。ただし、「If I were you…」のようなアドバイスをする場合には、wereをwasの代わりに使用することが好まれます。
- 以下のようにwereは他のパターンでも使用されます。
- (i) were + 主語 + to不定詞やwere + 主語 が、if + 主語 + was / were のより形式的な代替として使用される場合:
例: Were the election to be held today, the Liberals would win easily. (or If the election was/ were held today…)
例: Were I not in my seventies and rather unfit, I might consider taking up squash. (or If I wasn’t / weren’t in my seventies and rather unfit…) - (ii) wishの後に:
例: I enjoy my job enormously, but I wish it were closer to home. (or … I wish it was…)
例: Of course I’m pleased that Jan has been given the award. I only wish he weren’t so boastful about it (or… I only wish he wasn’t…) - (iii) if onlyの後に:
例: ‘If your job is so bad, why don’t you leave?’ ‘If only it were that simple.’ (or If only it was…)
例: I’d really like to do accounting. If only I weren’t so poor at maths. (or If only I wasn’t…) - (iv) 自分の好みについて表現する would (‘d) ratherとwould (‘d) soonerの後に:
例: I feel embarrassed about what happened and would rather the event were forgotten. (or … was forgotten.)
例: ‘I’ve arranged a meeting for the end of July.” “I’d sooner it were earlier, if possible. (or … it was earlier.) - (v) suppose、supposing、imagineで始まる文や節の後に:
例: Suppose I were to lower the price by £100. Would you consider buying the car then? (or Suppose I was to lower …)
例: I know it looks rather dirty now, but imagine the house were (to be) repainted. It would look a lot more attractive. (or imagine the house was (to be) repainted.) - (vi) as ifやas thoughの後に、およびeven ifの後に:
例: I remember stepping off the boat in New York as if it were yesterday.
例: Despite losing the election, she continues to act as though she were prime minister.
例: It’s too late to start the work this year even if it were possible to find the money for it.
- Unreal Conditional Sentences:
- If I were you, I would quit my job and travel the world.
- Imagine if he were to win the lottery and become a millionaire overnight.
- Other Patterns with “Were”:
- Were the weather to improve, we could go for a picnic.
- I wish it were sunny today so that we could go to the beach.
- If only I weren’t so afraid of heights, I would go skydiving.
- Preferences:
- I’d rather it were Friday already. I’m exhausted from work.
- I’d sooner she were my partner for the dance competition. She’s an amazing dancer.
- Suppose, Supposing, Imagine:
- Suppose I were to become the president. What changes would I make?
- Imagine if I were taller. I could reach the top shelf without any trouble.
- Comparisons:
- She acts as if she were the CEO of the company, even though she’s just an intern.
- It feels as though it were summer already, with the warm breeze and blooming flowers.
- Even if it were the last piece of cake, I would still share it with you.
Please note that the examples provided here are fictional and created for illustrative purposes.

Q. この文法はどうやって使うのでしょうか?
A. 今回の文法を活用した会話文を見てみましょう。

If I were you, I wouldn’t eat that entire cake. It’s too much.

Oh, come on! I can handle it.

Seriously, if I were you, I’d save some for later. You’ll regret it.

Well, if it were your birthday, you wouldn’t stop at just one slice either!

Q. この記事の要点は?
A. 「were」を活用する表現を確認しました。
- Unreal conditional sentences:
- “Were” can be used after any subject in the if-clause, including singular first and third person subjects.
- This use of “were” is called the past subjunctive and is preferred in formal contexts.
- “Was” can also be used with the same meaning, but “were” is preferred when giving advice with “If I were you…”
- Other patterns using “were” in imaginary situations:
- “Were” + subject + to-infinitive or “were” + subject is used as a more formal alternative to “if” + subject + was/were.
- “Were” is used after “wish” to express a desire for a different situation.
- “Were” is used after “if only” to express regret about a situation.
- “Were” is used after “would (/’d) rather” and “would (/’d) sooner” to express preferences.
- “Were” is used after “suppose,” “supposing,” and “imagine” to talk about hypothetical scenarios.
- “Were” is used after “as if” and “as though” in comparisons.
- “Were” is used after “even if” to indicate a hypothetical condition.
Note: In some cases, “was” can be used instead of “were,” but “were” is generally preferred in formal contexts and specific expressions.


